





Bessie Coleman


Bessie Coleman Bessie was orn in Atlanta Texas in 1893 Her father was an Indian and her mother an African American Her father left the family when she was seven At such a young age Bessie picked cotton She also took on extra washing and ironing to help her mother meet family expensesAfter finishing high school Bessie went to Chicago to stay with a younger rother She ecame interested in aviation 飞行 shorty after World War I But ecause of her sex and color she could not enroll 注册入学 in an aviation school in the US Later a newspaper editor told her that the only path left open to her would e an aviation school in Europe She then made two trips to Europe She studied under top German and French pilotsand returned to Chicago with an international pilot39s license Bessie ecame the only lack woman pilot in the worldHer work as a pilot took her into a field untouched y women in her day This field was exhiition flying In 1922 Bessie gave her first exhiition flying show Several thousand eager fans came to see the uausual show She went on giving air shows all over the US She gained national attention and thousands of fans of all racesShe was not discouraged y words from her family or seeing the death of a student pilot Nor did suffering a roken leg and arm in an air crash scare herLetters poured in from young lack people Like Bessiethey wanted to go into the field of aviation Long efore her first exhiition Bessie dreamed of setting up a flying school for lacksUnfortunately she died in a flight accident efore her dream was realizedBessie39s unrealized dream was toA、reduce flight accidentsB、set up her own flying teamC、involve more women in aviationD、found a flying school for lacks

Bessie Coleman


Bessie Coleman Bessie was orn in Atlanta Texas in 1893 Her father was an Indian and her mother an African American Her father left the family when she was seven At such a young age Bessie picked cotton She also took on extra washing and ironing to help her mother meet family expensesAfter finishing high school Bessie went to Chicago to stay with a younger rother She ecame interested in aviation 飞行 shorty after World War I But ecause of her sex and color she could not enroll 注册入学 in an aviation school in the US Later a newspaper editor told her that the only path left open to her would e an aviation school in Europe She then made two trips to Europe She studied under top German and French pilotsand returned to Chicago with an international pilot39s license Bessie ecame the only lack woman pilot in the worldHer work as a pilot took her into a field untouched y women in her day This field was exhiition flying In 1922 Bessie gave her first exhiition flying show Several thousand eager fans came to see the uausual show She went on giving air shows all over the US She gained national attention and thousands of fans of all racesShe was not discouraged y words from her family or seeing the death of a student pilot Nor did suffering a roken leg and arm in an air crash scare herLetters poured in from young lack people Like Bessiethey wanted to go into the field of aviation Long efore her first exhiition Bessie dreamed of setting up a flying school for lacksUnfortunately she died in a flight accident efore her dream was realizedBessie39s exhiition flying show in 1922A、was the first done y womenB、id not attract much attentionwas helped y European pilotsD、ended in air crash

kevin cope 是谁

我想问问啊楼主说的是U KISS的kevin嘛 如果不是的话就当我透明好了…… 哈哈这个就多了 首先嘛MK 是起范和kevin的 然后呢AK 是山大和kevin的 再然后EK 是ELI和kevin的 EK是海外派夫妇在厨师之吻里面两人排挡。粉红事件来的 还有秀铉和kevin这个嘛不是太多的粉红只是


1910年鲍伊·卡柏支持和鼓励CHANEL开了她的第一家店位于巴黎康朋街21号的一间名为“CHANEL风尚”的女帽店。CHANEL的事业从“头”开始。 CHANEL和鲍伊·卡柏共同生活了九年。她常说卡柏是她一生惟一爱上的男人。卡柏是知名的马球爱好者常带她去赛马场那里激


penny pence


He looked as if he lost a pound and found twenty pence是不是有什么典故、谚语、比喻