





1.世界著名的雕像是什么?What is the world famous statue?2.谁构思设计了这个雕像?Who conceived outline to design this statue?3.他用了多长时间设计了这个雕像?How muc... What is the world famous statue?2.谁构思设计了这个雕像?Who conceived outline to design this statue?3.他用了多长时间设计了这个雕像?How much time did he spent to ... 2.谁构思设计了这个雕像?Who conceived outline to design this statue?3.他用了多长时间设计了这个雕像?How much time did he spent to design this statu...

sculpture雕刻,雕刻品,雕塑,雕塑品,[地理] 刻蚀

展开全部 "陶瓷"是一种通称,"陶"和"瓷"在质地上、物理性能上有很大区别。中国是最早制造陶器的国家之一,是最早发明瓷器的国家 。 陶器的出现大约在距今1万年左右,中国进入新... 陶瓷(Ceramics),陶器和瓷器的总称 。陶瓷的传统概念是指所有以粘土等无机非金属矿物为原料的人工工业产品。它包括由粘土或含有粘土的混合物经混炼,成形,煅烧而制成的各种制... 考古发现已经证明中国人早在新石器时代(约公元前8000)就发明了陶器。原始社会晚期出现的农业生产使中国人的祖先过上了比较固定的生活,客观上对陶器有了需求。人们为...

著名的雕像 Famous statue 破坏者推倒了广场上那座著名的雕像 。 Vandals pulled down the famous statue in the square. 它是古代最著名的雕像。It was the most famous st... 著名的雕像 Famous statue 破坏者推倒了广场上那座著名的雕像。 Vandals pulled down the famous statue in the square. 它是古代最著名的雕像。It was the most famous st... Vandals pulled down the famous statue in the square. 它是古代最著名的雕像。It was the most famous statue in the ancient world.

北魏以瘦为美,所以雕塑体现了这种观念,但是到了唐朝,以胖为美,所以雕塑显得比较丰腴In the Northern Wei Dynasty,people gave credit for slimness and sculptures of that... 北魏以瘦为美,所以雕塑体现了这种观念,但是到了唐朝,以胖为美,所以雕塑显得比较丰腴In the Northern Wei Dynasty,people gave credit for slimness and sculptures of that... the Northern Wei Dynasty,people gave credit for slimness and sculptures of that era refelct this notion.While in the Tang Dynasty,people cried up for ...

英文名称:painting中文名称:绘画工艺品英文名称:frame中文名称:画框英文名称:painted egg中文名称:彩蛋画,蛋画英文名称:traditional Chinese painting中文名称:国画英文名... 英文名称:painting中文名称:绘画工艺品英文名称:frame中文名称:画框英文名称:painted egg中文名称:彩蛋画,蛋画英文名称:traditional Chinese painting中文名称:国画英文名... egg中文名称:彩蛋画,蛋画英文名称:traditional Chinese painting中文名称:国画英文名称:canvas中文名称:油画英文名称:block print中文名称:版画英文名称:traditional...

自由女神像是法国人民为庆祝美国100周年国庆送给美国人民的礼物。由法国雕塑家巴托迪创作,颂扬美国的新共和与自由,并希望自由重返法国(1851年路易·波拿巴发动军事政变推翻... 由法国雕塑家巴托迪创作,颂扬美国的新共和与自由,并希望自由重返法国(1851年路易·波拿巴发动军事政变推翻了第二共和国)。雕像的底部刻着犹太裔女诗人爱玛·拉扎罗丝的诗句... 雕像的底部刻着犹太裔女诗人爱玛·拉扎罗丝的诗句: 送给我吧,你那些疲乏的和贫困的 挤在一起渴望自由呼吸的大众; 你那熙熙攘攘的岸上被遗弃的 可怜的人群; 把那些...

激;感谢△peak n. 山顶;顶峰△persuasion n. 信服;说服guarantee vt. 保证;担保

导言有始终已模式有已设计.图1显示都非常著名的,美观漂亮,但绝对不同的两个雕像是被称为国宝世界上.雕像大卫,例如,给我们锋利的,或什至可能,欧洲印象而雕像basara给我们心,... 导言有始终已模式有已设计.图1显示都非常著名的,美观漂亮,但绝对不同的两个雕像是被称为国宝世界上.雕像大卫,例如,给我们锋利的,或什至可能,欧洲印象而雕像basara给我们心,...

this statue is to keep in memory of those who died in the my delight,he has already made a list of the things that have to be seems strange that ... this statue is to keep in memory of those who died in the my delight,he has already made a list of the things that have to be seems strange that ... statue is to keep in memory of those who died in the my delight,he has already made a list of the things that have to be seems strange th...


Carve1a sculpture a representation2to sculpn1 雕刻品雕塑品雕像CUWe saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods我们看到古代罗马神的塑像 。2 雕刻术雕塑术UI took a course in sculpture last semester我上学期选了一门雕塑课。3 地刻蚀Uvt1 雕刻做的雕像There are tw


sculpture雕刻 雕刻品 雕塑 雕塑品 地理 刻蚀



Qionghai is the second largest fresh water lake in Sichuan Province 7 km from the city center at the northern foot of Shandong Wo Yu Lu Guang Shan Yingyun a i hectares the sea water is clear and transparent Qiong an area of aout 31 square kilometers Qionghai Lake of the existing



THE GREAT WALLThe Great Wall located in nirthern chinais 6700 Kimeters long and thas know sa the quot10000li Great Wallquot construction of the wall went in for more the 2000 yearsThe wall has ecome a symol of oth China39s proud history and its present strength
