





indeoengent是不是independent啊语法上没有错误 副词是可以修饰形容词的,有很多例子,很广泛he was terribly sorry about the hurt he brought to his girlfriend.有人评论... indeoengent是不是independent啊语法上没有错误 副词是可以修饰形容词的,有很多例子,很广泛he was terribly sorry about the hurt he brought to his girlfriend.有人评论... 副词是可以修饰形容词的,有很多例子,很广泛he was terribly sorry about the hurt he brought to his girlfriend.有人评论暮光之城That's why we have this twisted ...

选B 首先 这里有一个被动的关系 就是 油只能被使用 所以用 be used 其次, 用在句首 不定式 表示目的 整句话的意思是 如果节约用油 , 一桶油至少可以维持3个月 B 分词短语做条件状语,后面主语是一加仑油,所以要用过去分词,表被动 D d 不定式短语的被动形式,表示还没有去做,符合这个句子的假设条件 .

以ally为后缀的单词有:mortally ad. 致命地;annually ad.每年;accidentally adv. 意外地;actually adv.实际上;legally adj合法地;artificially ad. 人工地;finally ad.最后... 例句:And we are all mortally shy of one another.我们这些人全都极力地互相回避。I was mortally afraid she'd ask me to go with her.我提心吊胆怕她要我跟她一块去。He... I was mortally afraid she'd ask me to go with her.我提心吊胆怕她要我跟她一块去。He is mortally sick, the doctors can do nothing to help him.他已病入膏肓...

economically 意思是: 1. 在经济上,在经济学上; 2.经济地,实惠地; 3.节约地,节省地 economically意思是:1. 在经济上,在经济学上;2.经济地,实惠地;3.节约地,节省地

以ic结尾的形容词变副词的规则:ic结尾加ally,public要除开。例如:alphabetic——alphabetically ad. 按字母表顺序;anatomic——anatomically ad. 解剖学上,结构上;automati... 例如:alphabetic——alphabetically ad. 按字母表顺序;anatomic——anatomically ad. 解剖学上,结构上;automatic——automatically ad. 自动地,机械地。扩展资料形容词变副... 扩展资料形容词变副词例子:1、一般情况下直接加“ly”,如:quick-quickly;polite-politely;sad-sadly;imediate-immediately;recent-recently2、少数以e结尾的.形容...

用used~它和后面的tin是被动关系,要保持主谓一致~所以用ed形式~而being used虽然也是被动,但是进行时的意思~而这里没有必要用进行时~ 用used~它和后面的tin是被动关系,要保持主谓一致~所以用ed形式~而being used虽然也是被动,但是进行时的意思~而这里没有必要用进行时~


Guangzhou is my hometown.It is very prosperous and quite developed economically.It shines in multiple dimensions to meet needs of different kinds of people,alth... Guangzhou is my hometown.It is very prosperous and quite developed economically.It shines in multiple dimensions to meet needs of different kinds of people,alth... is my hometown.It is very prosperous and quite developed economically.It shines in multiple dimensions to meet needs of different kinds of people,alth...

没省什么!of 在这里标范围”在.之中“再如:Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is the biggest.在中国的所有城市之中,上海市是最大的.O(∩_∩)O 认同请采纳,不懂继续问.... of 在这里标范围”在.之中“再如:Of all the cities in China, Shanghai is the biggest.在中国的所有城市之中,上海市是最大的.O(∩_∩)O 认同请采纳,不懂继续问. 祝学习进...

1.opposite 2.Politically 3.recommended 4.convenience 5.punishment分 析: 1.考查介词:opposite在…对面,在句子中做定语修饰the building。 2.考查副词:政治上Politicall... 2.考查副词:政治上Politically和 economically并列 3.考查动词:推荐:因为是被动用过去分词recommended 4.考查词组:at one’s convenience在某人方便的时候 5.考查词组:惩...

economic 的英文解释是什么

1only efore noun relating to trade industry and the management of money 2 an economic process activity etc produce enough profit for it to continue profitale