






1、If I could I surely would如果可以我绝对愿意 2、May there e enough clouds in your life to make a eautiful sunset愿你的生命中有足够的云翳来造成一个美丽的黄昏 。3、The worst way to miss someone is to e sitting right eside them knowing you can’t have them 失去某人最糟


纪念日的英文为day of commemoration或者anniversary。 参考例句 A wish for your golden anniversary。 祝贺你们的金婚纪念日。 The couple gave a dinner party in celeration of their silver wedding anniversary。 这对夫妇设宴庆祝他们的银婚纪念日。 音标 anniversary 英 anɪˈvəː

纪念日的英文 是什么

纪念日 jì niàn rì n memorial day 双语例句 1But on this Memorial Day as on every day we are called to honor their ultimatesacrifice with more than words We are called to honor them with deeds 但在阵亡将士纪念日这一天如同其他纪念日一样我们不仅要用言语来向他们崇高的

想要最专业的翻译。不要汉式英语类型 在线等谢了。。。


The Christmas of 98 Our last Christmas together The Easter of 88 The Valentine of 99 这些节日都不能用 Anniversary 因为 Anniversary 都有 xx 次 的 记录、累计 可以用白话说 我们相识后的第三个七夕。。 This is our third Valentine togethernspnsp 没有用 Anniversary



memorial day或者rememerance day 如果是名人的纪念日直接说 Day应该就可以了

如题。用anniversary 可以吗 不过这好像是周年纪念啊。。


纪念日 1 day of commemoration2 memorial dayNext Monday is the anniversary of the day I first met you下周一是我第一次遇见你的周年纪念日 。It was the pu landlord39s silver wedding anniversary the other day and he gave all his regular customers a drink on the house 几天以前是

commemoration day 对吗