







初中英语阅读练习题40篇带答案 初中英语阅读练习题40篇带答案 展开


CDCB原文中文意思一位年老的木匠准备退休了 。他告诉他的老板兼承包商准备离开这个房屋建筑行业去和他的妻子一起享受大家庭的悠闲生活。他可能不会再有收入但是他得退休。他们还是可以过下去的。承包商看到他的好工人离开感到惋惜就问他能否出于个人帮助再建一座房

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire He told his employer aout his plans to leave the houseuilding usiness to live a more leisurely life with his wife and enjoy his extended family He would miss the paycheck each week ut he wanted to retire They could get y The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could uild just one more house as a personal favour The carpenter said yes ut over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work He resorted to poor workmanship and used inferior materials It was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career When the carpenter finished his work his employer came to inspect the house Then he handed the frontdoor key to the carpenter and said quotThis is your house my gift to youquotThe carpenter was shocked What a shame If he had only known he was uilding his own house he would have done it all so differently So it is with us We uild our lives a day at a time often putting less than our est into the uilding Then with a shock we realize we have to live in the house we have uilt If we could do it over we would do it much differently But you cannot go ack You are the carpenter and every day you hammer a nail place a oard or uild a wall Someone once said quotLife is a doityourself projectquot Your attitude and the choices you make today help uild the quothousequot you will live in tomorrow Therefore uild wisely1Why did the man in the story want to retireA He did not enjoy uilding houses any longerB He no longer needed his salary to liveC He wanted to enjoy his final years with his familyD He was sick of working for his oss2 Which of the following statements aout the carpenter is trueA He was very poor at his jo B He was disliked y his ossC His family was very poor D He was usually a hard worker3 Why was the carpenter upset at the end of the storyA His oss forced him to continue workingB He didn’t want to retired from his joC The house he uilt was of very poor qualityD He felt his oss had tricked him4 What is the writer’s purpose in writing this storyATo show that the carpenter was a lazy manBTo encourage readers to always try their estCTo teach people the est way to retireDTo urge people not to e selfish


1Because reading on computers or moile phones makes them uncomfortale


Jane 是一个老太太。她非常有钱并住在别墅。大晴天儿的Jane 打开窗户并看着她的花园儿。阳光灿烂。“这天儿真不错”她说。突然她看都一个男人在她房前的花园里吃草她走过去问那个男人“你为啥吃草你饿了”男人回答说“我没钱买吃的我好几天没吃饭了我快饿死了”“

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36B关键句第一句还有第二节第一句 37C从第三节可知市中心很拥挤  。 38C谁出生在香港就在第二节他说的第一句话可知 39A这是一处地方。从最后一句看出说它风景好 40D最佳标题香港我的故事我的生活。 这个从第一节最后一句看出以下有人分享在香港的故事

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A "MisterI want to uy one of your little dogs" 这说明他的目的先生我想买你的小狗中的一只。 Then reaching deep into his pockethe pulled out a handful of change and said"Ive got thirtynine cents Is that enough to take a look" "Sure" said the farmer 他把零钱掏出来问农夫这些钱

A farmer had some little dogs to sellHe decided to make a poster and stick it on the wall of his yardWhile he was doing this a little oy came up and said"MisterI want to uy one of your little dogs" "Well"said the farmer"Then little dogs cost lots of money" The oy thought for a moment Then reaching deep into his pockethe pulled out a handful of change and said"Ive got thirtynine cents Is that enough to take a look" "Sure" said the farmer Then he called "HereDolly" Out of the doghouse Dolly followed four little alls of fur The little oy watched the dogs His eyes danced with pleasure As the dogs ran to them the little oy noticed something else moving inside the doghouse Slowly another little dog appeared this one much smaller Then it egan holing toward the others doing its est to catch up "I want that one" the little oy said pointing to the little dog The farmer said"Son you dont want that little dog He will never e ale to run and play with you like these other dogs would" The little oy rolled up one leg of his trousers and showed a steel race running down oth sides of his leg connecting itself to a specially made shoe He said "You see sir I dont run too well myself and he will need someone who understands" 1 The little oy gave the money to the farmer for A uying a little dog B having a look at the dogs C cheating the farmer D uying the poster 理由


您好答案是ADCDB 第一题原因第一段 第二第四段 题猜出意思 第三题第四段第三行 第五题生活常识



1they usually watch TV or eat together2“ family unfriendly culture”3 she usually does housework or Cooks4 dont help children to do anything that children can do 5 their parents can read to them efore go to ed
