







没 推荐节目 除英文歌曲外 点创意哈


Aliononcefellinlovewithaeautifulgirlsohewenttoherparentsandaskedthemtomarryhertohim Theoldparentsdidnotknowwhattosay Theydidnotliketheideaofgivingtheirdaughtertothelionuttheydidnotwanttoenragethekingofeasts AtlastthefathersaidquotWearegladtomarryourdaughter

我想找适合初中生讲的英语故事或者话剧表演 帮帮忙吧


A lion once fell in love with a eautiful girl so he went to her parents and asked them to marry her to himThe old parents did not know what to sayThey did not like the idea of giving their daughter to the lion ut they did not want to enrage the king of At last the father said quotWe are g



The little match girl卖火柴的小女孩 Scene 1 It’s snowing Six kids are singing song Edelweiss… 场景一雪在下。台上六个孩子在唱雪绒花 Scene 2 the little match girl shows She is cold and very dirty 场景二卖火柴的小女孩出场穿着破烂的衣服脚上穿着一只拖鞋怀里



旁白I think everyody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威 You know the fox cheat the tiger When the tiger knew the truth he felt very angry He hated the fox very much Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again what will happen One day a new story happens





很久很久以前在春天树林里住着一个熊家庭。这些熊们都很爱唱歌。他们常常在森林中嬉戏玩耍。有一天一个小女孩在树林里迷路了。她来到了熊的家里 。熊们都对她很和蔼。他们帮助她找到了回家的路。 剧中角色熊爸爸 熊妈妈 熊宝宝 淘气的小女孩 场景一 在三只熊的家里 熊爸爸

The Three BearsOnce upon a time there lived a ear family in the Spring Forest The ears loved singing They often played in the forest One day a little girl was lost in the forest She entered the ears’ house The ears were very kind to the girl They helped her find her way home colorFFFFFF本文转自wwwcoffarcomwwwcoffarcom 小品剧本个人简历 简历封面47color剧中角色Father BearMother Bear Bay Bear Naughty Girl 剧本提供山东省滨州市邹平县黛溪双语学校 刘霞老师 Scene OneIn the three ears’ homeFather Bear I am Father Bear I like reading 熊爸爸拿张报纸坐在沙发上说Mother Bear I am Mother Bear I like cooking 熊妈妈在乘饭Bay Bear I am Bay Bear I like singing 熊宝宝唱着歌快乐地跑到妈妈身边 Mummy mummy the soup is hot Let’s go to the forest and play for a while okMother Bear It’s a good ideaFather Bear It’s a sunny day isn’t it Let39s go“Sing sing together merrily merrily sing……”一家人幸福地唱着歌朝森林走去Scene TwoA place which is not far from the ears’ houseNaughty Girl I am a naughty girl I like playing y myself But now I am lost in the forest I feel thirsty and tired 小女孩迷茫的望望四周然后惊喜地大喊 A house a house I see a house over there 她高兴地跑向小熊的房子Naughty Girl May I come in 小女孩轻轻地敲了敲门把耳朵贴在门上仔细地听了听May I come in Maye there is noody in it 她推门而入Mmm mmm what a nice smell Aha some soupI don’t like Father Bear’s soupI don’t like Mother Bear’s soupYummy yummy I like Bay Bear’s soupNow I’m full I’ll have a rest 小姑娘找到卧室发现了小熊的床 I think I like Bay Bear’s ed 她躺在小熊的床上睡着了Scene ThreeFather Bear Bay it’s time to have lunch Let’s go homeBay Bear No no no We haven’t played hide and seekMother Bear We can play it another dayBay Bear OK“Rain rain go away Come again another day…”三只小熊唱着歌回家了Scene FourBay Bear Daddy daddy Look The door is openFather Bear Maye the wind lew it openMother Bear Don’t worryBay Bear Mummy mummy Look My soup is emptyMother Bear Maye a cat ate itFather Bear Don’t worryBay Bear Look A pretty girl is in my edMother Bear Hush she is must e very tired小姑娘被小熊的喊叫吵醒了她揉揉眼睛说“Mr Bear I’m very sorry But I lost my way Could you help me find my parents I miss them very much I will play with them and not go away y myself from now on” 小女孩哭了起来Bay Bear Don’t cry please My father is a great father We can help youLittle girl Really Thank you very much小女孩破涕为笑她仿佛看到了等她的爸爸妈妈于是高兴地与三只熊跳起舞来上面的我要翻译还最好给我介绍几篇15分钟左右的英语剧剧本没有的话10分钟的也行一定要活泼一点的好的话我会高分



咳咳、暑假将至本人决定大看英文电影、内容最好青春一点的、类似歌舞青春、花豹少女队、坏女孩之类的、或者主角是青少年的类似哈利波特、纳尼亚传奇之类的大片、 再或者动画电影也可以啊、一点要看过觉得很好看的哦 大家推荐下哈…