





下面的七条建议对于你享用这次购物狂潮很有帮助embrace原意是拥抱 在这里其实就是抓住购物时机 尽情享受购物时光

a Kiss、 a embrace and together!

Houdezaiwu 上善若水The highest good is like water. 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。 The earth's condition is receptive devotion. Thus the superior man who has breadth of character ... The earth's condition is receptive devotion. Thus the superior man who has breadth of character Carries the outer world. 英文解释:The earth in its devotion car... 地势坤,君子以厚德载物。 The earth's condition is receptive devotion. Thus the superior man who has breadth of character Carries the outer worl...

拥抱和享受你所拥有的, 你会惊喜的发现, 你已没有时间去感怀神伤了~~

【翻译】:1 、Can I hold you?2、May I have a hug with you?3、Man I embrace you

f I could embrace you again at the moment when I turn back my head, my heart would go far away from you, go away forever. f I could embrace you again at the moment when I turn back my head, my heart would go far away from you, go away forever.

I tightly embrace to wrap. I hold the bag tightly. I hug my bag tightly. I firmly holding the bag

let me hold you in my armslet me hug you(口)give us a hug!

Several days ago, I watched an impressing video, which I would like to share with everyone today. Every people have a fear for growing up, when we leave our par... Several days ago, I watched an impressing video, which I would like to share with everyone today. Every people have a fear for growing up, when we leave our par... days ago, I watched an impressing video, which I would like to share with everyone today. Every people have a fear for growing up, when we leave our par...

我喜欢一回家 I love a home 就有暖洋洋的灯光在等待 A warm lamp waiting 我喜欢一起床 I like a bed 就看到大家微笑的脸庞 I saw you smiling face 我喜欢一出门 I like... 我喜欢一出门 I like to go 就为了个人和世界的美好打拼 In order to individuals and the wonderful world of work 我喜欢一家人 I like one family 梦朝着同一个方向创造... 当别人受伤时 我愿意敞开最真的怀抱 When someone is injured I would give you my true heart 当别人生气时 告诉他就算观念不同不必激动 When people angry when h...

emrace 什么意思



emrace 英ɪmreɪs 美ɛmˈres vtamp vi 拥抱 vt 包括包含接受信奉 n 拥抱怀抱 如果你认可我的回答请及时点击采纳为满意回答按钮 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点满意即可。 你的采纳是我前进的动力 O∩∩O互相帮助祝共同进步


Emrace life Life is eautiful We should cherish cherish life also is to cherish Life is fragile we must treat itNatural disasters are inevitale ut the scourge of artificial is So we should pay attention to safety especially in traffic safetyAlthough there are many reasons ut a lot of disa

拥抱生活。生活是美好的。我们应该珍惜珍惜生命也就是珍惜生活。生命是很脆弱的我们必须善待它。天灾是不可避免的但是人造的祸端却是可以避免的 。所以我们应该注意安全特别是交通安全。虽然原因有很多但是很多灾难我们是可以避免的 。你们知道有哪些方法么系好安全带。开车不打电话。不乱闯红绿灯。开车的时候不能左顾右盼。


emrace 英618m712re618s 美603m712res vt 拥抱 vt 接受 信奉 包括 包含 n 拥抱怀抱 例句Anna tolded her in an emrace 安娜张开双臂拥抱她。 如有帮助请采纳 如需帮助可追问谢谢。


emrace 英ɪmˈreɪs 美ɛmˈres vt vi 拥抱 vt 包括包含接受信奉 n 拥抱怀抱 例句Another couple emrace on their wedding day in rooklyn另一对夫妇在布鲁克林举行婚礼当天拥抱在一起。




1拥抱 2 包括包含 3 抓住机会等欣然接受提议等 4 信奉皈依 5 围住环


拥抱 的英语翻译 谢谢


emrace the value什么意思

emrace the value的中文翻译 emrace the value 拥抱的价值