





you are pleasure.以上二个是最常用的对“thank you”的回答

“谢谢”的英文缩写是“thx”。例句:Caption and text will be added. Thx.教主,没字幕也没文本啦?Thx for folks let me come into the world.感谢老爸老妈让我来到了这个... 例句:Caption and text will be added. Thx.教主,没字幕也没文本啦?Thx for folks let me come into the world.感谢老爸老妈让我来到了这个世界。扩展资料Thx You are the ... Thx for folks let me come into the world.感谢老爸老妈让我来到了这个世界。扩展资料Thx You are the best girl in my heart forever.谢谢了你在我心里永远是个...

恩,可以分为以下几种Thanks.( 最简单的)Thank you.(最常用的)Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的)Thank you very much.(比较动情的)Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的)I don't know ... 恩,可以分为以下几种Thanks.( 最简单的)Thank you.(最常用的)Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的)Thank you very much.(比较动情的)Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的)I don't know ... you.(最常用的)Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的)Thank you very much.(比较动情的)Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的)I don't know how to express my thanks to you.(...

有两种写法:Thank you; Thanks例句:谢谢你。你已经帮了大忙了。Thank you. Youve been a great help already.扩展资料谢谢你带我去,我玩得非常开心 。Thanks for taking me,... 你已经帮了大忙了 。Thank you. Youve been a great help already.扩展资料谢谢你带我去,我玩得非常开心。Thanks for taking me, I had an incredible time谢谢你的来信,并... Thank you. Youve been a great help already.扩展资料谢谢你带我去,我玩得非常开心。Thanks for taking me, I had an incredible time谢谢你的来信,并允许我阐明...

【导读】“谢谢”这个词太常见了。应该学过一点英文的同学们都知道,谢谢的英文是Thank you。那有没有其他的表达也可以表示“感谢”“谢谢”“感恩”呢?下面,蛋老师,就... 注:bunch的用法与之前的billion和million差不多,bunch形容“群”“串” 所以表示很多。 8、I'm grateful / thankful for......我对于....很感激。 举例:I'm grateful/ ... ——Cheers. 让我来帮你忙吧。 谢谢啊。 注:Cheers除了“干杯”“庆祝”之意,在英式口语中还表示thank you。 6、Many thanks. 多谢。 举例: A: If you plan to travel......

就是Thank you.外国人不像我们中国人那样要谦虚地说没有吖、不是吖、哪里哪里的话.他们凡是有人称赞他们,他们就会说谢谢的. 就是Thank you.外国人不像我们中国人那样要谦虚地说没有吖、不是吖、哪里哪里的话.他们凡是有人称赞他们,他们就会说谢谢的.

对于sorry的回答:It doesn't matter.That's alright.Never mind.对于thanks的回答:You're welcome.Don't mention it.A pleasure!(With pleasure)关于提建议的说法:It's a g... (With pleasure)关于提建议的说法:It's a good idea for you toIt's very sensible of you to You're supposed to

回复感谢You're welcome./ That's all right./ Not at all./ It's my pleasure.回复歉意That's all right./ Not at all./ Never mind.that's right 一般表示对别人的赞同th... 回复感谢You're welcome./ That's all right./ Not at all./ It's my pleasure.回复歉意That's all right./ Not at all./ Never mind.that's right 一般表示对别人的赞同th... welcome./ That's all right./ Not at all./ It's my pleasure.回复歉意That's all right./ Not at all./ Never mind.that's right 一般表示对别人的赞同that's ...

Not at allYou are welcomeDon't mention itNo problemMy pleasure

这个单词应该是这么读的.thank [θæŋk]我是英语老师,也教音标的,你可能是[θ]这个不太会读吧!没关系,慢慢练习就会了!要注意当你发[θ]的时候,舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬... 没关系,慢慢练习就会了!要注意当你发[θ]的时候,舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,送气,但声带不振动,因为是轻...


当别人对你说谢谢时 你可以选用以下几种英语的回复方式 1、Youre welcome Not at all Dont mention it不客气。 双语例句 Thank you very much 非常感谢。 Youre welcome Not at all Dont mention it 不客气。 这是最常用的“还礼”方式了比较正式。 2、Its my pleasure My plea



Dear Sir or Madam To whom it may concern I am so glad that I have received the offer from your universityThank you for all the help you give me Best wishes Sincerely yours XXXXX

我已经收到了来自国外大学的OFFER 我想给对方学校一个回应确认我收到了并且表示感谢我应该如何写这封邮件呢不需要太长表达清楚就好但格式要正规谢谢热心人


Thanks 人家问的是谢谢不是谢谢你 你门为什么多此一举那 把分给我 梅梅 我是张开啊


用来回答谢谢的用语有1、You are welcome英 ju ɑ 712welk601mnsp nsp美 ju er 712w603lk601mnspnsp用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢别客气不用谢Mynspdearnspmannspyounsparenspwelcomensptonspstaynsp我的老弟


翻译Thank you for your notice I have received it Good luck1、thank you英 θæŋk junsp nsp美 θæŋk junspnsp谢谢你2、notice英 ˈnəʊtɪsnsp nsp美 ˈnoʊtɪsnspnspn注意预告布告警告vtamp vi注意vt通知注意到留心关照vi引起注意3 、re