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英译中Economic stock


英译中Economic stock

Closer economic ties have een greater diplomatic


Closer economic ties have een greater diplomatic warmth A translated B transferred C transplanted D transmitted 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢


整本教材翻译这是不可能的事情没有作者的许可随便翻是侵权的但如果你某一页看不懂倒是可以给你翻只是不是分数的问题每页翻译的费用还是比较高的如果你想看中文版的ECON那好像曼昆的经济学有引进的翻译版你网上找找吧 不出我所料的话美国高中教材平均在600页左右


听力原文M For now you see most economists elieve a recessio

正确答案C 解析综合推断题。根据听到的“经济学家”、“经济衰退”、“数据报告”综合两人谈话的内容可知两人是在讨论当前的经济状况。故正确答案为C。

听力原文M For now you see most economists elieve a recession will not strike this year W But John according to the statistical report shown on yesterday"s newspaper you can"t e so optimistic Q What are they talking aout 18 AA strike that has een on for a year BThe accuracy of economists" prediction CThe present economic situation DThe man"s eing too optimistic

听力原文The economic slump is the iggest prolem facing Americ

正确答案B 解析1中心句和支持性细节的关系。材料中第一句是中心句概括了当今美国面临的最大问题是经济疲软。后面的内容具体说明了这一点。2根据原文中词汇的色彩可作出正确推断。如原文中自始至终使用了带有贬义色彩的词如slump deficitunemploymentdepressionfri

听力原文The economic slump is the iggest prolem facing Americans today Despite all the talks aout deficit spending oil prices unemployment and the impending depression Americans continue to spend large sums of money on goods which are frivolous and damaging to the country According to the speaker even America is suffering from economic depression the American economy will soon e recovered if Americans can solve the prolem of unemployment and control oil prices A正确 B错误

中英互译ut where economies move eyond the assemly line and t


中英互译ut where economies move eyond the assemly line and the tradititional manufacturing techniques to the new knowledgeterm forms of wealth creation the answer will e a strong "по" 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

The economists are not quite optimistic aout the economic

正确答案A 解析the economic outlook经济前景 。

The economists are not quite optimistic aout the economic for Europe Aoutlook Blookout Cforesight Dproject

听力原文 Finance ministers from the world"s major economies me


听力原文 Finance ministers from the world"s major economies met Saturday in Washington and pledged to redoule their efforts to speed world economic growth What is called the Group of Seven finance ministers meet regularly to set policy direction for the International Monetary Fund in which they are the dominant shareholders The group of seven includes the United States Japan Germany France Britain Italy and Canada Russia"s finance minister Alexei Kudrin who attended a portion of the meeting said Russia has no intention of following the OPEC cartel in cutting oil production Canada"s finance minister Paul Goodale said there is concern aout the potentially destailizing gloal" impact of the large U S udget deficit But he is encouraged y assurances from U S Treasury Secretary John Snow that the U S deficit will come down "He has repeated the United States determination to make progress in that regard" e said "And he has a plan and a time frame to at least cut that deficit in half in the next numer of years That certainly would e helpful" During two days of meetings world finance ministers are also discussing det prolems of the poorest countries The head of the African Development Bank Omar Kaaj says the poorest countries need more det relief But he identifies one group of African countries that have een growing at five percent annual rates and" reducing poverty The Group of Seven finance ministers regularly meet to Adiscuss how to promote international economic growth Bset policy direction for International Monetary Fund Ctalk aout how to meet the challenges posed y gloalization Ddiscuss how to control production 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

听力原文 A new United Nations report is predicting economic gro

正确答案B 解析听到“has left at least 65 people dead”不难判断答案选B。

听力原文 A new United Nations report is predicting economic growth in Latin America this year will e slower than anticipated The U N Economic Commission for Latin America and the Cariean released a survey Tuesday projecting three percent growth in the region In Feruary the commission forecast a growth rate of threepointeight percent The regional economy grew y four percent last year Economists with the UN committee ased in Santiago Chile say the slowing U S economy is the primary factor in Latin America’s economic slowdown The committee says a decline in direct foreign investment also played a part in the revised economic forecast The U N agency is forecasting a good year for Brazilwhich has Latin America’s largest economy The commission predicts the Brazilian economy Will expand y four percent this year The Dominican Repulic and Chile also get high marks The U N office says Colomian Ecuador and Venezuela will continue a steady recovery from economic instaility people died in the powerful storm A55 B65 C60 D45