





omelette or omlet

荷包蛋: poached eggs O(∩_∩)O~omelette ['ɔmlit] n.煎蛋卷,煎蛋饼,炒蛋[亦作 omelet]OMLET:海洋混合层实验 荷包蛋: poached eggs O(∩_∩)O~omelette ['ɔmlit] n.煎蛋卷,煎蛋饼,炒蛋[亦作 omelet]OMLET:海洋混合层实验

fried eggs例句:She fried the eggs in a frying pan.她在平锅里煎鸡蛋.

Mix the flour with the coconut and enough egg white to bind them. 在面粉中混入椰子和足够的蛋清,使之黏合 。 Don't underestimate this team, or you'll be left with... Mix the flour with the coconut and enough egg white to bind them. 在面粉中混入椰子和足够的蛋清,使之黏合。 Don't underestimate this team, or you'll be left with... 在面粉中混入椰子和足够的蛋清,使之黏合。 Don't underestimate this team, or you'll be left with egg on your face. 不要低估了这支球队,不然你会出丑的。 I wo...

二、水煮菏包蛋用料:鸡蛋1粒,水2公升,盐1大匙,醋半杯。做法:盐加入水中煮滚,加醋,把蛋打入碗中,用小火,把蛋倒入水中,当蛋自然成形后捞起放入冰水中,在把蛋的周围修整齐,再... 做法:盐加入水中煮滚,加醋,把蛋打入碗中,用小火,把蛋倒入水中,当蛋自然成形后捞起放入冰水中,在把蛋的周围修整齐,再放入水中三分钟捞起就行了。三、微波炉煎荷包蛋(两种)1.... 三 、微波炉煎荷包蛋(两种)1.超市卖一种专门的微波炉用的煎蛋容器(塑料材质),可以一次煎两个,煎之前放点水,用筷子把蛋黄扎一下,再均匀的撒些盐,中火,一分二十秒即可...

1 Heat the pan on medium low.It is the right temperature when a few drops of water splashed on it sizzle but don't pop around.If the water pops around,the pan i... 1 Heat the pan on medium low.It is the right temperature when a few drops of water splashed on it sizzle but don't pop around.If the water pops around,the pan i... the pan on medium low.It is the right temperature when a few drops of water splashed on it sizzle but don't pop around.If the water pops around,the pan ...

百度翻译——"SteakFriedEggs" steakandfriedeggs实际上这是两样菜,所以是并列的。 最正确的中式翻译(该谱非正宗西餐)beefsteakwithstir-fryegg treat/feastmeFriedEggsandsteak

The Perfect Fried Egg - The Correct ProcedureHaving taken our egg(s) from the refrigerator at least a couple of hours previously,we are ready to proceed with th... The Perfect Fried Egg - The Correct ProcedureHaving taken our egg(s) from the refrigerator at least a couple of hours previously,we are ready to proceed with th... Perfect Fried Egg - The Correct ProcedureHaving taken our egg(s) from the refrigerator at least a couple of hours previously,we are ready to proceed wit...

更正一点,ant应该是and吧?首先,将黄瓜洗干净并切好,然后切好香肠,打两个鸡蛋在碗里.接下来,酌量倒一些于锅中,将鸡蛋煎好并放入碗中.然后多倒点油,将切好的香肠和蒸熟的米饭... 首先,将黄瓜洗干净并切好,然后切好香肠,打两个鸡蛋在碗里.接下来,酌量倒一些于锅中,将鸡蛋煎好并放入碗中.然后多倒点油,将切好的香肠和蒸熟的米饭倒入锅中旺火炒两分钟,之...

poach是一个英文单词,形近词为hunt,hound,poaca。作为动词基本含义为水煮;炖;煨(尤指鱼);去壳水煮蛋;(在他人地界)偷猎;偷捕。第三人称单数:poaches现在进行时:po... poach是一个英文单词,形近词为hunt,hound,poaca。作为动词基本含义为水煮;炖;煨(尤指鱼);去壳水煮蛋;(在他人地界)偷猎;偷捕。第三人称单数:poaches现在进行时:po...


中文 荷包蛋 德语 Verlorene Eier 英语 Poached egg 西班牙语 Huevo escalfado 法语 Œufs pochés 日语 ポーチドエッグ

RT 谢谢


The main egg 1 materials of edile oil 4ml pepper 2G step Microwave version of the practice step 11 is very simple only two samples eggs and oil The practice process of microwave Poached Egg 22 version of a small and deep owl inside with salad oil the owl eat egg The practice


荷包蛋的做法 英文的急啊

according to individuals way you can fry until the egg is midium rare or welldone or golden on oth sides remove and drain the oil add sprinkle of cooking wine and some soy sauce and you are good to serve when frying eggs you can sprinkel some pepper salt 望采纳谢谢。英语群一二


中文 荷包蛋 德语 Verlorene Eier 英语 Poached egg 西班牙语 Huevo escalfado 法语 ufs pochés 日语 ポーチドエッグ

RT лл



煎一面荷包蛋的正确英文是over hardsunny side upomeletscramle egg


①原料 鸡蛋、面片、胡萝卜丁、水发扇贝丁、小葱。 做法 1、油热后蒜姜爆香下入胡萝卜丁翻炒 2 、胡萝卜丁炒熟后倒入水发扇贝丁然后加适量开水继续煮 3、锅再次烧开后转中火直接将整只鸡蛋挨个分散打入锅中注意这时不要搅动 4 、盖上锅盖煮一会儿待鸡蛋成型后
