






童梦奇缘里有这样的台词光男主仔的女老师李老师和副校长恋爱一段时间后副校长身边忽然出现了他的未婚妻李老师就躲在了学校实验室里在等副校长来找她然后好像旁白就说“有些人躲起来不是为了让你找不到她而是让你找到她” 。结果等来的是喝催化剂长大了的小光

翻译这几段碧海蓝天的英文台词 地道一点的

难忘引号雅克我知道你 johanna 我们只是满足几分钟前 雅克在湖里 johanna 没有在屋内 雅克那么它必须一直有人相象了很多喜欢你 安佐你说得对 雅克什么 安佐它的好得多下来…… 这是一个美好的地方…… 雅克不…… 安佐推回我在水中…… 雅克不我不能…… 安佐雅克

memorale quotes Jacques I know you Johanna We just met a few minutes ago Jacques In the lake Johanna No in the hut Jacques Then it must have een someone who looked like a lot like you Enzo You were right Jacques Aout what Enzo It39s much etter down there It39s a etter place Jacques no Enzo Push me ack in the water Jacques No I couldn39t Enzo Jacques Take me ack down Please Johanna Talk to me some more Jacques It39s hard you know I don39t know what else to say You39re so far away Johanna Tell me a story Jacques A story Do you now how it is do you know what you39re supposed to do to meet a mermaid Johanna No Jacques You go down to the ottom of the sea where the water isn39t even lue anymore where the sky is only a memory and you float there in the silence And you stay there and you decide that you39ll die for them Only then do they start coming out They come and they greet you and they judge the love you have for them If it39s sincere if it39s pure they39ll e with you and take you away forever Johanna I like that story Enzo Dont think of Jacques as a human eing he39s from another world Johanna Oh yeah And what world are you from Enzo Enzo Italia Jacques I don39t understand Please explain to me Enzo What do you want to know Jacques Everything Enzo Aout what Jacques Aout everything Enzo Mama mia





一个人骑摩托车喜欢衣服反着穿可以挡风。 一天他酒后驾驶翻了一头栽在路旁。 赶到甲好严重的车祸 。 乙是啊脑袋都撞到后面去了。 甲嗯还有呼吸我们帮他把头转回来吧 乙好1、2使劲转回来了。 甲嗯没有呼吸
