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我以前都在网上下电子版economist但是最近网站上无法下载了不知道什么原因有谁最近成功今年9月份的详细告诉我你是如何操作的谢谢了 一楼给的地址有误……

American people’s economic welleing has not improved as mu


American people’s economic welleing has not improved as much as reportedAccording to this measure as of the earlytomid2000s the US had the highest economic welfare of any large country Since 2007 economic welfare in the US has continued to improve However the pace of improvement has slowed markedly 请根据所给材料判断题干是否正确A、正确B、错误

In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth the economic h


In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that oth inside and outside the US lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more meanspirited and less inclusive and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedomsA、n 狂暴盛怒狂怒B、n 时期一段时间C、n 一叠一摞大量

听力原文Inflation stems from the instaility of capitalist econ

正确答案B 解析1掌握表示因果关系的信号词可以帮助听者作出正确的判断。题干中 occur表明该题重点在于找寻和判断inflation的原因由此可使听者将重点放在找寻原文关于inflation的原因上2同义词替换。本题需掌握stem from与题干中的occur同义均是表示因果关系的信号词 。

听力原文Inflation stems from the instaility of capitalist economic systems That this instaility no longer creates cumulative depressions is due to the intervention of the government sector Increased institutional rigidity also limits downward price adjustment Inflation occurs when government sectors intervene the capitalist economic system A正确 B错误

economic scenario

scenarion想定游戏的关或是某一特定情节economic scenario经济设想经济格局之类的看怎么放在上下文里比较通吧

economic scenario 如何翻译啊 多谢大家

听力原文 Economic experts say that the world economy should imp


听力原文 Economic experts say that the world economy should improve some this year They say there will e exploding economic growth in most of Asia There will e moderate economic growth in the United States and Canada and there will e little or no growth in Europe and Japan ut China is expected to have the most economic growth this year proaly ten percent The New Year is expected to ring more underpayment in industrial countries The organization for economic Cooperation and Development says aout 35 million people in its 24 memer countries could e without jos y the middle of the year That would mean an average unemployment rate in industrial countries of aout eight and one hall per cent Unemployment in some European countries however could e much higher It could clim to eleven and one half percent Economic experts in the United States say the American economy will continue to expand They say Americans are feeling sure that economic conditions are improving This means they are willing to spend more money Economic experts also think American industries will invest more money to increase production 33 AThere will e exploding development in economy BThere will e moderate growth CThem will e stagnation actually DThere will e no growth at all 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢


给你说我还真的知道你去一个网站 杂志铺 到这个网站上去看看吧他们有你说的这本杂志邮局啊、书报亭都不好订阅的到外刊杂志他们那里没问题而且服务质量不错、订阅方便、快递送货安全方便不错的。建议你去看看啊


听力原文 31 The economic costs of noise to society are severa


听力原文 31 The economic costs of noise to society are several 29 Airports are currently operating at less capacity ecause of noise regulations which restrict their hours of operation For instance at Washington"s National Airport jet traffic is not allowed from 11 pm to 7 am Other airports restrict the use of certain runways One estimate is that noise restrictions reduce possile airport use y 20 percent The profitale cargo trade is especially affected y night restrictions In the case of airports jet engines may e modified to reduce their noise level One estimate is that 57 illion would e required to equip all existing jet engines with noise control devices However even taking this step will not reduce noise levels at all points to acceptale values Some comination of methods is proaly necessary 3031If all aircraft were made quieter y existing methods there would e a numer of economic enefits An increase in airport capacity would occur Property values near airports might rise Transportation costs to and from airports could e reduced since the airports now could e located closer to population centers 31 Much research still needs to e done on the economic aspects of noise reduction and noise effects Al though some of the effects of noise pollution are known more must e discovered aout its effects on health productivity property values and the quality of life Furthermore the cost of noise pollution to the economy as a whole needs to e investigated The pulic must e alerted to the dangers and economic costs of noise pollution so that people may make intelligent choices and exert appropriate pressures 30 AIt is extremely dangerous to fly in the dark BNoise regulations restrict the hours of airport operation CSome of its runways are not in good condition DCargo planes produce more disturing noises at night 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

economic question

Question 1 C Opportunity cost is the cost incurred y choosing one option over an alternative one that may e equally desiredEvery action has an opportunity cost Opportunity cost is not restricted to monetary or financial costs the real cost of output forgone lost time pleasure or any other

Question 1 The opportunity cost of spending 2000 on a week’s holiday at the Gold Coast is a the est alternative use of 2000 the est alternative use of the time spent on the holiday c the est alternative use of oth the 2000 and the time spent on the holiday d the value of 2000 to the Queensland tourist industry Question 8 Legislation of trade in marijuana will necessarily a lower the price of marijuana raise the price of marijuana c increase the amount of marijuana traded d lower the amount of marijuana traded