






HOLLYWOODA district of Los Angeles California Consolidated with Los Angeles in 1910 it has long een a film and entertainment center

求Michael ule Hollywood 歌词中文翻译

Michael Bulé HollywoodCould you e a teenage idol你能成为一个少年偶像吗Could you e a movie star你能成为一位电影明星吗When l turn on my tv当我打开电视Will you smile and wave at me telling Oparah who you are你会笑着对我挥手告诉奥普拉你是谁吗So you want to e a ro



1、holly是冬青的意思。2、例句1Holly like ivy and mistletoe is an evergreen冬青像常春藤和槲寄生一样是常绿植物。2Dr Hollys surgical deftness and experience霍利医生在手术方面的驾轻就熟和经验老道。3Well decorate the house with holly我们会用冬青树的树枝来装点房子。

what can hollywood present you 中文啥意思



美国电影制作的早期多数的电影都是在纽约制作的随着电影产业的发展电影公司开始搬迁到加利福尼亚南部的好莱坞那里明媚的阳光和相对长的白昼适于全年的电影制作此外那里也是个美丽的地方。 好莱坞地区的第一个电影工作室成立于1911年  。到1914年欧洲爆发第一次世界大

In the early years of American filmmakingmost films were made in New York AS the movie industry developmovie companies started moving to the Hollywood area in Southern CaliforniaThe sunny weather and longer days there were just right for making films all year roundBesidesit was a very eautiful place The first movie studio in the Hollywood area was set up in BY the time World War Istarted in Europe in 1914a numer of companies had set up studios in and around the Hollywood district of Los AngelesAfter World War Iended in 1918American movies ecame known all over the world Hollywood is also used to refer to the film and television industry in Southern California DWGriffith was the most important film director during the early years of HollywoodHe played in many films as an actor efore moving ehind the canera as a directorGriffith invented many filmmaking techniquesand they ecame standard in HollywoodHis work made more people interested in filmsLillian Gish called him "the father of film"and Charlie Chaplin called him"the teacher of us all"Though he had invented the art of modern cinemaGriffith spent the lastr fifteen years of his life unale to find work