






The disadvantage of localization is outweighted y the advantages for most PRC operated transnational corporations Developing managers locally may help develop some strategic pros of transnational corps in the long run from a resourcesased point of view

it appears that the advantage of localization outweigh the disadvantages for most transnational corporations operating in the PRC From the resourcesased point of view developing local managers may also help develop some strategic advant it appears that the advantage of localization outweigh the disadvantages for most transnational corporations operating in the PRC From the resourcesased point of view developing local managers may also help develop some strategic advantage of transnational corporations in the long run 展开


同义句转换每空一词The asket is full of applesThe asketall is filled with applesSometimes she plays tennis with her fatherAt times she plays tennis with her Mr Brown Scotland for over three years这句的原句是He no longer played computer games He studied c

同义句转换每空一词The asket is full of applesThe asketall is applesSometimes she plays tennis with her father she plays tennis with her Mr Brown Scotland for over three yearsHe no longer played computer games He studied carefullyHe play computer games he studied carefully


to work y us9Excuse me can you tell me the way to the hotel10Turn right at the second turningHow can I geti to the supermarket12He often tells interesting stories to the class13 what does your father do如果满意请记得 点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮 谢谢

1Mr Zhou often drives a car to work 2Do you usually come here y us 3Kangkang often rides a ike to school 4Why don’t you go to school y us 5There is something wrong with the piano 6What’s the matter with you 7There is no houses near the garden


同义句 1 the price of 2 has along with 3 spent on 4 cost me 5 didnt finishing 转换 1Do think 2 for helping 3 Which each to 4 How sweet is 5 isnt he
