





embarrassed: 1. 局促不安的;为难的;窘迫的,尴尬的,害羞的 2. 窘迫的;陷入困境的;拮据的;经济困难的 例句:He is somewhat embarrassed 。他稍微... embarrassed: 1. 局促不安的;为难的;窘迫的,尴尬的,害羞的 2. 窘迫的;陷入困境的;拮据的;经济困难的 例句:He is somewhat embarrassed。他稍微... 1. 局促不安的;为难的;窘迫的,尴尬的,害羞的 2. 窘迫的;陷入困境的;拮据的;经济困难的 例句:He is somewhat embarrassed。他稍微有点窘迫。enth... He was visibly embarrassed at ...

"embarrassed"是英文单词,它在中文中的意思是“尴尬的”、“窘迫的”或“困窘的”。它通常用来描述一个人在某些情境下感到不自在、局促不安或者羞愧 。以下是造句:昨天在公... "embarrassed"是英文单词,它在中文中的意思是“尴尬的”、“窘迫的”或“困窘的”。它通常用来描述一个人在某些情境下感到不自在、局促不安或者羞愧。以下是造句:昨天在公... 它通常用来描述一个人在某些情境下感到不自在、局促不安或者羞愧。以下是造句:昨天在公司的年会上,我因为说错了话,导致全场气氛严肃,我感到非常 embarrassed(尴尬...

rrass的现在分词,翻译为使窘迫,使尴尬,使困惑,使为难,使陷入困境。扩展资料词性变化:原形:embarrass第三人称单数:embarrasses现在分词:embarrassing过去式:em... 扩展资料词性变化:原形:embarrass第三人称单数:embarrasses现在分词:embarrassing过去式:embarrassed过去分词:embarrassed副词:embarrassedly例句:1、 That was an embarra... 2、 It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it off well.这是一个尴尬的局面,但是他们成功地应付过去了。3、We have all been in similar embarrassing situ...

The girl is so embarrassed that she forget to make up.女孩非常尴尬因为她忘记化妆了。 The girl is so embarrassed that she forget to make up.女孩非常尴尬因为她忘记化妆了。

I was embrrassed about what had happened

为你提供精确解答1.what an exciting party it is !2.what a moved speech he has!3.what an embarrassing interbiew it is!4.what an exhausting train journry it is !5.... 2.what a moved speech he has!3.what an embarrassing interbiew it is!4.what an exhausting train journry it is !5.what a depressing news it is!补充...

Being scolded by Mr.Green in front of the whole class,Tom felt embarrassed.

change one's mind 意思是改变主意,改变想法,改变心意。 示例句子: Tearful begging for not change one's mind about, but will lose more embarrassed. 泪流满面的乞... change one's mind 意思是改变主意,改变想法,改变心意。 示例句子: Tearful begging for not change one's mind about, but will lose more embarrassed. 泪流满面的乞... 示例句子: Tearful begging for not change one's mind about, but will lose more embarrassed. 泪流满面的乞求换不了回心转意,只是会输的更加难堪而已。 Each time l...

he seemd to be embarrassed by the question

1.We were amazed that he agreed so quickly. 他那么快就答应了,这使我们大为惊奇. 2.I feel bored.我感觉很无聊. 3.He still get embarrassed whenever the subject is r... 1.We were amazed that he agreed so quickly. 他那么快就答应了,这使我们大为惊奇. 2.I feel bored.我感觉很无聊. 3.He still get embarrassed whenever the subject is r... were amazed that he agreed so quickly. 他那么快就答应了,这使我们大为惊奇. 2.I feel bored.我感觉很无聊. 3.He still get embarrassed whenever the subject...


emarrassed a 尴尬的局促不安的 shameful a 可耻的 uncomfortale a 不舒服的不自在的 shameful 表达的情绪太过了。不合适。

ashy shameful chot duncomfortale 新概念上的答案是D我觉得是B解释下


emarrassed是形容词尴尬的名词是emarrassment 困窘尴尬。


emarrassed英ɪmˈærəst 美ɪmˈærəst 简明释义 adj局促不安的为难的尴尬的窘迫的 v使窘迫使局促不安 emarrass的过去式和过去分词


了一树忧伤的叶子 上蝴蝶的翅膀 装满深叶子 插尴尬上蝴蝶的翅膀 装满深深浅浅的红 却再也赶不上天涯的路


emarrass aash discomfit disconcert 都含“使困窘”、“ 使局促不安” 的意思。 emarrass 指“因使不安以致言语行为显得很不自然” 如 I was emarrassed y their compliment 对他们的称赞我感到很不安。 aash 指“使感到困惑或羞愧” 如 I stood aashed at his reuke 面对