





economic是economy的形容词形式,economical也是economy的形容词形式economic,economical两个词都可译成“经济的”,但含义不同.economic用以指与贸易、工业或财富等有关的“... economic是economy的形容词形式,economical也是economy的形容词形式economic,economical两个词都可译成“经济的”,但含义不同.economic用以指与贸易、工业或财富等有关的“...

economic是economy的形容词形式,economical也是economy的形容词形式 economic, economical 两个词都可译成“经济的”,但含义不同 。 economic用以指与贸易、工业或财富等... economic是economy的形容词形式,economical也是economy的形容词形式 economic, economical 两个词都可译成“经济的”,但含义不同。 economic用以指与贸易、工业或财富等...

economize [i'kɔnəmaiz]基本翻译vt. 节约,节省;有效地利用vi. 节约,节省;有效地利用网络释义economize:节约|节省|使经济化economize in:节约economize on:节省|节约 economize [i'kɔnəmaiz]基本翻译vt. 节约,节省;有效地利用vi. 节约,节省;有效地利用网络释义economize:节约|节省|使经济化economize in:节约economize on:节省|节约

应该是China's economy,反正没多大区别

Political Economy (Political economy), broadly speaking, is the study of social production, capital, distribution, exchange, distribution and consumption and ot... Political Economy (Political economy), broadly speaking, is the study of social production, capital, distribution, exchange, distribution and consumption and ot... Economy (Political economy), broadly speaking, is the study of social production, capital, distribution, exchange, distribution and consumption and ot...

没关系吧,偶的都是自己翻译的.可能也有不准的 查看原帖>>

1.the museum requested zhe visitors not to take photos in zhe museum 2.Deng Xiaoping plays an important part in the developing of Chinese economy 3.the reporter... 1.the museum requested zhe visitors not to take photos in zhe museum 2.Deng Xiaoping plays an important part in the developing of Chinese economy 3.the reporter... museum requested zhe visitors not to take photos in zhe museum 2.Deng Xiaoping plays an important part in the developing of Chinese economy 3.the repo...

最标准翻译Trade and Economic English

充分利用(fully utilize; make full use of; make the most of; make the best of; make much of) 例句: 1、我们应该通过充分利用其他能源来节省石油和天然气。 We shou... 充分利用(fully utilize; make full use of; make the most of; make the best of; make much of) 例句: 1、我们应该通过充分利用其他能源来节省石油和天然气。 We shou... 例句: 1、我们应该通过充分利用其他能源来节省石油和天然气 。 We should conserve oil and gas by making full use of other energy sources。 2 、你应该充分利用我们的...

您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:the daytime economy翻译:白天的“生意”;白日经济But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by ... 您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:the daytime economy翻译:白天的“生意”;白日经济But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by ... daytime economy翻译:白天的“生意”;白日经济But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other creatures such as birds.但白天...

economy 是什么意思


economy pricing是什么意思

economy pricing 经济定价 双语对照 例句 1 Power producers are hamstrung y market forces on inputs and y thediktats of a centrallyplanned economy on pricing 投入方面的市场力量和中央计划经济对定价的限制绑住了电力生产商的手脚。 2 In a market economy the consumer ultim


eco no my moo eac tiue没有我的哞EAC组织生态

The Development of a Dual Economy的中文翻译


翻译general economy

Envisaged in a general economy this situation seems strange从一般的经济学来拟想这种情况似乎很奇怪。easemindcom2Ms zhang said the current speculation should e a serious warning for the industry and the general economy张欣表示对房地产业和整个经济而言当前的投机应该

这个怎么翻译啊 是不是专有名词啊

crony economy是什么意思啊

crony economy英ˈkrəʊni iˈkɔnəmi美ˈkroni ɪˈkɑnəmi释义裙带现象裙带经济