






想出国的想法发生在改变主意留在家人身边后面的话用的是一般过去式所以though语句要用过去完成时 选D的话只是强调出国的动作发生在过去但是体现不出来与改变主意陪在家人身边两者的先后顺序好好看看让步状语从句

Though I to go aroad I changed my mind and decided to stay with my family Ahad wanted Bwanted Cwould want Ddid want 答案是A但为啥不能选D呢“尽管我确实想出国”啊


选D There remains 表示“存在这么个疑问 ”类似于There e句型 经常用这个句式 表示某地或某范围内存在什么东西 as to在这里是“关于” 就像以前接触到的There e句型后面加的地点状语一样 这句话是说 “关于这个工程的真实实践价值大家还持有一定的怀疑” A不成立

a certain dout among the people as to the practical value of the project A It has B They have C It remains D There remains 为什么A和C不行


选Ahopen希望念头 vtvi 期望信认例句 1n He gave up hope 他断了念头 2 There is a little hope now现在有一点希望 3v I hope it will e fine tomorrow我期望着明天天气好 wishn希望愿望 viv欲打算祁望例句 1n Now I attained all my wishes现在我已达到我的一切

he hasn39t much of realizing his a hope wish wish hope c hope will d will wish

高考 英语

我看你基础差其实英语想打好基础也并不是那么难。英语和语文一样就是死记硬背只要你按我说的去做英语就肯定会提高每天早上起床大声读一会儿英语 。 找一些英语练习题做一做。多听英语录音并跟着录音读一遍。每天坚持做完以上三点英语就会提高



我会选D A 表示 另外而且前后两句话有因果关系所以不应该用递进 B That39s to say那就是说换句话说这个解释不通因为后半句并不是对前半句的解释 C In other words换句话说和上面的B是差不多的意思如果选B那么C也可以选 D 信不信由你反正我是信了、、这个符合对

It39s so nice to hear from her again we last met more than thirty years ago AWhat39s more BThat39s to say CIn other words DBelieve it or not


这是一个定语从句将从句还原应为you will spend next winter in next winter作spend 的宾语而不是时间状语所以选A 如用when应改成Next winterwhen you will spend your holiday in HarinIm sure will e another exciting holiday

Next winter you will spend in Harin I’m sure will e another exciting holiday A which B when C in which D what 答案选A 为什么不选Bnext winter不是时间状语吗


3D 4B 5D 6D 3这是被动的意思指这项调查一旦被开始就不会停止 4riskdoing 是固定词组而且是主动形式是he 人不想冒险 5havesthdone是固定词组表被动是你已经被解释过好多遍了 6后面的句子缺主语所以选D这道题我不太会讲但答案一定对 你的非谓语动词不太好你

3The research is so designed that once nothing can e done to change it A egins B having egun C eginning D egun 4He got wellprpared for the jo interview for he couldnt risk the good opportunity to lose B losing C to e lost D eing lost 5You should understand the traffic tule y now youve had it often enough A explaining B to explain C explain D explained 6 Its necessary to e prepared for a jo interview the answers ready will e of great help A To have had B Having had C Have D Having