





手嶌葵的黄昏,实际上手嶌葵的歌基本是都是非常温柔的类型,让人听了很舒服,是治愈系的歌手哦~ 好妹妹乐队的月,说时依旧,强推好妹妹乐队啊! iu的昭格洞,iu的歌大多数... 手嶌葵的黄昏,实际上手嶌葵的歌基本是都是非常温柔的类型,让人听了很舒服,是治愈系的歌手... iu的昭格洞,iu的歌大多数比较轻柔,这一首是我最喜欢的,带电音的一首歌 Aimer的夕晖,aimer不用我介绍了吧 世终的花鸟风月,一首大家都知道的充满少年感的歌曲 张惠妹的... Aimer的夕晖,aimer不用我介绍了吧 世终的花鸟风月,一首大家都知道的充满少年感的歌曲 ...

Evildoer(坏人) 执着Paranoid Familiar熟稔 侵蚀Emotiona° 轻狂°hyperbole °interment埋葬 stranger(陌路) queer(奇怪) Beedof小黄人 衍生persisten Endoftheplay.... Southblocks南荒 Faker Asphyxia窒息 Trust bigotry〔偏执〕 Chafferer(恶作剧) Rebound(备胎) Tear(眼泪) 自然萌°Aimee Sentimental多情 遗忘。Forgotten. Smoke(弥... Smoke(弥烟) 轨迹Trajectoryb Pasttense staunch(坚强) drunk(醉酒) Followheart Adorable 、冥王 冷淡丨desolate 恋战WhiteInte Obligation责任 discard(丢弃) loser(... For...

Aholic 沉迷者, Silent无言, Sunflower 向日葵, Cartoon 木棉花, Agoni 暮念, Instinct 初衷, twinge 刺痛, FANTASY 幻想, Flee.(逃离), °Distance (距离), Lov... Aholic 沉迷者, Silent无言, Sunflower 向日葵, Cartoon 木棉花, Agoni 暮念, Instinct 初衷, twinge 刺痛, FANTASY 幻想, Flee.(逃离), °Distance (距离), Lov... Silent无言, Sunflower 向日葵, Cartoon 木棉花, Agoni 暮念, Instinct 初衷, twinge 刺痛, FANTASY 幻想, Flee.(逃离), °Distance (距离), Love to grow 恋到白... Sunflower 向日葵,...

《小王子》 经典入门书籍,中文应该也都看过,原文是法文,但是翻译的英文适合英语学习者 。 《夏洛的网》 这个也是,词汇不难,看起来应该会很顺畅。重温一遍童年的回忆嘛... 《小王子》 经典入门书籍,中文应该也都看过,原文是法文,但是翻译的英文适合英语学习者。 《夏洛的网》 这个也是,词汇不难,看起来应该会很顺畅。重温一遍童年的回忆嘛... 经典入门书籍,中文应该也都看过,原文是法文,但是翻译的英文适合英语学习者。 《夏洛的网》 这个也是,词汇不难,看起来应该会很顺畅。重温一遍童年的回忆嘛。 《怦然心... 《夏...

以下的歌曲不一定冷门!!但绝对好听!! 1.What Are Words - Chris Medina 网易云音乐 这首歌的歌词真的扎心了,不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边。我每次听这首歌都会感触良... 自己还录了好几次,也有人称这首为求婚金曲,非常非常走心 。强烈推荐。 先推10首,不算冷门但却是我心中值得单曲循环的歌,看到这里的小可爱们,赶紧赞啊哈哈! 太舒服了! 7. Almost Lover 网易云音乐 这首歌我知道很多人都听过,还是想要推荐一下。电影《命中注定》的插曲,我曾经看过一句话「天底下最悲伤的词就是almost。无限接近... 7. Almost Lover...

As we know,good health is more important than wealth.Food gives us energy,so we must have enough food to keep healthy. we should eat more fruit and vegetabl... As we know,good health is more important than wealth.Food gives us energy,so we must have enough food to keep healthy. we should eat more fruit and vegetabl... we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat,and we also must have right kinds of food.A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy as well.Differe.....

1. Time flies. 时光易逝。 2. Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金 。 3. Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。 1. Time flies. 时光易逝。 2. Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金 。 3. Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。 Talk is cheap.空谈不值钱。 life is short, seize the moment. 活在当下 no pain no gain没有付出就没有回报 time is money 时间就是金钱

侧平靠谱(75%) 不错!已经买了学习了,课程设计分布很合理,现在已经全套都齐全了。 侧平不靠谱(25%) 我的英语老师同学说:没有什么英语结构式放诸四海能皆准的。所以这种结构... 侧平靠谱(75%) 不错!已经买了学习了,课程设计分布很合理,现在已经全套都齐全了。 侧平不靠谱(25%) 我的英语老师同学说:没有什么英语结构式放诸四海能皆准的 。所以这种结构... 不错!已经买了学习了,课程设计分布很合理,现在已经全套都齐全了。 侧平不靠谱(25%) 我的英语老师同学说:没有什么英语结构式放诸四海能皆准的。所以这种结构式英语本...

关于这个问题,1. Loneliness is not a weakness, it is a reminder of our need for connection. 2. Sometimes the quietest moments are the most powerful. 3. In solit... 关于这个问题,1. Loneliness is not a weakness, it is a reminder of our need for connection. 2. Sometimes the quietest moments are the most powerful. 3. In solit... 2. Sometimes the quietest moments are the most powerful. 3. In solitude, we find the beauty of our own company. 4. Loneliness is a gentle reminder to cher...

Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. But no matter how hard it gets, never give up. Believe in yourself and keep going. You will find that th... Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. But no matter how hard it gets, never give up. Believe in yourself and keep going. You will find that th... Believe in yourself and keep going. You will find that the sun will always shine after the storm. Life is full of surprises, so don't be afraid to take ri...


新手不太清楚什么意思。。。是专业的还是就平时唱着玩的呢 看到英文歌我才很感兴趣推荐一个我很喜欢的金属乐队吧。 Linkin park我很喜欢他们的歌都很有风格但肯定不是所有人都能唱出那种感觉的。还有后街男孩Back Street oy和西城男孩westlife或者jonas rother的。其

本人不太会唱歌 但还是想唱 可是不想唱国语的 想找点英文歌 麻烦问一下有没有什么歌或者歌手适合新手唱的


只推荐一首——YOU ARE ME


we are the world ay as long as you love me

像westlife的seasons in the sun 那种风格的旋律好听点的。 最好还是westlife的要好听的。


杰克逊illie jean M2M pretty oy my love nspgood is a girl I Hate myself for lovinq you 呵呵这些



pay for menever say goodyethe day you went awaylosing my wayThe Melody Of A Fallen TreeAmerican Pietake me t 展开全文 我推荐几Amigos Para Siempreshe in my lifeunder southern skiessexyackangelno matter whateyes on me海洋母亲private numerGod is a girlsitting dow