





28 “Daily Star sir” called Jason carrying some newsp


28 “Daily Star sir” called Jason carrying some newspapers under his arm The little oy had een running up and down the street ut there were still twenty16left His voice was almost gone and his heart was17 The shops would soon close and all the people would go home He would have to go home too carrying the papers in exchange for money He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to uy a18for his mother and some seeds for his ird That was why he had ought the papers with all his money He roke down as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers “You don’t know the19of selling papers You must shout ‘Hot news Bom ursting’ another newsoy Chad told Jason “20it’s not in the paper at all” replied Jason “Just run away quickly21they have time to see and you’ll22out and get your money” Chad said It was a new idea to Jason He thought of his ird with no23and the cake he wanted to uy for his mother ut was determined that he would not tell a lie Though he was24a poor newsoy he had een25some good things The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers26 Several oys were crowding around Chad who declared with a27smile that he sold six dozen the day efore He added that Jason28money ecause he would not tell a lie The oy29at Jason “You wouldn’t tell a lie yesterday my oy” A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason’s shoulder modestly “You’re just the oy I am looking for” A week later Jason started his new30 He lost sale of twenty papers ecause he would not tell a lie ut got a wellpaid jo ecause he told the truthA、orrowedB、lostC 、madeD、saved

27 “Daily Star sir” called Jason carrying some newsp


27 “Daily Star sir” called Jason carrying some newspapers under his arm The little oy had een running up and down the street ut there were still twenty16left His voice was almost gone and his heart was17 The shops would soon close and all the people would go home He would have to go home too carrying the papers in exchange for money He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to uy a18for his mother and some seeds for his ird That was why he had ought the papers with all his money He roke down as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers “You don’t know the19of selling papers You must shout ‘Hot news Bom ursting’ another newsoy Chad told Jason “20it’s not in the paper at all” replied Jason “Just run away quickly21they have time to see and you’ll22out and get your money” Chad said It was a new idea to Jason He thought of his ird with no23and the cake he wanted to uy for his mother ut was determined that he would not tell a lie Though he was24a poor newsoy he had een25some good things The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers26 Several oys were crowding around Chad who declared with a27smile that he sold six dozen the day efore He added that Jason28money ecause he would not tell a lie The oy29at Jason “You wouldn’t tell a lie yesterday my oy” A gentleman at the office came up and patted Jason’s shoulder modestly “You’re just the oy I am looking for” A week later Jason started his new30 He lost sale of twenty papers ecause he would not tell a lie ut got a wellpaid jo ecause he told the truthA、proudB 、gentleC、warmD、polite


不是star而是stare stare at凝视注视的意思

I looked down the counter and every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the lack screen 着里的star是什么意思

the star

一个小男孩邀请他的母亲去参加他的小学学校的第一任老师家长会 。 对小男孩的沮丧她说她会去。 这将是第一次他的同学们和老师遇到了他的母亲他被她的外表尴尬。 虽然她是一个美丽的女人有一个严重的伤疤覆盖几乎整个她的右脸 。 小男孩从来不曾想问母亲伤疤的来历。 在这

A little oy invited his mother to attend his elementary schools first teacherparent conference To the little oys dismay she said she would go This would e the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother and he was emarrassed y her appearance Although she was a eautiful woman there was a severe scar that covered nearly the entire right side of her face The oy never wanted to talk aout why or how she got the scar At the conference the people were impressed y the kindness and natural eauty of his mother despite the scar ut the little oy was still emarrassed and hid himself from everyone He did however get within earshot of a conversation etween his mother and his teacher and heard them speaking "How did you get the scar on your face" the teacher asked The mother replied "When my son was a ay he was in a room that caught on fire Everyone was too afraid to go in ecause the fire was out of control so I went in As I was running toward his cri I saw a eam coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him I was knocked unconscious ut fortunately a fireman came in and saved oth of us" She touched the urned side of her face "This scar will e permanent ut to this day I have never regretted doing what I did" At this point the little oy came out running towards his mother with tears in his eyes He hugged her and felt an overwhelming sense of the sacrifice that his mother had made for him He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day 翻译

star dance attle



stɑːnnsp星恒星明星星形物 adjnsp明星的主角的星形的 vtnsp用星号标于由…主演由…担任主角 vinsp担任主角 nnspStar人名瑞典斯塔尔德施塔尔