






英语和中文一样可以多种表达.如 economy union,economy integration,economy body,economy or economies

这个很正常,通常都是按adj+n来翻的。n+n只存在于前者无形容词形式或者必须用名词诸如constructionbankofChina.这时的名词有实际意义。v1bet.18net 这个很正常,通常都是按adj+n来翻的。n+n只存在于前者无形容词形式或者必须用名词诸如constructionbankofChina.这时的名词有实际意义。v1bet.18net

economicbenefit:经济效益,强调的是经济效果与利益,如减少成本、提高利润等。economyperformance:经济表现,强调的是经济体系整体的运作情况,如GDP增长、就业情 应当使用performance,因为它有绩效的意思,做企业管理的都知道,绩效管理也要用它。benefit主要指的是利益、好处,企业取得了良好的经济效益应也就是说绩效表现甚佳,所以一定...

Economy is closely related to daily life.


tical economy), broadly speaking, is the study of social production, capital, distribution, exchange, distribution and consumption and other econom... (Political economy), broadly speaking, is the study of social production, capital, distribution, exchange, distribution and consumption and other economic activ... broadly speaking, is the study of social production, capital, distribution, exchange, distribution and consumption and other economic activities, economic relat...

I am going to devote myself into the domain of economy.For it is the time for globalization of economy,and economy will promote the development of the whole wor... I am going to devote myself into the domain of economy.For it is the time for globalization of economy,and economy will promote the development of the whole wor... going to devote myself into the domain of economy.For it is the time for globalization of economy,and economy will promote the development of the whole ...

Along with the economic development句例:Along with the economic development,tendencies of birth rate and death rate are different. Social development has to be ... Along with the economic development句例:Along with the economic development,tendencies of birth rate and death rate are different. Social development has to be ... with the economic development句例:Along with the economic development,tendencies of birth rate and death rate are different. Social development has to...

Economic Development Zone

economic order 英语解释

Economic order quantity is the order quantity that minimizes total inventory holding costs and ordering costs 去维基百科呀。 httpenwikipediaorgwikiNewInternationalEconomicOrder httpenwikipediaorgwikiEconomicorderquantity

求用英文解释 Economic order 我指的是用英文 write the english defination

economic odd是什么意思

mserenam在信口胡说严重误人子弟我来解答一下吧。odd和odds是两个词odd是奇怪的意思odds是几率的意思可引申为困难 、困境的意思。你查一下朗文双解词典就知道了记住查odds不要查odd。所以这一课里的的economic odds自然就指的是经济困难 。

economic pain作何解释

经济痛苦 "This ipartisan package should e acted upon rapidly and can help alleviate the economic pain felt y millions of Americans" she said 佩洛西说“应当立即实施这项由两党合作共同制定的计划。该计划能够帮助减轻数以百万计的美国人的经济痛苦。”

economic pain