






X战警逆转未来超凡蜘蛛侠2美国队长2起风了敢死队3里约大冒险2庞贝末日星际穿越诺亚方舟明日边缘机器战警 极品飞车 300勇士摩纳哥王妃驯龙高手2三日刺杀大力神3D 希望帮到你 如果对你有用


哈利波特7 变形金刚三 机械师 蓝精灵 汽车总动员2 速度与激情5 加勒比海盗4



电影中那对夫妇拿着排除鬼魂的照片找到了一个通灵人通灵人接过照片和貌似很愤怒说了一堆日文 。因为电影没有日语翻译字幕说的那段是什么内容我也不知道谁知到的说一下那个通灵人到底说了什么




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The scene in the Hollywood

答案小题1D 小题2D 小题3C 小题4B 答案解析试题分析 小题1推理判断题。第三段“They figure out that the area where summer temperatures can fall to 40℃ has at least 900 000 years of snowfalls kept as nearly as the growth rings of a tree”说明科学

The scene in the Hollywood movie The Day After Tomorrow when gloal warming could soon turn the gloal climate into a new ice age may never occur according to a new research The next ice age could e 15000 years away say European scientists who last month announced a continuous record of 740000 years of climate data otained from the Antarctic ice Scientists from 10 nations have now almost completely drilled through a 3000meter depth of ice high in the Antarctic mainland They figure out that the area where summer temperatures can fall to – 40℃ has at least 900000 years of snowfalls kept as neatly as the growth rings of a tree And the ice and air caught in each layer层 have egun to answer questions aout the climates in the past The results show that there have een eight ice ages in the past 740 000 years and eight warmer periods And y comparing the pattern of gloal conditions today with those of the past the researchers reported in Nature that the present warm period could last another 15 000 years Research suggests that there is a very close connection etween greenhouse gas levels and gloal average temperatures It also shows that caron dioxide 二氧化碳 levels are the highest for at least 440000 years "If people say to you ‘the greenhouse effect is a good thing ecause we would go into an ice age otherwise’ our data say no a new ice age is not hanging over our heads” said Eric Wolff from the British Antarctic Survey "Now we have eight examples of how the climate goes in and out of ice ages… and you can learn what the rules are that go into the climate models that tell us aout the future" Scientists found that whenever temperatures rose in the frozen record so did caron dioxide level "In 440000 years we have never seen greenhouse gas get as thick as it is today" said Dr Wolff 小题1In drilling through the ice in Antarctica scientists have found that Athe lowest temperature there is – 40℃ Bthe depth of ice is 3000 meters Cthe ice has existed for 15000 years Dsnowfalls are kept in certain patterns 小题2The information of the gloal climate conditions in the past can e otained through Aseparating caron dioxide from the air Bexamining the growth rings of trees Ccomparing temperatures in different areas Dstudying the ice and air caught in each layer 小题3We can infer from Eric Wolffs words that Athere is something wrong with the data Bgreenhouse effect is always a ad thing Ca new ice age will not come in the near future Dgreenhouse gas will get thick in the future 小题4What would e the est title for the passage AResearch over the Antarctic area BWarm period to last aout 15 000 years CReport on the eight ice ages in the past DHollywood movies and the gloal climate

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