








阿拉丁神灯 歌词

歌曲名阿拉丁神灯 歌手许志安 专辑爱·音乐概念精选 曲Eric Kwok 词林夕 个日系条街度唔心仆亲 睇真0的原来系一盏神灯 剩低番三个字叫做quot阿拉灯quot 唔知有冇三个愿望可成真 都不想 都不想 怨怨相报 放弃对我作厌恶态度 不开心的东西抛开它好嘛 可否好好的 再与我对话


Judith Dean completed an Art Foundation Course at North Essex School of Art 198485 efore studying Fine Art at Wimledon School of Art 198588 and then continuing her studies at the Rijksacademie van Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam 199193 Dean has exhiited in oth group a

Before had one man with thick sideurns magician deceived Aladdin into going to help him to look for light a god He uses to prevent from the ody for a Aladdin emerald ring Aladdin has found magical essential magician light within a ca Before had one man with thick sideurns magician deceived Aladdin into going to help him to look for light a god He uses to prevent from the ody for a Aladdin emerald ring Aladdin has found magical essential magician light within a cave The magician wants to cheat a god light Aladdin does not give magical light to him The magician reads curses thereupon right away having closed entrance to a cave Aladdin has een rued carelessly move wear the ring on hand from giving off one in the ring sending out the lofty green devil all over have ecome Aladdins servant have taken Aladdin to have gone home Return to Aladdins mother has wiped magical light of once at home has not thought of have one spoken part in opera cigarette to rise out li from light appear a gigantic devil have very ig magic power the servant who has also ecome Aladdin Aladdin has grown up He has seen a princess one day the good looks y the princess has attracted right away deeply Aladdins mother seeks a marriage alliance to the king with gem right away The king said the pulic main living palace Aladdin has let servant inside the magical light help them to have uilt one right away the princess has got married thereupon right away with Aladdin The magician lives a happy life from seeing Aladdin and princess in crystal all will have changed magical light while Aladdin uses new light when eing out Servant inside the light has ecome the magician servant the palace and the princess has all een looted Aladdin goes home either have seen the princess and the palace or let servant inside the ring take him to go and look for Take advantage of a magician when asent Aladdin and princess talk over a countermeasure The princess is drunk the liquor having put in a hypnotic y magician afterwards take advantage of a magician when falling asleep Aladdin recaptures magical light throw the magician to the distant country and Aladdin and princess return to the original country live a happy life herefrom 展开


1、一名贫穷的年轻混混名叫阿拉丁得到了一个神灯在神灯精灵的帮助下变得有钱有势还娶了公主巴德罗巴朵尔。2 、阿拉丁带回的油灯被魔法师用诈术骗走了最后在戒指精灵的帮助下救回妻子战胜魔法师的故事。启发正义终会战胜邪恶




Before had one man with thick sideurns magician deceived Aladdin into going to help him to look for light a god He uses to prevent from the ody for a Aladdin emerald ring Aladdin has found magical essential magician light within a cave The magician wants to cheat a god light Alad
