









1 B 飞机什么时候起飞飞机尽可能快地准备好起飞这种问答中间当然是"稍等片刻"了 2 B 上次见面当然是过去时了到现在已经十年了这句可以用现在完成时也可以用一般现在时 3 C 另外一杯饮料此处drink为可数名词it指原物不妥one指同类但异物的可数名词 4 C 英国人初次见

1 When is the plane to Shanghai going to take off Plane get ready as soon as possile A For a moment B Just amoment C In a moment D A moment ago 2 It ten years since we last in Beijing A was met B is met C has een meet D was has met 3 can I get you a drink That’s very nice of you I’ve already got A it B that C one D this 4 What are people in England supposed to do when they meet for the first time They’re supposed to A kiss Bow C shake hands D hug 5 class 2 will go for a picnicthey made 6 o clock to meet at the foot of tai moutain A it B that 请求高手帮忙谢谢要答案和详细解释


什么跟什么啊 当然选一喽 一只是口语形式罢了没有错 只是2 my pleasure多用于这种语境 一个人向另一个人提出请求如 could you help me take them away 这时另一个人就回应说my pleasure 另外补充一下 当另一个人已经完成请求受帮助的人会说 ohits how nice of you 这时帮

Will you join us to play asketall on Saturday afternoon ——ut I promised to go swimming with Eric 1、many thanks 2、my pleasure。 该选哪个加注谢谢。 可是答案是选1的……看看好像如果联系上下文的话1也对。 1的说法是有的 表示多谢 。


节约用水 Turn off the tap efore you leave Use water for many times as possile 保护水资源 Don39t throw ruish into rivers 做 Don39t draw pictures on pulic walls Don39t spit around

要英语写出节约用水和保护水资源2方法 学生公众场所做文明学生写2点用英语




选B 这里省略了This question is hard for meto answer所以用主动。 eg Do you have sth to uy 除非后加y表示明显的被动才会用to e done

This question is hard to A e answered B answer 为什么不是A


是统一的 我晓得 展望未来一般都是 外国语学校学的 我现在在上高一 班上 好多都是以前成外实外得 所以是统一的

成都大部分的初中都用的是quotGO FOR ITquot教材可有的学校用的那个quot展望未来quot想知道参加中考是不是统一的呢


在知道被指代人性别的时候肯定是男的用he女的用she的。 如果要用it指代人的话那么要不明这个人的性别。很明显这里后文就说了oy所以这里是知道性别的。 还有就是对于不知道性别的婴儿也可以用it。

Last Friday after doing all the family shopping in the town I wanted to have a rest efore catching the rain I 1 a newspaper and some chocolate and 2 into the station coffee shop It was a cheap selfservice place with long tales to 3 at I put my heavy ag down on the floor 4 the newspaper and the chocolate on the tale and then went to get a cup of coffee When I came ack with the coffee There was someone 5 in the next seat 6 was a oy with dark glasses and old clothes and 7 right red at the front He had started to eat my chocolate Naturally I was rather uneasy aout him ut I didn’t want to have any 8 I just read the newspaper tasted my coffee and took a it of chocolate The oy looked at me in 9Then he took a 10 piece of my chocolate I could hardly elieve it Still I didn’t say anything to him When he took a third piece I felt more angry than uneasy I thought “Well I shall have the last piece” And I got it The oy gave me a strange look then 11 up As he left he shouted out “There’s something 12 with that woman” Everyone looked at me 13 I didn’t want to quarrel with the oy so I kept quiet I did not realize that I had 14 a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to 15 My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper The chocolate that I had een eating was the oy’s 1 A stole B ought C sold D wrote 2 A went B sat C seated D looked 3 A sit B seat C lie D laugh 4 A pushed B took C put D pulled 5 A jumping B playing C sitting D sleeping 6 A He B It C Who D What 7 A cut B washed C covered D colored 8 A coffee B troule C chocolate D matter 9 A carelessness B anger C surprise D happiness 10 A first B second C very D last 11 A stood B took C cried D looked 12 A strange B wrong C OK D funny 13 A and B ut C so D while 14 A spelt B corrected C made D found 15 A finish B leave C jump D shop 第6题选什么 答案A B不对啊解释it虚指


我觉得你的选择B是正确的。词霸中有以下例句支持此观点efore连接词 conj 1在…之前 It will e some time efore we know the full results还要过一些时间我们才能知道全部结果。

No conclusion efore we complete this test is made Bwill e made答案是A 我选的B 为什么不能选B阿