





Dear Kitty, There are four people in my family: my father Mike, my mother Jenny, my little brother Joe and I. My father is 45, he is a teacher of English. My mo... Dear Kitty, There are four people in my family: my father Mike, my mother Jenny, my little brother Joe and I. My father is 45, he is a teacher of English. My mo... Kitty, There are four people in my family: my father Mike, my mother Jenny, my little brother Joe and I. My father is 45, he is a teacher of English. ...

答案:the happiest;the richest;not as big as;happier than;smarter than;not as good as;better than;the best;the most generous;the kindest;the best 答案:the happiest;the richest;not as big as;happier than;smarter than;not as good as;better than;the best;the most generous;the kindest;the best

BACBA 6.CCDCB 11.CABBC第9个 不是很确定 再看下

英语短语go to the beach的中文意思是"去海滩",这个短语表述的内容不仅仅是地点,而是表述一项活动,所以对该部分提问时,应该用疑问词what, 询问别人干什么。比如英语句... 英语短语go to the beach的中文意思是"去海滩",这个短语表述的内容不仅仅是地点,而是表述一项活动,所以对该部分提问时,应该用疑问词what, 询问别人干什么。比如英语句...

a c d c a

s ever gotten elected where the bumper sticker said, 'It would have been worse without me, ' he said.他说,从来没有人是凭借写着“没有我会更糟”这样的... 4.Now they come to me without conditions and I am beginning to consider making investments in Europe again.现在他们不带任何条件来到我这里,我再次开始考虑在欧洲投... 5.Kitty - Mom, you hung up a family picture without me in it! Don't ask me if I think you're insensitive.妈,你挂了一幅没有我在里面的全家福上去,别问我你是否反应...

AYREAL由阿信与高中同学也是知名插画家的不二良于2007年7月共同创立,其名称延伸自“Stereo”的发音与立体感的涵义,寓意做任何事都不要忘了开始时的初衷,鼓励大家保持... STAYREAL服饰在图像设计的精致度、商品材质的要求等方面也都谨慎精致,同时更乐于参与多元的跨界艺术型创作,现在已经逐渐洗去停留在明星副业的刻板印象。 正是有这样的创... 正是有这样的创作激情与谨慎态度,受到例如Mercedes-Benz、Coca-Cola、IBM等国际知名品牌之邀,推出联名商品。先后还与Levi’s、7-11 、Family Mart、ELLE、Hello Kitty、...

My bedroom My bedroom in the sitting room next door,is my happy world.Behind my bed,there is a desk,during the day where I can learn there.Above the table hung ... My bedroom My bedroom in the sitting room next door,is my happy world.Behind my bed,there is a desk,during the day where I can learn there.Above the table hung ... My bedroom in the sitting room next door,is my happy world.Behind my bed,there is a desk,during the day where I can learn there.Above the table hung a m...

I named him Nicholas. Nicholas is a pure Husky dog. He was about 8 weeks when he first came to my home. We will have his birthday next week and he... i kept a cat since three years ago. It was a birthday present that my father bought for me. I named her Kitty. Her body was covered in fluffy white and thick fu... In My family, l. have. two. smart. pets. I. feel. is. very. lucky.Because. they. are. very. cut. They. name. is. KIMI. and. Kris.They. can. help. me. found. som...

1.grace 优美 2.eternity 永恒 3.tranquility 安宁 4.cherish 珍爱 5.pearl 珍珠 6.paradise 天堂 7.rainbow 彩虹 8.passion 热情 9.angle 天使 10.sweet 甜蜜 11.bless 祝... 1.grace 优美 2.eternity 永恒 3.tranquility 安宁 4.cherish 珍爱 5.pearl 珍珠 6.paradise 天堂 7.rainbow 彩虹 8.passion 热情 9.angle 天使 10.sweet 甜蜜 11.bless 祝... 优美 2.eternity 永恒 3.tranquility 安宁 4.cherish 珍爱 5.pearl 珍珠 6.paradise 天堂 7.rainbow 彩虹 8.passion 热情 9.angle 天使 10.sweet 甜蜜 11.bless 祝...


kittys friend 是单数第三人称用haskittys friends 是复数第三人称用have



KittyA good wellB well goodC good goodD well well

谁能告诉我Hello Kitty的简介

Kitty 猫诞生于1974年当时三丽鸥公司预定推出一款小钱包上面的图案希望能设计出一个崭新的人物。而Kitty的第一代设计师清水侑子在设计之初想到小孩子喜欢的动物不外乎小熊、小狗和小猫而已由于前两者早已推出过因此她便决定采用最喜欢的猫咪了因此这只系上红色蝴蝶结的


HelloKittyハローキティHarōKitiistheestknownofmanyfictionalcharactersproducedytheJapanesecompanySanrioHelloKittyisaverysimplydrawncharacterwhowascreatedin1974ytheSanrioCompanyinTokyoJapanRegisteredin1976HelloKittyisnowagloallyknowntrademark HELLOKIT

RTRT希望详细些 满意我会追加

hello kitty 新加坡

离多美歌地铁站很近的PLAZA SINGAPORE 里有店面不大 只有两间房大小而且在比较偏的角落通往RESTROOM的方向

新加坡的hello kitty专卖店把你知道的全说出来最好是自己亲自去过说说店面大不大在这里谢谢大家了

they are Kitty

原句应该是They are Kittys shoes句意他们是凯蒂的鞋子。注意Kittys是名词所有格。



