






短语搭配economic crisis经济危机economic recovery经济复苏economic growth经济增长四、例句1、Among the key tasks was the perfection of new mechanisms ofnspeconomicnspmanagement主要任务之一是完善经济管理的新机制 。2、The uran crisis conflates a numer of d



economicA 、adj 经济的经济学的合算的有经济效益的B、adj 依靠的有瘾的C、adj 患病的不适的

Strengthening economic growth at the same time as winter gr

正确答案 64 译文强劲的经济增长势头加上北半球冬季的到来可能在短期内使石油价格涨得更高。 解析本句重点是要首先抓住主句的基本结构是一个含有插入成分的单句 。主语是动名词短语 Strengthening economic growth谓语是 could push插入成分是一个时间状语。 重点

Strengthening economic growth at the same time as winter grips the northern hemisphere could push the price higher still in the short term

英译中急Does Economic Growth Improve Human Morale



the defination of economic growth

and improvement in the quality and level of literacy are considered to e the principal causes of economic growth In recent years the idea of 39sustainale development39 has rought in additional factors such as environmentally sound processes that must e taken into account in gr

麻烦给英文的定义 谢谢啦

Economic growth did not make it more flexile for the home e

正确答案C 解析根据本文倒数第四和第五句“Growth rought with it increased variety in consumer goodsut not increased flexiility for the home economy in otaining these goods and servicesInsteadeconomic growth rought with it increased consumer reliance on the marketplace”可

Economic growth did not make it more flexile for the home economy to otain the new goods and services ecause Athe family was not efficient in production Bit will e illegal for the home economic to produce them Cit could not supply them y itself Dthe market for these goods and services was limited

The degree of economic growth is an of the level of l

正确答案A 解析elicit引起诱出。句意他们要求提供资金的呼吁没有引起多大反应。drag拖拉tempt引诱attract引起。elicit指引起反应诱出回答attract引起兴趣注意赞赏等temp用于temp sto do sth的结构中。

The degree of economic growth is an of the level of living Aindex Badvantage Caccess Daspect

With our GDP growing steadily economists are all very optim

正确答案C 解析译文A完全误解了原文的意思 属于错译译文B基本译出了原文的意思 但用词不够准确译文C在准确地理解原文的基础上 用通顺、流畅的中文表达了原文译文D中“很高兴地”为误译。

With our GDP growing steadily economists are all very optimistic aout the prospects of our economic development A通过对经济发展前景的预测 经济学家很乐观地指出我国经济会稳步增长。 B我国国内生产总值稳步增长使经济学家对我国经济发展的前景持乐观态度。 C随着我国国内生产总值稳步增长 经济学家们对我国经济发展的前景持乐观态度。 D随着我国国内生产总值稳步增长 经济学家们很高兴地预见了我国经济发展的前景。
