





Sales clerk:"How are you,Sir,what does the demand buy some son?"Customer:"Oh,I want to buy a bunch a flower for mother,tomorrow is her birthday."Sales clerk:"Th... "Customer:"Oh,I want to buy a bunch a flower for mother,tomorrow is her birthday."Sales clerk:"That you might as well send gladiolus,its representative work har... "Sales clerk:"150 dollars 1"Customer:"Okay,give you money"Sales clerk:"Thanks patronage,welcome you next time again."

Can I help you If you need anything just let me know.What kind of clothes do you prefer How about this one What's your size /what size do you prefer Wait a mome... Can I help you If you need anything just let me know.What kind of clothes do you prefer How about this one What's your size /what size do you prefer Wait a mome... I help you If you need anything just let me know.What kind of clothes do you prefer How about this one What's your size /what size do you prefer Wait a ...

Welcome to Wang Haiyang's Clothing Shop. We have all kinds of clothing at a very good price. For girls, we have skirts in all colors for only 30 yuan. For boys,... Welcome to Wang Haiyang's Clothing Shop. We have all kinds of clothing at a very good price. For girls, we have skirts in all colors for only 30 yuan. For boys,... to Wang Haiyang's Clothing Shop. We have all kinds of clothing at a very good price. For girls, we have skirts in all colors for only 30 yuan. For boys,...

我可以帮你吗?May I help you?(take order)先生/小姐,这是你的奶茶.This is your milk tea,sir/miss.(收钱)欢迎再来.Thank you.Please come again. 我可以帮你吗?May I help you?(take order)先生/小姐,这是你的奶茶.This is your milk tea,sir/miss.(收钱)欢迎再来.Thank you.Please come again.

Our company has a total of Five departments. They are the marketing department. Planning department, organization department. And the operations department. Ope... Our company has a total of Five departments. They are the marketing department. Planning department, organization department. And the operations department. Ope...

How do you manage your marketing employees?Do you happen to meet some difficulties in your work?Could you raise some examples?According to your experience,what ... Do you happen to meet some difficulties in your work?Could you raise some examples?According to your experience,what is the most important thing in your line?

Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors in... Welcome to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors in... to my Clothes Store. My Clothes Store is selling many nice and cheap clothes. A pair of shoes is only forty dollars. There are three different colors in...

Welcome to Fenghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just$5 each. Do you like any sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors at$15 each. Do you need bags for spor... We have sweaters in all colors at$15 each. Do you need bags for sports or school? We have great bags for jus...

Come and buy your school things at Li Jia Store.帮你起了个头

We should regard the network as a life supplement. In network communication, we pay attention to browse, search and learn the knowledge, should not be in the in... We should regard the network as a life supplement. In network communication, we pay attention to browse, search and learn the knowledge, should not be in the in... In network communication, we pay attention to browse, search and learn the knowledge, should not be in the independent knowledge retention, it should no...


Todd Oh OK So how would you descrie what you do 那你怎么形容你的职业Sandra A wine professional 一名红酒品酒师。Todd A wine professional OK so what does a wine professional do 品酒师。好的品酒师都要做什么Sandra Try to make money from wine 从红酒身上赚


如果是在唐人街做小贩有人喜欢喊价钱 quot One dollar One dollarquot 不喊的也有顾客上来看货时你就说 Hi Good morningAfternoon 你好早上好下午好 Can I help you 您想要点啥 What color do you like 你喜欢啥颜色 What39s your sizesmall medium large 什么

我在美国学习做兼职工作是街头卖一些耳环、项链、银饰、珍珠项链手链帽子头饰。这是我第一份工作但我实在是不会和顾客打交道 。希望得到一些较全面的此类会话。望有经验的人提供宝 我在美国学习做兼职工作是街头卖一些耳环、项链、银饰、珍珠项链手链帽子头饰。 这是我第一份工作但我实在是不会和顾客打交道。希望得到一些较全面的此类会话。望有经验的人提供宝贵意见谢谢大家了希望大家集思广益 展开


1The sofa is made from leatherclothyou can text it 2How much does it 3Sorryleather sofa is more expensiveYoud etter see madeofcloth Sofa 4There is other choices of the sofas color 5We will send the goods to your home after half month if you order it now You must pay 30 of s

1、这款沙发是真皮布的您可以试坐一下。 2、您大概需要多少价位的 3 、很抱歉真皮的没有这个价的您可以看一下布的。 4、这款沙发还可以选择其他颜色。 5、假如您今天订货半个月后我们会发货到您家里  。定金需要付总客额的30。 6、您是刷卡还是现金。 7 、我们还有一些在书上现场没有摆放您可以看一下有喜欢的也可以订做 。 8、谢谢光临欢迎下次再来。 9、这个布沙发的布是可以拆下来清洗的不过最好是手洗。 10 、我们还有专门配的沙发清洁液用来清洁皮布沙发表面弄到的脏东西 。


销售员和女顾客的英语对话互译Hello can I help you 你好我能帮你点什么吗Sure Id like to uy a eautiful dress 当然我想要买一件漂亮的裙子。What colour do you like 你喜欢什么颜色的Blue蓝色。How aout this one这件怎么样Wow its great How much is it 哇太好了多少钱


And the price if possile 能给我一些那种机器配套的小册子吗如有可能还有价格 布兰克 Right Here is our sales catalog and literature 好的这是我们的销售目录和说明书 阿里 Thank you I think we may e ale to work together in the future 谢谢我想也许将来我们可以合作 希望能对

大学生关于“品牌介绍”的英语口语情景对话六个人求大神帮忙最好有翻译的 大学生关于“品牌介绍”的英语口语情景对话六个人求大神帮忙最好有翻译的 展开




如果是在唐人街做小贩有人喜欢喊价钱 quot One dollar One dollarquot 不喊的也有顾客上来看货时你就说 Hi Good morningAfternoon 你好早上好下午好 Can I help you 您想要点啥 What color do you like 你喜欢啥颜色 What39s your sizesmall medium large

我在美国学习做兼职工作是街头卖一些耳环、项链、银饰 、珍珠项链手链帽子头饰。 这是我第一份工作但我实在是不会和顾客打交道。希望得到一些较全面的此类会话。望有经验的人提供宝贵意见谢谢大家了希望大家集思广益