





存在的问题还不少 :)我不算"专业"人士,帮你看了看,如下:Yeah!I like eggs.The shape of an[注意不要用定冠词the] egg is oval and the color is yellow.Eggs are familiar ... I like eggs.The shape of an[注意不要用定冠词the] egg is oval and the color is yellow.Eggs are familiar food.You can find them almost in any sup...

egg [eɡ] n. 蛋;卵子;[俚]家伙vt. 煽动;怂恿poached egg: 荷包蛋;水卧鸡蛋;煮荷包蛋;水煮蛋scrambled egg: 炒鸡蛋;搅鸡蛋;熘糊蛋;炒蛋tea egg: 茶叶蛋;茶鸡蛋;茶蛋;春瑞安... egg [eɡ] n. 蛋;卵子;[俚]家伙vt. 煽动;怂恿poached egg: 荷包蛋;水卧鸡蛋;煮荷包蛋;水煮蛋scrambled egg: 炒鸡蛋;搅鸡蛋;熘糊蛋;炒蛋tea egg: 茶叶蛋;茶鸡蛋;茶蛋;春瑞安... [eɡ] n. 蛋;卵子;[俚]家伙vt. 煽动;怂恿poached egg: 荷包蛋;水卧鸡蛋;煮荷包蛋;水煮蛋scrambled egg: 炒鸡蛋;搅鸡蛋;熘糊蛋;炒蛋tea egg: 茶叶蛋;茶鸡蛋;茶蛋;...

fried,英文单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时意为“油炸的,油煎的;喝醉了的”,作动词时意为“油炸”。 短语搭配 fried egg 煎蛋 ; 荷包蛋 ; 煎鸡蛋 ; 炒蛋 Fried... fried,英文单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时意为“油炸的,油煎的;喝醉了的”,作动词时意为“油炸”。 短语搭配 fried egg 煎蛋 ; 荷包蛋 ; 煎鸡蛋 ; 炒蛋 Fried... 短语搭配 fried egg 煎蛋 ; 荷包蛋 ; 煎鸡蛋 ; 炒蛋 Fried fish 炸鱼 ; 煎鱼 ; 香煎肉鱼 ; 美人鱼 fried noodles 炒面 ; 炒切面 ; 各式炒面粉 ; 炒面条 fried eggs 清煎鸡......

你好,你要的答案,吐司面包toast,牛角面包:croissant,黄油:butter,果酱:Jam,茶:tea咖啡:Coffee,培根:Bacon,香肠:Sausage,煎蛋:Fried Eggs, 麦片:Oatmeal 你好,你要的答案,吐司面包toast,牛角面包:croissant,黄油:butter,果酱:Jam,茶:tea咖啡:Coffee,培根:Bacon,香肠:Sausage,煎蛋:Fried Eggs, 麦片:Oatmeal

1 First of all, plus some of the oil in the pot. (The amount of oil - an area you feel a little bigger than the egg on the line.) 2 Then, turn on the fire, when... 1 First of all, plus some of the oil in the pot. (The amount of oil - an area you feel a little bigger than the egg on the line.) 2 Then, turn on the fire, when... 2 Then, turn on the fire, when the oil get a little heat, put the egg in. (Make it carefully, do not wait for the oil to be boiling hot, otherwise the e...

First,heat the pan.Then pour in some oil.(The oil must be hot)Then break in the eggs and fry them.Cook them for one minute with a meduim fire.Then turn them ove... First,heat the pan.Then pour in some oil.(The oil must be hot)Then break in the eggs and fry them.Cook them for one minute with a meduim fire.Then turn them ove... the pan.Then pour in some oil.(The oil must be hot)Then break in the eggs and fry them.Cook them for one minute with a meduim fire.Then turn them over f...

First we should put water in the boiler,turn on the fire.Second,we wait until the water is hot enough.And then,put the eggs in to the water.After that the eggs ... First we should put water in the boiler,turn on the fire.Second,we wait until the water is hot enough.And then,put the eggs in to the water.After that the eggs ... we should put water in the boiler,turn on the fire.Second,we wait until the water is hot enough.And then,put the eggs in to the water.After that the egg...

single side or both?

百度翻译——"SteakFriedEggs" steakandfriedeggs实际上这是两样菜,所以是并列的。 最正确的中式翻译(该谱非正宗西餐)beefsteakwithstir-fryegg treat/feastmeFriedEggsandsteak

poach是一个英文单词,形近词为hunt,hound,poaca。作为动词基本含义为水煮;炖;煨(尤指鱼);去壳水煮蛋;(在他人地界)偷猎;偷捕。第三人称单数:poaches现在进行时:po... poach是一个英文单词,形近词为hunt,hound,poaca。作为动词基本含义为水煮;炖;煨(尤指鱼);去壳水煮蛋;(在他人地界)偷猎;偷捕。第三人称单数:poaches现在进行时:po...

荷包蛋的做法 英文的急啊

according to individuals way you can fry until the egg is midium rare or welldone or golden on oth sides remove and drain the oil add sprinkle of cooking wine and some soy sauce and you are good to serve when frying eggs you can sprinkel some pepper salt 望采纳谢谢。英语群一二



煎一面荷包蛋的正确英文是over hardsunny side upomeletscramle egg


中文 荷包蛋 德语 Verlorene Eier 英语 Poached egg 西班牙语 Huevo escalfado 法语 ufs pochés 日语 ポーチドエッグ

RT лл


“皮蛋”的英文Preserved egg 一、egg 读法 英 eg 美 ɛɡ 1 、作名词的意思 蛋卵子家伙鸡蛋 2、作及物动词的意思 煽动怂恿 二、短语 1、egg cakes 蛋饼 皮蛋 鸡蛋饼 咸鸭蛋 2、Egg Custard 蛋羹 炖蛋 蒸蛋 鸡蛋羹 3、pickled egg 酱蛋 咸鸭蛋 醋腌鸡蛋 出版者 4、Ma


Preserved eggs 这是Google的翻译 Preserved egg 这是百度和一些手机词典的翻译

很奇怪…皮蛋的英文怎么是100year egg…不知道有没有哪位高人指点小弟每晚都在想这个问题…

