





捐款 英文怎么说

捐款 contriute money donation 给慈善机构的捐赠物捐款出资供款捐款contriution团体捐款 社区救济基金community chest政治用途捐款、政治用途捐赠、政治捐款、political donationa numerous collection 大笔捐款to contriute toward a new hope primary school 为一所新的希望小学

The next largest amount of pulic money goes to teach and tr


The next largest amount of pulic money goes to teach and train our citizens选择音频中提到的单词或词组A、trainB、trackC、trace

奥巴马 电台演讲 翻译

我找 百度搜 美总统电台演讲 文

Barack Oama ecame US Pres

答案 小题1D 小题2D 小题3C 小题4B 答案解析试题分析本文介绍了奥巴马总统送给女儿的礼物—小狗Bo的新闻。 小题1D 细节题。根据本文第一句Barack Oama ecame US President in January 2009可知奥巴马是美国总统。故D正确。 小题2D

Barack Oama ecame US President in January 2009 Since then the world has een watching him closely to see whether he keeps his promises aout the economy经济 foreign policy and health care But at home he has also een under pressure from his two daughters to keep his promise to give them a new dog as a gift for helping him with his election campaign竞选活动 On Tuesday the nation’s first dog named Bo came out It is a sixmonthold water dog which is lack with a white chest and white paws爪 “Bo’s got star quality” said President Oama as he and his family took a walk with the dog on the White House lawn草坪 in front of reporters He then joked “ I finally got a friend It took some time” mentioning a famous saying “If you want a friend in Washington get a dog” 小题1Barack Oama is President now AFrenchBBritishCRussianDAmerican 小题2Which of the following is NOT true AThe dog is called BoBThe dog is six month old CThe dog is lack and whiteDThe dog is all white 小题3The dog is Oama’s gift to Athe reportersBhis wifeChis daughtersDhis sons 小题4What might the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean AIt’s not easy to find a dog in Washington BIt’s not easy to find a friend in Washington CDogs aren’t friendly to man DMan isn’t friendly to dogs


if i were you i would donate money to the poor people 如果我是你我会把钱捐给穷人Do you think that everyone in our class has a great score in the exam你认为我们班每个人都考的很棒吗he says that he would rather go to the each do not want to go hiking他说他宁愿去海滩不愿去远

if i were you i to the poor people 如果我是你我会把钱捐给穷人that everyone in our class in the exam你认为我们班每个人都考的很棒吗he says that he 他说他宁愿去海滩不愿去远足my mother doesnt 我妈妈不知道改为我买什么what if your oss 如果老板要你在众人面讲话你会怎么做they wear skits 如果她们都穿裙子怎么办tom alwaysTom总是能想许多办法解决他人的问题ligang is不要害怕在公共场合唱歌dont 李刚是个容易相处的人Jack isJack 有点害羞都不会额帮帮忙了

他把所有钱都捐出来修路 用英语怎么说

He donated all this money to uild roads希望能够帮到楼主

“The money in our clas

答案C 答案解析试题分析句意"我们的教室里的钱丢了你觉得会是谁偷的呢"杰克说。据说Veny偷了这笔钱。S is said to do sth"It’s" said that…据说某人做了某事。根据本题的具体语境偷钱这一动作在说话者说之前已经完成要用不定式的完成时故选C。 考点 考查非

“The money in our classroom is lost who do you think steal it”Jack says Veny is said the money Ato stealBto stealingCto have stolenDhave stolen


donate 。。。 to 。 。。