





爱我你就陪陪我 If you love me,please keep your company with me爱我你就抱抱我 If you love me,please give your hug to me爱我你就亲亲我 If you love me,please give ... 爱我你就陪陪我 If you love me,please keep your company with me爱我你就抱抱我 If you love me,please give your hug to me爱我你就亲亲我 If you love me,please give ... If you love me,please keep your company with me爱我你就抱抱我 If you love me,please give your hug to me爱我你就亲亲我 If you love me,please give your ...

2、幸福就是,一天等我满头银发,你依然和我在街头相拥。 Happiness is, one day when I am full of silver hair, you still embrace me in the street.  3、往后的日子... Happiness is, one day when I am full of silver hair, you still embrace me in the street.  3、往后的日子,我们一起努力,未来可期,余生有你。 From now on, we w...

简明版:All I need is a warm bosom that would embrace me until the end of time.华丽版:All that I really need is the gentle touch of an embrace that would last un... 简明版:All I need is a warm bosom that would embrace me until the end of time.华丽版:All that I really need is the gentle touch of an embrace that would last un... I need is a warm bosom that would embrace me until the end of time.华丽版:All that I really need is the gentle touch of an embrace that would last unt...


hug,hold in one's arms都是口语化的拥抱give me a hug,hold you in my armsembrace书面

可翻译为:【don't be afraid of tomorrow】明日无需惧怕don't be afraid of tomorrow when I'm with you.当明日同你相伴之时,记得别惧怕I will always stand right behind ... 可翻译为:【don't be afraid of tomorrow】明日无需惧怕don't be afraid of tomorrow when I'm with you.当明日同你相伴之时,记得别惧怕I will always stand right behind ... be afraid of tomorrow when I'm with you.当明日同你相伴之时,记得别惧怕I will always stand right behind you.只因我会一直在你身后陪着你And I will never say...

give me a hug~^_^ Please give me a hug~ Give me a hug. Hug me, please. Hug me. Hold me. give me a hug/ embrace

失去你,我的人只有一半,不能再联结,精神恍惚,就像鬼混;失去你,我不能找到任何雅量,包容一切,让我忘记一个人的所有。【这段话哪来的啊好奇怪啊- -】 失去你,我的人只有一半,不能再联结,精神恍惚,就像鬼混;失去你,我不能找到任何雅量,包容一切,让我忘记一个人的所有。【这段话哪来的啊好奇怪啊- -】

想你的时候,蹲下来抱抱自己,想象你就在身边.Whenever I miss you, I crouch down and hug myself, imagining that you're next to me.楼上一些语法不对.image 不是动词,应... 想你的时候,蹲下来抱抱自己,想象你就在身边.Whenever I miss you, I crouch down and hug myself, imagining that you're next to me.楼上一些语法不对.image 不是动词,应... I miss you, I crouch down and hug myself, imagining that you're next to me.楼上一些语法不对.image 不是动词,应该用 imagine / imagining自己翻译的,觉得这样...

Please give me a big hug



themeA、n 思想想法考虑B、n 主题C、n 仓促匆忙急速


me I和her三个英语单词不同类的是I。具体的解析如下I 表示我是人称代词主格。而其他两个单词是人称代词宾格me表示我her表示她。

eye theme



MayDecemer romance忘年恋romance英rəʊˈmæns美ˈroʊˈmænsn浪漫史 爱情小说 恋爱 传奇色彩vt vi虚构 渲染 谈情说爱 追求某人第三人称单数romances复数romances现在进行时romancing过去式romanced例句1Who says romance is dead谁说浪漫已经绝迹



and pray that you might gave me a warm emrace 是什么意思


谁可以告诉我这句英语是什么意思啊 I smoke your rand of cigarettes and pray that you might gave me a warm emrace

who can give me one emrace

who can give me one emrace 谁能给我一个拥抱 who can give me one emrace 谁能给我一个拥抱

who can give me one emrace

Let me emrace youor let me live in your heart eternity silence love

你好很高兴为你解答 Let me emrace youor let me live in your heart eternity silence love 让我拥抱你还是让我活在你心中永恒的寂静中 希望我的回答对你有帮助满意请采纳。

me more

me more cool我更酷有语病为你解答如有帮助请采纳如对本题有疑问可追问Good luck


