







以前在CCTV上看过。华生搬到贝克街由此认识了福尔摩斯 。华生的志向是写一部侦探小说。后来华生跟福尔摩斯破了一个案子之后想写一部小说记述这个经历福尔摩斯一看书名是华生医生探案集很不屑地笑了笑紧接着福尔摩斯收到了他姨妈寄给她的那顶后来成为他标志之一的帽子点影就完了。我记得是叫青年福尔摩斯的可是不管怎么找都找不到。不是少年福尔摩斯那个我看过。也不是连续剧 。哪位能人能帮我正确找到的话这20分没话说。


J指谁JohnJim 我明白你指的谁了。。。因为卷福想要让John相信自己死了才能让莫娘的爪牙也相信自己死了。。 。



盖里奇导演小罗伯特·唐尼主演的大侦探福尔摩斯1 、2部 英国BBC的新版福尔摩斯神探夏洛克已经出了3季 这是目前最新的福尔摩斯影视剧其他旧的电影电视剧就多了

福尔摩斯 电影

国内播放最多的版本是英国格林纳达电视台从1984年开始拍摄的一直拍到1994年主演是Jeremy Brett  。

请问一下 福尔摩斯 这部电视剧 是几几年拍摄的 演员的名字 这些资料谁有能给我吗



sherlock holms was created efore 1854 ut the ook quotthe word of lood quotpulished in 1854 first made him famoushis career is a detective ut he likes to conduct experiment as a hoyhe had a good assistantDrWastonand Waston helpd Holms a lot and note down every mystery that Holms had solvedThey rent a house at B221 Becker Street in LondonHis great oservation led to his succeed Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who first appeared in pulication in 1887 He is the creation of Scottishorn author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A rilliant Londonased consulting detective Holmes is famous for his intellectual prowess and is renowned for his skillful use of quotdeductive reasoningquot while using aductive reasoning inference to the est explanation and astute oservation to solve difficult cases Conan Doyle wrote four novels and fiftysix short stories that featured Holmes All ut four stories are narrated y Holmes39s friend and iographer Dr John H Watson two are narrated y Sherlock Holmes himself and two others are written in the third person The first two stories short novels appeared in Beeton39s Christmas Annual for 1887 and Lippincott39s Monthly Magazine in 1890 respectively The character grew tremendously in popularity with the eginning of the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine in 1891 further series of short stories and two serialised novels appeared until 1927 The stories cover a period from around 1878 up to 1907 with a final case in 1914 Conan Doyle when asked if there was a real Sherlock Holmes always maintained that Holmes was inspired y Dr Joseph Bell for whom Doyle had worked as a clerk at the Edinurgh Royal Infirmary Like Sherlock Holmes Bell was noted for drawing large conclusions from the smallest oservations Dr Bell was also interested in crime and assisted the police in solving a few cases 帮忙翻译下要准确一些



现在准备1月19号上映的电影福尔摩斯貌似很杯具的改了上映时间改到2月25号结果这一改这个把我的计划给打断了因为过了2月份就要准备高考了本来之前和家长说好19号那天去影院看的结果这一弄根本就看不了了所以想请各位哥哥姐姐们帮忙忙问下现 现在准备1月19号上映的电影福尔摩斯貌似很杯具的改了上映时间改到2月25号结果这一改这个把我的计划给打断了因为过了2月份就要准备高考了本来之前和家长说好19号那天去影院看的结果这一弄根本就看不了了所以想请各位哥哥姐姐们帮忙忙问下现在北美香港等都已经上映了那么能有什么渠道能找到福尔摩斯的片源网上搜还是怎么恳求大家帮帮忙了 展开


已发送请注意查收 没看过但是据说很多

有请发这里。。 。大感谢 有请发这里。。。大感谢 展开


1 、关于许多福尔摩斯经典案件的调查。血字的研究 、四签名 、巴斯克维尔的猎犬、 失去的世界 、恐怖谷、 最后致意、银色马 、黄面人 、格洛里亚斯科特号、三桅帆船 、赖盖特之谜 、马斯格雷夫礼典、 驼背人 、证券经纪人的书记、 住院的病人 、 最后一案 、希腊译员、海军协定