





雅思口语Part2Descrie a long car journey you went on

您好成都瑞知英语很高兴为您解答。 瑞知老师参考回答 Last summer my family went to Tiet y train In the eginning I thought it was a really a ad idea It would take us more than 3 days on the train to get there I assumed that flying there was surely a much etter choice Telling that I wa

雅思口语Part2Descrie a long car journey you went on

A Holiday Journey

Travel in Lijiang I heard Lijiang is a very eautiful city when I was young I travel there in a holidy with my parentsI went there plane I saw there were many moutain when I got out the plane The air was freshWe went to the Lijiang Gucehng the fist day we ought some intresting things and ha

可以介绍自己任何一次旅游经历 急用

One summer reak I came here to New York for an internship


One summer reak I came here to New York for an internship at a fashion house in Chinatown选择与音频中某些词或词组意思一致的表达A、暑假B、寒假C、夏至

听力原文 Brian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours

正确答案C 选项中主语都为he由一系列动词organisestravelsdeliversmanages以及它们的宾语可知本题考查he工作的相关情况。由短文中提到的Aircouriers…takeimportantpackagesandpaperstoforeigncountries可知空中信使的职责就是往国外运送重要的文件或包裹C的表述与此一

听力原文 Brian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours efore the flight to Paris He was wearing three shirts a jacket two pairs of socks a pair of shorts and two pairs of jeans He was carrying one small ackpack which was very full ut he didnt have any other luggage Brian needed to meet a man named Tony efore he checked in for his flight He found Tony near the Air France counter Tony gave him a roundtrip ticket and a small package "Give this package to JeanPaul at the airport in Paris He will have a sign with your name on it I think you can find him easily" Tony said "You dont have any luggage right" "Only this ackpack" Brian answered "You said I could ring one carryon ag" "Thats right One carryon ag is fine Have a good trip" "Thanks" Is Brian a criminal Not at all He is an air courier And he paid only 110 for the roundtrip ticket to Paris Air couriers get cheap airline tickets ecause they take important packages and papers to foreign countries Businesses sometimes need to get packages and papers to people in foreign countries y the next day Often the only way they can do this is to use an aircourier company It is not cheap for a usiness to send a package with an air courier ut it is quick Every year aout 80000 people worldwide travel as air couriers The numer of tickets for courier travel is growing y aout 10 percent a year However aircourier travel isnt for everyone But if you have very little money can e flexile aout your travel plans and dont mind wearing the same clothes for a week it can e a great way to take a vacation Questions 22 to 25 are ased on the passage you have just heard 22 Why was Brian wearing so many clothes for his travel 23 What do we learn aout an air couriers jo from the passage 24 Why do usinesses choose the aircourier service according to the passage 25 What is one of the disadvantages of travelling as an air courier23 AHe organises international flights for tourists BHe travels around the world with cheap tickets CHe delivers papers and packages to foreign countries DHe manages a usiness company in foreign countries 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

cometo the park No4 us takes you right there

To come

New York As a travel destination New York has something


New York As a travel destination New York has something to offer almost every visitor Though tourism has dropped since Septemer 11 2001 there are still lots of reasons to visit what many consider the greatest city in the worldCity Overview New York City NYC is located on the Eastern Atlantic coast of the United States It rests at the mouth of the Hudson River The city is often referred to as a "city of islands " Greater NYC is made up of five distinct areas called oroughs These oroughs include Manhattan Brooklyn Queens Staten Island and the Bronx The oroughs are separated from each other y various odies of water and are connected y suways ridges and tunnels When people refer to New York City they are usually talking aout Manhattan Most of NYC’’s main attractions are located in this orough and the majority of visitors spend most of their vacation hereA Short History of the Big Apple No discussion aout New York would e complete without asking why New York is referred to as "the Big Apple " Like many things aout New York you’’ll proaly get a different answer depending on who you ask According to the Museum of the City of New York it is elieved that in the 1920s a sportswriter overheard stale hands in New Orleans refer to New York City’’s racetracks as "the Big Apple" The phrase was most widely used y jazz musicians during the 1930s and 40s They adopted the term to refer to New York City and especially Harlem as the jazz capital of the world The Italian navigator Giovanni da Verrazano may have een the first European to explore the New York region in 1524 More than 80 years later Englishman Henry Hudson sailed up the river that now ears his name But it was Dutch settlements that truly started the city In 1624 the town of New Amsterdam was estalished on lower Manhattan Two years later according to local legend Dutchman Peter Minuit purchased the island of Manhattan from the local Native Americans for 60 guilders aout 24 worth of goods Few people realize that New York was riefly the U S capital from 1789 to 1790 and was the capital of New York State until 1797 By 1790 it was the largest US city In 1825 the opening of the Erie Canal which linked New York with the Great Lakes led to continued expansion A charter was adopted in 1898 incorporating all five oroughs into Greater New York New York has always een and remains a city of immigrants Patterns of immigration are integral to the city’’s history and landscape Immigration mainly from Europe swelled the city’’s population in the late 19th and early 20th centuries After World War II many African ― Americans from the South Puerto Ricans and Latin Americans migrated to the city as well Because of the variety of immigrant groups oth historically and currently New York is often referred to as a true "melting pot "Getting Around New York By Foot The asolute est way to get around New York and the one you will proaly e using most is walking Rememer the city is only 13 miles long On a day with good weather walking is a great option The excitement of New York on foot is that you never know what interesting things you will see as you head from one destination to another If you’’re on a schedule keep in mind that distances are not as close as they might seem and take into account the extra time it takes to stop at every street crosswalk Getting from the easternmost side of Manhattan to the westernmost side can take quite a whileThe Suway If you’’re looking to save some time this is where one of the three excellent New York pulic transportation systems comes in handy They are all run y the city’’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority According to NYC Company the city’’s official visitor’’s ureau the 714 ―mile New York City suway system has 468 stations serving 24 routes― more than any other system in the world It operates 24 hours a day is safe and is used daily y more than 35 million people The main thing to rememer when using the suway system is to make sure


踏上新旅程开启新希望Emark on a new journey new hope英 ˈdʒəni 美 ˈdʒɚnin 旅行旅程行期 历程过程vi 旅行出游vt 在…旅行或旅行到过…英 həup 美 hopn 希望期望 希望的东西 被寄予希望的人或事物、情况 抱有希望的理由vt vi 希望期望vt 俚语相信认为v

For your next vacation why not consider 小题1 visit Paris Paris

小题1visitingnspnsp 小题2doesn’t havensp 小题3 to donsp 小题4hasnsp 小题5including 小题6 can costcostsnspnsp 小题7 to takensp 小题8have learnednsp 小题9speak 小题10can translate 略

For your next vacation why not consider nspnsp 小题1 nspnspvisit Paris Paris is the capital of France and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe Itnsp小题2 not have any eaches or mountains ut there are many things 小题3 do there For example it nsp 小题4 have some fantastic sights 小题5 include the Eiffel Tower and Dame Cathedral Traveling around Paris y taxi 小题6 cost a lot of money ut it’s usually convenient小题7 take the underground train to most places Most people in France 小题8 learn English But they don’t like to speak English So unless you 小题9 speak French yourself it’s est to travel with someone who小题10 translate things for you

you39ve got to change your us at the next stop

“have got to do ”是口语“必须、不得不”的意思。

你必须在下一站换车。这里have got to change是固定用法吗have got不是有的意思吗
