





要什么类型的啊?!?I love English--英语演讲稿 As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most co... !?I love English--英语演讲稿 As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language o... Thank you!亲爱的老师,同学们:我很高兴可以在这个课堂上做一次演讲.这一次,我想谈谈英语.我的话题是我爱英语.正如每个人所知,英语在今天十分重要.它已经被应用到世...

项目经过层层筛选获得了成功。 写法三:介绍比赛经历+项目经历 课外活动段中不限于写某一种经历,申请者可以描述不同类型的多次经历。 范例:It was my interests in data ... 写法三:介绍比赛经历+项目经历 课外活动段中不限于写某一种经历,申请者可以描述不同类型的多次经历。 范例:It was my interests in data analytics that drove me to f... 课外活动段中不限于写某一种经历,申请者可以描述不同类型的多次经历 。 范例:It was my interests in data analytics that drove me to further explore its values in v...

翻译 Making a difference 高手进

你的时间是当你从来没有真正发挥作用。 nspnsp每一个生产性努力增加价值你的世界。 nspnsp不用担心什么如果你在你做一个区别如果你正在作出积极的贡献生活中总是有它的东西给你。 nspnsp虽然可能没有似乎任何直接或即时你的努力肯定会得到回

nspYOU time is never when you are truly making a difference nsp Every productive effort adds value to your world nsp do not worry what is in it for youif you are making a differenceif youare making a positive contriution to life there is always something in it for you nsp Though there may not seem to e any direct or immediate rewardsyour efforts will most certainly e rewardedthe longer you are willing to wait for those rewardsthe igger they will e nsp Many times your efforts will pay off in ways you could not have foreseenKeep eing creativekeep eing productive keep eing effectiveandkeepeing your est nsp It many sometimes seem that no one appreciates the work you are doingwhen you feel that waythen raise your efforts to an even higher levelfor at some point someone will definitely take notice nsp Be sincere in your efforts and in your desire to make a valulemeaningful positive differenceAnd know that the rewards will always comensp

速求诸位网友帮忙翻译下这段英文I make a difference etween good

翻译 我区别良好的教养的行为举止与虽然为了变化我的表情我有时会被迫变乱他们。第一我只懂艺术为了纪念和运用一定的解决形式的一般的行为。但是好的教养范围更广的范围因为除了一种罕见的程度的文学足以标准绅士阅读一出戏还是在政治小册子它需要在一场伟大的指南

I make a difference etween good manners and good reeding although in order to vary my expression I am sometimes forced to confound them By the first I only understand the art of rememering and applying certain settled forms of general ehaviour But good reeding is of a much larger extent for esides an uncommon degree of literature sufficient to qualify a gentleman for reading a play or a political pamphlet it takes in a great compass of knowledge no less than that of dancing fighting gaming making the circle of Italy riding the great horse and speaking French not to mention some other secondary or sualtern accomplishments which are more easily acquired So that the difference etween good reeding and good manners lies in this that the former cannot e attained to y the est understandings without study and laour whereas a tolerale degree of reason will instruct us in every part of good manners without other assistance I can think of nothing more useful upon this suject than to point out some particulars wherein the very essentials of good manners are concerned the neglect or perverting of which doth very much distur the good commerce of the world y introducing a traffic of mutual uneasiness in most companies First a necessary part of good manners is a punctual oservance of time at our own dwellings or those of others or at third places whether upon matter of civility usiness or diversion which rule though it e a plain dictate of common reason yet the greatest minister I ever knew was the greatest trespasser against it y which all his usiness douled upon him and placed him in a continual arrear Upon which I often used to rally him as deficient in point of good manners I have known more than one amassador and secretary of state with a very moderate portion of intellectuals execute their offices with good success and applause y the mere force of exactness and regularity If you duly oserve time for the service of another it doules the oligation if upon your own account it would e manifest folly as well as ingratitude to neglect it If oth are concerned to make your equal or inferior attend on you to his own disadvantage is pride and injustice Ignorance of forms cannot properly e styled ill manners ecause forms are suject to frequent changes and consequently eing not founded upon reason are eneath a wise man’s regard Besides they vary in every country and after a short period of time very frequently in the same so that a man who travels must needs e at first a stranger to them in every court through which he passes and perhaps at his return as much a stranger in his own and after all they are easier to e rememered or forgotten than faces or names

翻译文章we can make a difference

We can make a difference 我们能够产生影响。

What’s the difference etween “situation” and “condition”

situation 情况状况 eg general situation 大致情况 condition 条件 eg enrollment condition 入学条件

We will e exploring different approaches information


We will e exploring different approaches information A gathering B in gathering C to gathering D to gather

We must make a difference etween language and

正确答案A 解析“我们必须区别对待口语和书面语。”spoken language为“口语”written language为“书面语”。

We must make a difference etween language and language Aspoken written Bspeaking written Cspeaking writing Dspeak write

What is the difference etween mistakes and errors请帮忙给出正确

正确答案A mistake is a random performance slip and can e really selfcorrected whereas an error is a systematic deviation made y learners who have not yet mastered the rules of the target language Amistakeisarandomperformanceslipandcanereallyselfcorrectedwhereasanerrorisas

What is the difference etween mistakes and errors 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

Generation gap refers to the difference in ideas feelings

正确答案A 解析本题为事实题。由文章第二段第二、三句可知年轻人和老年人产生代沟的原因是因为时代不同。BCD项不是构成现代代沟的原因文章中也未提及所以A为正确答案。

Generation gap refers to the difference in ideas feelings and interests etween the older and younger people It is especially considered as causing a lack of communication and understanding etween the two generations There is apparent generation gap etween the young and the old nowadays The younger generation is essentially different from the older generation The young people live in a new age completely different from the old They have grown up more happily and are not so dependent on adults as their parents were They are etter educated and enjoy more freedom They easily accept new things and new ideas They are more concerned with the present and the future whereas the world of the older people has vanished and they do not understand all of the prolems of the modern world They grew up in a world which was different from today"s world They often talk aout "the good old days" and tend to assert old things and ideas They don"t like to feel that their eliefs and values are eing questioned and threatened They would like the young to learn from them ut the young refuse to accept their values They cannot understand why the young complain aout the conventional things and old systems and why they want to make changes in these things to fit the needs of modern society As a result the old people think the young are not what they were and most young people are unale to learn from the parents and elders who they will never e In order to reconcile the differences oth generation should realize that the world has changed and that new responses are necessary for many of the prolems of society Besides some forms of organizations should e estalished to help the young and the old exchange their ideas and strengthen their mutual understanding so as to ridge the gap One important reason for the difference existing etween the young and the old is that Athey live in different ages Bthey live in different countries Cthey live in separate planets Dthey hate each other

The difference in achieveme

答案A 答案解析试题分析Aaccounted for 引起对…负责 Bput forward 提出Ccut down削减 Dsorted out 挑选出句意在不同孩子们中所取得成就上的差异在一定程度上是由于他们年龄方面的差异所引起的。故选A 考点词义辨析 点评词义辨析考的是学生的基础词汇知识了

The difference in achievement etween the pupils are partly y their differences in age Aaccounted for Bput forward Ccut downDsorted out
