





the navigation act是什么意思




nav igation navigation是什么意思

navigation navigation 导航 双语例句 1 The new navigation system which will enale aircraft to navigate with total pinpoint accuracy 将使飞机能够精确定位飞行的新导航系统 2 The Navigation Controller manages the navigation among views in an application windows flow TNavigation Co




根据下列文章请回答 31~35 题。 Text 3The first navigational lights in t

正确答案C 新世界最初为航行照明的灯光大概来自挂在港口入口处的灯笼。第一座灯塔是马萨诸塞海湾殖民地于1716年建立的位于波士顿港口入口处的小布鲁斯特岛上。最初的灯塔通过从过往船只征收的“灯塔费”支付其服务和维护费用它于l776年被炸毁。到那时为止在这些殖民

根据下列文章请回答 31~35 题。 Text 3 The first navigational lights in the New World were proaly lanterns hung at haror entrances The first lighthouse was put up y the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1716 on Little Brewster Island at the entrance to Boston Haror Paid for and maintained y "light dues" levied 征收 on ships the original eacon was lown up in 1776 Until then there were only a dozen or so true lighthouses in the colonies Little over a century later there were 700 lighthouses The first eight lanterns erected on the West Coast in the 1850"s featured the same asic New England designa Cape Cod dwelling with the tower rising from the center or standing close y In New England and elsewhere though lighthouses reflected a variety of architectural styles Since most stations in the Northeast were set up on rocky eminences 高处 enormous towers were not the rule Some of them were made of stone and rick others of wood or metal Some of them stood on pilings or stilts others were fastened to rock with iron rods Farther south from Maryland through the Florida Keys the coast was low and sandy It was often necessary to uild tall towers there massive structures like the majestic lighthouse in Cape Hatteras North Carolinawhich was lit in 1870 190 feet high it is the tallest rick lighthouse in the country Notwithstanding differences in construction appearence most lighthouses in America shared several features a light living quarters and sometimes a ell or later a foghorn They also had quarters and something else in common a keeper and usually the keeper"s family The keeper"s essential task was trimming the lantern wick 灯芯 in order to maintain a steady right flame The earliest keepers came from every industry they were seamen farmers mechanics rough mill hands and appointments were often handed out y local customs commissioners as political plums After the administration of lighthouse was taken over in 1852 y the United States Light house Board and agency of the Treasury Department the keeper corps gradually ecame highly professional 第31题Which is the est title for the passage AThe Lighthouse on Little Brewster Island BThe Life of a Lighthouse Keeper CEarly Lighthouses in the United States DThe Modern Profession of Lighthousekeeping 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

navigation icon是什么意思

navigation icon 导航图标 双语对照 词典结果 网络释义 1 导航图标 例句 1 You can start the navigation process y tapping on a colored icon showing travel time either in the initial small ar at the ottom of the map or on the info sheet 无论是在最初的地图底部信息栏还是在信息页上你

navigation ars是什么意思

navigation ars导航栏 例句1Vought s site has two main navigation ars located at the top of the page