





The joke made me laugh and urine.

laugh的短语:Laugh at 嘲笑 ; 笑话 ;laugh off 一笑置之 ; 用笑摆脱 ;cry and I laugh 又哭又笑 ;laugh and grow fat 心宽体胖 ;laugh over 边想边笑 ;laugh a hearty laug... I just couldn't laugh at his jokes the way I used to.我就是不能像以前那样笑他讲的笑话 。When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.我是他那么... When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.我是他那么大的小伙子时,我常嘲笑一些最奇怪的'事情。Frank tried to laugh off his aunt's w...

小明学了点英语,总想着能展示展示显摆显摆,有一天在街上他看见一老外,惊喜,机会啊机会,于是走上前去,假装不小心撞了一下老外,连忙道歉:I am sorry! 人家老外很有礼貌的回了... 人家老外很有礼貌的回了句:I am sorry,too! 小明当场就晕了,two?小明就来了句:I am sorry,three.人家老外也晕了,不明白就问:What are you sorry for?小明傻了这回,还four,... 小明当场就晕了,two?小明就来了句:I am sorry,three.人家老外也晕了,不明白就问:What are you sorry for?小明傻了这回,还four,four啥啊four小明直流汗,不明白啊,只...

以下是一些幽默的英文笑话: When walking in a certain fast fashion clothing store, I felt a certain lack of comfort. As I made my way through the racks, I saw a... 以下是一些幽默的英文笑话: When walking in a certain fast fashion clothing store, I felt a certain lack of comfort. As I made my way through the racks, I saw a ...

Helloeveryone,todayIwilltellyouafunnystory(joke)calledHowthepoorlive. Helloeveryone,todayI'mgoingtotellyouahumorousstory(joke)calledHowthepoorlive.

These Are My Jeans! After going on a diet,a woman felt really good about herself----especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgro... These Are My Jeans! After going on a diet,a woman felt really good about herself----especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgro... After going on a diet,a woman felt really good about herself----especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago. “... “Lo...

hieveryone,todayI'mgoingtotellyouajokewhichiscalled"howdothepoorlive" Helloeveryone,todayIwilltellyouafunnystory(joke)calledHowthepoorlive. Helloeveryone,todayI'mgoingtotellyouahumorousstory(joke)calledHowthepoorlive.

A man walked into a bar and ordered three beers. The bartender asked, "Aren't you only one person? Why are you ordering three beers?" The man replied, "I'm cele... A man walked into a bar and ordered three beers. The bartender asked, "Aren't you only one person? Why are you ordering three beers?" The man replied, "I'm cele... Why are you ordering three beers?" The man replied, "I'm celebrating New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and my divorce all at the same time." The bartender...

哈哈,这个问题很有趣呢!我来给你讲一个简单易懂的英语笑话吧。有一天,一个小男孩对他的爸爸说:“爸爸,你知道为什么鱼总是不会感冒吗?”爸爸很好奇,就回答说:“为什... 哈哈,这个问题很有趣呢!我来给你讲一个简单易懂的英语笑话吧。有一天,一个小男孩对他的爸爸说:“爸爸,你知道为什么鱼总是不会感冒吗?”爸爸很好奇,就回答说:“为什...

有关简短的爆笑英文小笑话: All Right Hurrying my 11-year old daughter to school, I made a right turn at a red light when it wasprohibited. “Uh-oh,” I said, re... ” Wolf: "You don't expect to get such rubbish published, do you?" 狼:“你不会指望这种垃圾论文被发表吧!” Rabbit: "No problem. Do you want to see why?" 兔子:... 而另一侧是一只狮子,它边打着饱嗝,边剔着牙齿。 It doesn't matter what you choose for a thesis subject. 论文的题目选什么无关紧要。 It doesn't matter what you...

求 中英文对照幽默笑话

the lowest gradequotProfessor I did the est I could on this test I really don39t think I deserve a zeroquotquotNeither do I But that39s the lowest grade I39m allowed to givequot最低分学生“教授先生我这次考试已经竭尽全力了 。我真的觉得我不应该得零蛋。”老师

注 是笑话 通常就三句四句对话就完了的那种。


某中国人略懂英语 。一天他在公交车上不小心踩到了一老外的脚于是很抱歉的说"Im sorry"老外也挺客气说"Im sorry too"中国人"Im sorry three"老外很纳闷"What are you sorry for"中国人"Im sorry five"


可饶是如此也把他吓得不轻。抬头看了一眼见目的地还在百余米开外 。这距离不能说远可对如今曲君而言却似天堑曲君心知自己已经无以为继愤恨的瞪了温德一眼不等下次攻击到来他在身上伤口处摸了一下跟着就用沾满鲜血的右手召唤出了新的使魔 1A drunk staggers into a C





A man was hit y a ca in the street He was rought to the hospital His wife who was standing up y his ed said to the doctor "I think that he is very ill" "I am afraid that he is dead"said the doctor Hearing this the man moved his head and said "Im not dead Im still alive" "Be quiet "sa


The lion and the mouseLion was awakened from sleep y a Mouse running over his face Rising up in anger he caught him and was aout to kill him when the Mouse piteously entreated saying "If you would only spare my life I would e sure to repay your kindness" The Lion laughed and l



humorous joke


如果我在路上与你擦肩而过 没有与你打招呼不是因为我装高傲玩清高耍大牌。。是因为。。。。 。。。我没带眼镜。和老婆躺在床上看电视眼看着老婆就要睡着了我推了她一把说“睡了吗”老婆说“没呢看着呢 。”我说“那你去给我煮碗面吧我饿了。”老婆说“你刚刚说什


已解决问题收藏 转载到QQ空间 需要英语笑话 30 标签英语笑话 急 绚丽玫瑰 回答14 人气14 解决时间20090314 2203 检举 今天我正在看碟老妈又捧了本书进来说道给我讲讲这几句话什么意思 老妈这个“i don’t know“是什么意思 我说“我不知道” 老妈送你上大学上了几
