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httpwwweconomistcomprintedition You can simply find it on it39s wesite I think

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The air is quite still near the surface of the sea even when it is lowing strongly just a few metres aove

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economic看单词选释义A 、adj 经济的盈利的B、adj 最大的极度的C、adj 固体的纯质的D 、adj 焦躁不安的不安宁的

Most economists condemn immigration for damaging economic st


Most economists condemn immigration for damaging economic stailityUnlike the overwhelming American pulic voice most economists have reached a consensus that immigration oth legal and illegal rings a small net increase to the economy请根据所给材料判断题干是否正确A、正确B、正确

One economics theory suggests using monetary and fiscal stim


One economics theory suggests using monetary and fiscal stimulus to cope with an economic recessionWhat If MiddleClass Jos DisappearF The introduction of the tractor and improvements in the factory rapidly reduced the demand for uneducated workers By the 1930s a marginal farm hand could not produce enough to justify his employment Sharecropping never much etter than a susistence occupation was no longer viale可行的 Meanwhile machines were replacing manufacturing occupations like cigar rolling and glass lowing for light ulsG The structuraltransition interpretation of the unemployment prolem of the 1930s would e that the demand for uneducated workers in the United States had fallen ut the supply remained high The high school graduation rate was only 88 in 1912 and still just 29 in 1931 By 1950 it had reached 59 With a new generation of workers who had completed high school the mismatch etween skills and jos had een greatly reducedH What took place after World War Ⅱ was not the revival of a 1920s economy with its small farming units uran manufacturing and plurality of laorers Instead the 1950s saw the creation of a new suuran economy with a plurality of whitecollar workers With an expanded transportation and communications infrastructure基础设施 usinesses needed telephone operators shipping clerks and similar occupations If you could read follow simple instructions and settle into a routine you could find a jo in the postwar economyI The trend away from manual laor has continued Even within the manufacturing sector the share of production and nonsupervisory workers in manufacturing employment went from over 85 just after World War II to less than 70 in more recent years To put this another way the proportion of whitecollar work in manufacturing has douled over the past 50 years On the factory floor itself work has ecome less physically demanding Instead it requires more cognitive skills and the aility to understand and carry out welldefined proceduresJ As noted earlier the proportion of clerical workers in the economy peaked in 1980 By that date computers and advanced communications equipment had already egun to affect telephone operations and anking The rise of the personal computer and the Internet has widened the impact of these technologies to include nearly every usiness and industryK The economy today differs from that of a generation ago Mortgage and consumer loan underwriters风险评估人 have een replaced y credit scoring Record stores have een replaced y music downloads Book stores are closing while sales of ooks on electronic readers have increased Data entry has een moved off shore Routine customer support also has een outsourced外包 overseasL These trends serve to limit the availaility of welldefined jos If a jo can e characterized y a precise set of instructions then that jo is a candidate to e automated or outsourced to modestly educated workers in developing countries The result is what David Autor calls the polarization of the American jo marketM Using the latest Census Bureau data Matthew Slaughter found that from 2000 to 2010 the real earnings of college graduates with no advanced degree fell y more in percentage terms than the earnings of high school graduates In fact over this period the only education category to show an increase in earnings was those with advanced degreesN The outlook for midskill jos would not appear to e right Communications technology and computer intelligence continue to improve putting more occupations at risk For example many people earn a living as drivers including trucks and taxicas However the age of driver less vehicles appears to e moving closer Another example is in the field of education In the fall of 2011 an experiment with an online course in artificial intelligence conducted y two Stanford professors drew tens of thousands of registrants报名者This increases the studentteacher ratio y a factor of close to a thousand Imagine the num


Economics 经济学 研究人类如何利用有限的资源尝试满足无穷欲望的学说