





formidable这个词才上档次 the strength is so formidable

1、既是“坚强”,也是“强壮”:strong muscles 强健的肌肉strong voice 洪亮的声音strong country 强大的国家.2、“强壮的”也可以译成 :powerfulpowerful physique 强健的... 1、既是“坚强”,也是“强壮”:strong muscles 强健的肌肉strong voice 洪亮的声音strong country 强大的国家.2、“强壮的”也可以译成 :powerfulpowerful physique 强健的... muscles 强健的肌肉strong voice 洪亮的声音strong country 强大的国家.2、“强壮的”也可以译成 :powerfulpowerful physique 强健的身体powerful English (他会...

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . 变得更强大英文怎么写 get stronger 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . 变得更强大英文怎么写 get stronger

Aestheticism 唯美;Miss 想念;错过;Orchids 兰花;Liberty 自由;fantastic 奇异的 ;gorgeous 绚丽的 ;delicacy 精美 ;Fabulous 寓言般的;captivate 迷惑;smile 微笑 ;foreve... Aestheticism 唯美;Miss 想念;错过;Orchids 兰花;Liberty 自由;fantastic 奇异的 ;gorgeous 绚丽的 ;delicacy 精美 ;Fabulous 寓言般的;captivate 迷惑;smile 微笑 ;foreve... 唯美;Miss 想念;错过;Orchids 兰花;Liberty 自由;fantastic 奇异的 ;gorgeous 绚丽的 ;delicacy 精美 ;Fabulous 寓言般的;captivate 迷惑;smile 微笑 ;forever. ...

much like to see you again.我很想再见到你 。And again, we must think of the cost.再说,我们必须考虑成本。I don't see the point of doing it all again.... And again, we must think of the cost.再说,我们必须考虑成本。I don't see the point of doing it all again.我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。We can make this country ... I don't see the point of doing it all again.我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。We can make this country great again.我们可以使这个国家再次强大起来。It was good to b...

无论阳光多么的刺眼,每当面对它的时候都要记得微笑!楼上的哥们是中国试英语的方法,要在理解的基础上 才能把句子翻的正确而且优雅 无论阳光多么的刺眼,每当面对它的时候都要记得微笑!楼上的哥们是中国试英语的方法,要在理解的基础上 才能把句子翻的正确而且优雅

Anything can not push me down that just can make me stronger.

we saw how powerful our country is through the succeed of Beijing Olympic Games,we saw how united,how strong our people is through the facing of the disastrous ... we saw how powerful our country is through the succeed of Beijing Olympic Games,we saw how united,how strong our people is through the facing of the disastrous ... how powerful our country is through the succeed of Beijing Olympic Games,we saw how united,how strong our people is through the facing of the disastrous...

分享如下:more and more powerful,more and more beautiful 分享如下:more and more powerful,more and more beautiful

so completed so formidable


Right Time RootakiAri Why you only lonely in the night time Always call me up ut it never is the right time You just wanna fk ut you never show the right times Ive een moving up and I know youre not the right guy Now is not the right time Never is the right time Never is the right time N


laugh loudly



laugh英语中laugh指大笑smell指微笑laugh英 lɑːf美 læfn 笑引人发笑的事或人vi 笑vt 以笑表示laugh 笑大笑嘲笑laugh at 嘲笑取笑笑话laugh off 用笑摆脱

笑的那么自然 翻译

动词词组smile so natually 名词词组with such a natual smile




laugh 微笑是smile



pretend to e happy