






and to e forgiving and considerate of others 6。在给外祖母的信中我提醒她她用了种种方式教我如何告诉我真相分享和被宽恕和体谅别人7A few years after George settled down in the small town he ecame sick of the same old routine everyday7。几年之后在这个小镇住了他开始厌

1I am not in EB white’s class as a writer or in my nerghor’s lagne as a farmer ut I’m getting y2A gentle reeze swept the candian plains as I stepped outside the small twostory house 3Peering out his door into the night he recognizd the face of a trusted nerghor 4While lacd conductors were often motiuated y their owe painful experiences whiles were commonly driven y religious convictions 5Many suuran families have sliding glass doors on their patios with steel ars eleganthy uilt in so no one can pry the door open6In the letter to my grandmother I reminded her of a dozen ways she used to teach me how to tell me the truth to share and to e forgiving and considerate of others 7A few years after George settled down in the small town he ecame sick of the same old routine everyday可能有单词不准确


上网查了一下原句应为the millions of calculations involved had they een done y hand would have lost all practical value y the time they were finished 假如用手工解决成千上万的相关的计算即使完成了也毫无实际价值。这是一个虚拟语气的句子可改为If the millions of calculations inv


顾名思义COSPLAY是英文Costume Play的简略写法其动词为COS而玩COSPLAY的人则一般被称为COSPLAYER。从一般意义上来说的CO 们实际上都是在扮演着别人的角色。前者引变为后世的先知、先见成功的COSPLAY了神之使徒的存在而后者则如同是现今舞台话剧的鼻祖出




帮我翻译一下 谢谢The American Ideal of Great Leader Of all figures from America’s past Araham Lincoln is dearest to the hearts of the American people In fact the admiration they have for him orders on worship Writers note that the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D C is not unlike the temple that ancient Greeks uilt in honor of their gods and that annual ceremonies of celerating Lincoln’s irthday in schools and pulic places have sometimes had characteristics of religious services Certainly Lincoln is America’s ideal of a great leader He had many of the qualities of leadership that Americans admireFirst of all Lincoln’s career fits a popular American elief that every child can dream of ecoming President Americans admire the selfmade person—the one who with neither money nor family influence fights his or her way to the top Lincoln was orn of poor parents His mother died when he was young He had little opportunity for schooling His early study was done alone at night y the light of a fireplace He did hard manual laor through the day—splitting rails for fences taking care of livestock working on a riveroat or in a store But as he grew older he studied law in his spare time and ecome a lawyer He was a good speaker and student of political philosophy His aility finally made a name for him and eventually he ecame President of the United StatesLincoln is also admired ecause of his leadership during the difficult period of the Civil War He dared to do what he thought was right at a time when his eliefs were unpopular with many people He in a sense represents the spirit of union among the states Lincoln worked hard to preserve the union and the northern states were victorious


首先我想要确定的是你们应该知道我多年来跟DAVID和LEMON 的商业习惯。 我们经常要求两份发票一份是正本上面有实际的金额我们要付给你的也是我们合作的基础 第二个就是修改过的我们要在埃及处理的 你们可以看看现在合同附件8关于正本发票和修改发票的规定 我们先

FIRSTI’d like to e sure that you are aware of the usiness system we used to follow with David and Lemon for years which is We usually have two invoices PI 1st PI original with the real amount that we pay to you and so it is the FIRSTI’d like to e sure that you are aware of the usiness system we used to follow with David and Lemon for years which is We usually have two invoices PI 1st PI original with the real amount that we pay to you and so it is the ase for our dealing with you the second is modified and which we deal with here in Egypt Could you please have a look at the attachment of the current order 8 with two PI original PI amp modified PI We transfer 30 of the total value of the order y the egining of replacement and the remained 70 of the total value of the order after getting copies of the required documents via mail which are copies of Certificate of Origin Inspection Certificate for Preshipment Inspection with the amount of the modified PIDavid amp Lemon used to provide us with easily so you can contact them and inquire aout the way of getting it 3 Bills of lading Packing List Two commercial invoicesoriginal and modified Be informed that we usually have your rolls with a high quality material as we requested in the past Waiting for you to assure understanding every point seperately Hope that we can have the est mutual usiness affairs ever 展开


实际报价应该是10万元我真的不知道该如何告诉你但它确实发生了。 作为一个守信的人如果你决定坚持履行错误的报价我会尊重你的决定 。但是我真的希望你能换位思考一下如果你是我你该怎么办如果能让我重新报价一次那你真是太好了。 等待您的回复非常感谢你的时间致以

给客户的道歉信我是一名跟单员结果我把一批价值十万美元的货物按九万卖给某外商客户今天你发现此事但是货款已经两清。中文大概如下我感到非常抱歉因为我的错误使你们的工作变得麻烦 。我把一批价值十万美元的货物按九万卖给了你们希望贵公司能够归还多余的款项本人将不胜感激同时本人会送上礼品一份表示歉意本人没钱了希望大家帮帮忙啊


事实上我认为当我和亲戚朋友说再见的时候我很少会哭。当我们离开时我想起了我想看到所有的地方——只有从书本和图画里才能看的的奇 自从我知道我的英语比家里任何一个人都好的时候我的职责的家庭增加了许多 。我写信填写表格和移民官员采访的时候翻译带我的祖父母去

I egan to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunts house and my mother said that we might soon e leaving for America We were on the us then I was crying and some people on the us were turning around to look at me I rememer that I could not ear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morningnspnsp I do not rememer myself crying for this reason again In fact I think I cried very little when I was saying goodye to my friends and relatives When we were leaving I thought aout all the places I was going to see—the strange and magical places I had known only from ooks and pictures The country I was leaving never to come ack was hardly in my head thennspnsp The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism ut the idea did not come to me at once For the first two years in New York I was really lost—having to study in three schools as a result of family moves I did not quite know what I was or what I should e Mother remarried and things ecame even more complex for me Some time passed efore my stepfather and I got used to each other I was often sad and saw no end to "the hard times"nspnsp My responsiilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English etter than everyone else at home I wrote letters filled out forms translated at interviews with Immigration officers took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there and even discussed telephone ills with company representativesnspnsp From my experiences I have learned one important rule almost all common troules eventually go away Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up and just wait a little I elieve that my life will turn out all right even though it will not e that easynspnsp nspDear FriendnspThe recent success of childrens ooks has made the general pulic aware that theres a huge market out therenspAnd theres a growing need for new writers trained to create the 3 illion worth of childrens ooks ought each year plus stories and articles needed y over 650 pulishers of magazines for children and teenagersnspnsp Who are these needed writers Theyre ordinary folks like you and meBut am I good enoughnspnspI was once where you might e now My thoughts of writing had een pushed down y selfdout and I didnt know where to turn for helpnspnspThen I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing aptitude潜能 and it turned out to e the inspiration I needednspnspThe promise that paid offnspnspThe Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you if you show asic writing ailitynspYou will complete at least one manuscript手稿 suitale to hand in to a pulisher y the time you finish our coursenspI really didnt expect any pulication efore I finished the course ut that happened I sold three stories And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institutenspnsp Since graduation I have authored 34 nationally pulished childrens ooks and over 300 stories and articlesnspnspFree test and rochurenspnsp We offer a free aptitude test and will send you a copy of our rochure descriing our recognized homestudy courses on the asis of oneonone trainingRealize your writing dream today Theres nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forevernspnspnspSincerelynspnspKristi Holl Instructornspnsp Institute of Childrens Literaturenspnsp