





制作荷包蛋的过程 英文

Protein slightly rown egg yolks exposure softoiled egg yolk type moile type This model with meal was very good Oil does not put too much use medium heat until the oil risk in smoke and ends in the egg gently into don39t heavy scored and then keep the fire slightly open a little

提示词 knock chopsticks oven dry look like round 英文


中文 荷包蛋 德语 Verlorene Eier 英语 Poached egg 西班牙语 Huevo escalfado 法语 Œufs pochés 日语 ポーチドエッグ

RT 谢谢




中文 荷包蛋 德语 Verlorene Eier 英语 Poached egg 西班牙语 Huevo escalfado 法语 ufs pochés 日语 ポーチドエッグ

RT лл

汉堡包做法 英文

Cheese Burger Heat the oven to 400 degrees and coat a 10 inch pie plate with grease Make a hamurger with onions and drain the fat Add salt and pepper and spread on a pie plate Melt the margarine and mix with flour milk and eggs Pour into a hamurger in a pie plate Bake at 400


荷包蛋 poached eggs O∩∩Oomelette ɔmlit n煎蛋卷煎蛋饼炒蛋亦作 omeletOMLET海洋混合层实验

汉堡包做法 英文

Cheeseurger Heat oven to 400 degrees and grease a 10 inch pie pan Cook hamurger with onion drain grease Add salt and pepper spread in pie plate Melt margarine mix with flour milk and eggs make sure mixture is smooth Pour onto hamurger in pie pan Bake 25 minutes at 4

谁能用英文写一段汉堡包的做法给我看下 我英文不懂