





carvecarveAHD:[kärv] D.J.[k$8v]K.K.[k$rv]v.(动词)carved,,carves及物动词)To divide into pieces by cutting; slice:切成薄片:通过切来分成数片;切成片... carvecarveAHD:[kärv] D.J.[k$8v]K.K.[k$rv]v.(动词)carved,,carves及物动词)To divide into pieces by cutting; slice:切成薄片:通过切来分成数片;切成片... D.J.[k$8v]K.K.[k$rv]v.(动词)carved,,carves及物动词)To divide into pieces by cutting; slice:切成薄片:通过切来分成数片;切成片:carve a roast...

movement 复数:movements 名词; 运动; 活动 Downward movement is much faster than upward one.向下移动比向上移动快得多.2.动作,姿势 We were amused at his fu... movement 复数:movements 名词; 运动; 活动 Downward movement is much faster than upward one.向下移动比向上移动快得多.2.动作,姿势 We were amused at his fu... 复数:movements 名词; 运动; 活动 Downward movement is much faster than upward one.向下移动比向上移动快得多.2.动作,姿势 We were amused at his fun...

... 中文释义: n. 绘画;油画;着色 v. 绘画(paint的ing形式);涂色于 例句: Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpt... n. 绘画;油画;着色 v. 绘画(paint的ing形式);涂色于 例句: Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and arc... v. 绘画(paint的ing形式);涂色于 例句: Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture 绘画、雕塑...

雕像,statue。 雕塑,sculpture。 Statue,美国自由女神雕像就是statue of liberty,这是雕像,内容是人Sculpture,这是雕塑,乱七八糟形状的那些现代艺术品,就是它。还有Relief,在艺术里面是浮雕的意思~ 肖像雕塑 portrait sculpture

1、shape的基本意思是指物品的“外形,形状,样子”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词 。 2、shape在口语中可表示“人或事物的情况,状况,状态”,用作不可数名词。... 1、shape的基本意思是指物品的“外形,形状,样子”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。 2、shape在口语中可表示“人或事物的情况,状况,状态”,用作不可数名词。 ...

~ Be made of:用来描述物体的原材料或主要成分 。通常指物体由一种或多种材料组成,而且这些材料在制作过程中没有经过显著的化学变化。例如: This table is made of wood(这... 通常指物体由一种或多种材料组成,而且这些材料在制作过程中没有经过显著的化学变化。例如: This table is made of wood(这张桌子是由木头制成的)。 Be made from:也用来描... 例如: This table is made of wood(这张桌子是由木头制成的)。 Be made from:也用来描述物体的原材料,但通常指材料经过一定的加工或转化,制作出新的物品。这个短语常...

英 [ˈɑ:kɪtektʃə(r)] 美 [ˈɑrkɪˌtɛktʃɚ] n.建筑学;建筑风格;体系结构;(总体、层次)结构 网 络 建筑; 结构; 体系结构; 建筑学 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL I... 狄俄墨德,但愿你把美味的菜肴和建筑学结合在一起!来自辞典例句16.I have nursed a love of architecture since then.从那时起,我就养成了热爱建筑物的习惯.来自辞典例句17.... 来自辞典例句16.I have nursed a love of architecture since then.从那时起,我就养成了热爱建筑物的习惯.来自辞典例句17.Other differences lie in the instructi...

激;感谢△peak n. 山顶;顶峰△persuasion n. 信服;说服guarantee vt. 保证;担保

The statue is built in memory of those who died in the war.To my delight, he has made a list of what we have to do.How should he have had such a serious error.H... The statue is built in memory of those who died in the war.To my delight, he has made a list of what we have to do.How should he have had such a serious error.H... statue is built in memory of those who died in the war.To my delight, he has made a list of what we have to do.How should he have had such a serious err...

amazing fabulous perfect, very good,wonderful,excellent 极好的: all wool and a yard wide bang-up clinking clipping copacetic ducky excellent famous first-rate forby four-star hunky-dory nailing nifty posh scrumptious... He has a superb singing voice . 用大豆给猪增膘是极好的。 Soya is excellent for fattening pigs. 极好的酒;一流的技巧 a superb wine;superb skill. 夏威夷是极好的旅... Soya is excellent for fattening pigs. 极好的酒;一流的技巧 a superb wine;superb skill. 夏威夷是极...




四川美术学院雕塑系始建于1953年是四川美术学院首批建系的系科之一属国内外有重要影响的省 、部级重点学科。我系创作的大型雕塑收租院在国内外产生重大影响。作为新写实雕塑和场景雕塑它在世界上出现最早为中国雕塑获得国际声誉做出了重大贡献。除此之外我系的代



英文名称Rodin’s The Thinker 思想者青铜198×1295×134厘米法国雕塑家奥古斯特·罗丹创作于18801900年藏于巴黎罗丹美术馆。 思想者的创作出自于地狱之门那是为巴黎装饰艺术博物馆而做的大门。罗丹在设计地狱之门铜饰浮雕的总体构图时花了很大的心血塑


Sculpture of the Five RamsLegend has it that five immortal eings wearing roes of five colours came to Guangzhou on the acks of rams Each eing carried rice and gave it to the people as a sign that Guangzhou would e free of famine A sculpture was erected in Yuexiu park in 1959 to


The Thinker French Le Penseur is a ronze and marle sculpture y Auguste Rodin held in the Musée Rodin in Paris It depicts a man in soer meditation attling with a powerful internal struggle It is often used to represent philosophyOriginally named The Poet the piece was part of a c


四川美术学院雕塑系始建于1953年是四川美术学院首批建系的系科之一属国内外有重要影响的省、部级重点学科。我系创作的大型雕塑收租院在国内外产生重大影响。作为新写实雕塑和场景雕塑它在世界上出现最早为中国雕塑获得国际声誉做出了重大贡献 。除此之外我系的代



我搜索了一下大概是这样圣殇其实是部电影的名字可以翻译成pieta是根据米开朗基罗的雕像哀悼基督也称为圣母怜子的故事拍摄而成。这张图就是 哀悼基督nsp圣母怜子综上pieta既是指电影圣殇也是这个雕像的名字