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Jaime Paris Jadore Paris都者比前者更强烈些崇拜向往意思

谢谢15钟内解答 确定文

巴比伦饭店第一季 中英字幕对照

…… 这片子看简介不错来着…… 字幕组很欢乐

Paris was made a judge to d

答案A 答案解析试题分析题目的意思是Paris必须做出判断去决定这个金苹果将给谁。Whom引导的是一个宾语从句金苹果给谁应发生在“被使得做出判断之后”前面用了一般过去时所以发生在其后的动作应用过去将来时。故答案应为A。、 考点考查动词的时态语态 。

Paris was made a judge to decide to whom the golden apple Awas to e givenBto e given Cto giveDe given to

翻译歌曲 paris

I thought you were my est friendI felt wed e together til the endYoure not the girl I once knewTell me where she is cause shes not youYou used to e that shoulderThat shoulder I could lean on through it allBut now its getting colderTheres no love etween these wallsJealousy jealousy jea


巴黎之旅 a trip to Paris a holiday in Paris 下飞机 get off the plane take off是起飞的意思


Paris is the capial of Fran

答案 小题1D 小题2A 小题3B 小题4B 答案解析试题分析本文主要讲述巴黎地铁车上的人们总是拿着书阅读车站上有很多东西卖车站上的乞丐用拉小提琴来乞讨巴黎地铁站就是了解这座城市文化的窗口。 小题1细节理解题。从 First you see many peop

Paris is the capial of France Its suway is very special You can enjoy its culture when you are in this city First you see many people reading ooks in the suway Whenever they are in the suway or at the station there is always a ook in the hand The suway station in Paris is not ig ut each of them has its special facts Some stations looks ships Some have clothes caps and shoes And every station has a ig advertisement picture But many of them are for selling clothes and cosmetics化妆品 You can meet some eggars乞丐 in the suway But the eggars in the Paris suway are also very special They often play the violin or guitar in the train They don’t feel shy at all Instead they think it is natural After playing they will go around the train and ask you to give them some money If you want to learn more aout Paris go to the suway and enjoy its culture y yourself 小题1 What do many people usually do when they are in the suway AListen to musicBBeg some money CSell clothes and cosmeticsDRead ooks 小题2How do the eggars get money from people in the suway AThey often play the violin or guitar in the train BThey usually rush shoes for the passengers CThey often steal money from the shops DThey usually help the passengers carry suitcases 小题3Which of the following is true AEvery station is very ig in Paris BEvery station has something to sell CThe eggars in the Paris suway station are very shy DThe eggars in the Paris suway station can play some instruments 小题4What’s the main idea of this passage AReading in the Paris suway BThe suway is the window of the Paris culture CThe eggars in the Paris suway station usually have some skills DEach of the suway station in the Paris has its special facts

paris—a dream city

is 为你解答如有帮助请采纳 如对本题有疑问可追问Good luck

天使爱美丽015020 作家看到的街墙上那段法语是什么意思

没有你现在的感情 。只是过去感情的硬茧。 义波里多 Emily生命中的他还没出现她尝试过一两次 。结果完全无法达到期待的高潮。但Emily努力培养其他的小兴趣将手插进口袋的最深处。用勺子敲破烤布丁上的焦糖在圣马丁运河上打水漂。。。。
