





根据材料回答下列各题 An emarrassing experience It was the small

正确答案A 参考译文一次尴尬的经历当我们到达伦敦机场的时候还是凌晨我已经从阿姆斯特丹往伦敦发过电报了预租了一辆车等我们但是在我到达公寓之前又发生了一件倒霉的事。在我所有的旅行经历中英国海关从来没有要求过我打开一个包我仅仅需要申明我没有携带需交关税的

根据材料回答下列各题 An emarrassing experience It was the small hours of the morning when we reached London Airport I had caled London from Amsterdam and there was a hired car to meet ut there was one more unfortunate happening efore I reached my flat In all my travels I have never ut for that once een required y the British customs to open a single ag or to do more than state that I carried no goods liale to duty It was of course my fault the extreme tiredness and nervous tension of the journey had destroyed my diplomacy I was for whichever reason so tired that I could hardly stand and to the question "have you read this" I replied with extreme foolishness "Yes hundreds of times " "And you have nothing to declare""Nothing " "How long have you een out of this country""Aout three months " "And during that time you have acquired nothing""Nothing ut what is on the list I have given you "He seemed momentarily at a loss ut then he attacked The attack when it came was utterly unexpected "Where did you get that watch" I could have kicked myself Two days efore when playing water games with a friend in the ath I had forgotten to take off my ROLEX OYSTER and it had not unnaturally stopped I had gone into the market and ought for twelve shillings and six pence an ugly time piece that made a strange noise It had stopped twice without any reason during the journey I explained ut I had already lost face I produced my own watch from a pocket and added that I should e grateful if he would confiscate the replacement "It is not a question of confiscation" he said "there is a fine for failing to declare dutiale goods And now may I please examine that Rolex" It took another quarter of an hour to persuade him that the Rolex was not contraand then he egan to search my luggage When did the writer arrive at London airport AIn the early morning BLate at night CAt noon DLate in the morning 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

根据材料回答下列各题 An emarrassing experience It was the small

正确答案A 参考译文一次尴尬的经历当我们到达伦敦机场的时候还是凌晨我已经从阿姆斯特丹往伦敦发过电报了预租了一辆车等我们但是在我到达公寓之前又发生了一件倒霉的事。在我所有的旅行经历中英国海关从来没有要求过我打开一个包我仅仅需要申明我没有携带需交关税的

根据材料回答下列各题 An emarrassing experience It was the small hours of the morning when we reached London Airport I had caled London from Amsterdam and there was a hired car to meet ut there was one more unfortunate happening efore I reached my flat In all my travels I have never ut for that once een required y the British customs to open a single ag or to do more than state that I carried no goods liale to duty It was of course my fault the extreme tiredness and nervous tension of the journey had destroyed my diplomacy I was for whichever reason so tired that I could hardly stand and to the question "have you read this" I replied with extreme foolishness "Yes hundreds of times " "And you have nothing to declare""Nothing " "How long have you een out of this country""Aout three months " "And during that time you have acquired nothing""Nothing ut what is on the list I have given you "He seemed momentarily at a loss ut then he attacked The attack when it came was utterly unexpected "Where did you get that watch" I could have kicked myself Two days efore when playing water games with a friend in the ath I had forgotten to take off my ROLEX OYSTER and it had not unnaturally stopped I had gone into the market and ought for twelve shillings and six pence an ugly time piece that made a strange noise It had stopped twice without any reason during the journey I explained ut I had already lost face I produced my own watch from a pocket and added that I should e grateful if he would confiscate the replacement "It is not a question of confiscation" he said "there is a fine for failing to declare dutiale goods And now may I please examine that Rolex" It took another quarter of an hour to persuade him that the Rolex was not contraand then he egan to search my luggage When did the writer arrive at London airport AIn the early morning BLate at night CAt noon DLate in the morning 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

ever had any emarrassing experience ecause you forgot something

你可以举个例子比如把钥匙忘在了家里或是煤气忘关了 。someday i forgot to close the gas when i finished cooking And then i smelled a kind of stink so i turned off the utton and it was lucky that everyone of my family was safeso from then on i sticked a paper with words “check THE

Have you ever had any emarrassing experience ecause you forgot something What are the methods you use to rememer things Are they effective Do you want to try some new ways 对话形式或其他形式都可以。

“my most emarrassing experiencequot为题的作文

My most emarrassing experience happened when I had just left university nspI had just started teaching in a Liverpool secondary school nspOne nspmorning my alarm clock didn39t ring nspI woke up at half past eight and nspschool egan at nine nspI quickly wash



experiences选出单词的正确词性A、名词B、副词C 、形容词D、动词
