





在不同的上下文可以有不同的意思,比如“说起好莱坞”“提到好莱坞”“就好莱坞而言”和“在我们说好莱坞的时候……” 在不同的上下文可以有不同的意思,比如“说起好莱坞”“提到好莱坞”“就好莱坞而言”和“在我们说好莱坞的时候……”

Hollywood,"a word here,a large sign on the height of 13.7 meters,is the famous building in Los Angeles,can often see it on film and television figure.So this is... Hollywood,"a word here,a large sign on the height of 13.7 meters,is the famous building in Los Angeles,can often see it on film and television figure.So this is... word here,a large sign on the height of 13.7 meters,is the famous building in Los Angeles,can often see it on film and television figure.So this is fo...

联想方式:a爱c吃t桃r仁e儿s酥s松 记忆方法:爱吃桃仁儿酥松的是女演员 actress,英语单词,作名词使用时,意为“女演员”。 短语搭配 Japanese actress日本女星 ; 翻译公司... 联想方式:a爱c吃t桃r仁e儿s酥s松 记忆方法:爱吃桃仁儿酥松的是女演员 actress,英语单词,作名词使用时,意为“女演员”。 短语搭配 Japanese actress日本女星 ; 翻译公司... 记忆方法:爱吃桃仁儿酥松的是女演员 actress,英语单词,作名词使用时,意为“女演员”。 短语搭配 Japanese actress日本女星 ; 翻译公司翻译公司 Hollywood actress好莱坞....


荷里活(Hollywood),中文意思翻译为好莱坞,是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市市区西北郊洛杉矶的世界闻名电影城。 荷里活(Hollywood),中文意思翻译为好莱坞,是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市市区西北郊洛杉矶的世界闻名电影城 。

好莱坞 荷里活(Hollywood),中文翻译为好莱坞,是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市市区西北郊洛杉矶的世界闻名电影城。 好莱坞 荷里活(Hollywood),中文翻译为好莱坞,是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市市区西北郊洛杉矶的世界闻名电影城。

move在这句是 搬家的意思 你这句话得结合上下文来看才知道到底用哪个词


我们一提到好莱坞,就会立刻想到电影和那些影星.他们只是好莱坞历史的一部分.现在人们也在别的地方制作电影,也不是所有的影星都住在好莱坞.但好莱坞仍是加利佛尼亚州落杉矶... 我们一提到好莱坞,就会立刻想到电影和那些影星.他们只是好莱坞历史的一部分.现在人们也在别的地方制作电影,也不是所有的影星都住在好莱坞.但好莱坞仍是加利佛尼亚州落杉矶... Bowl,这是世界上最大的露天剧院的其中之一,可以容纳17,000观众.舞台的设计很独特,由美国著名建筑师Frank Lloyd Wright设计.再这儿,你可以听到各种各样的音乐会.

Hollywood faithfully practice the function of its ideological state apparatuses, and the U.S. "ideological state apparatuses to be valid, effective and attracti... Hollywood faithfully practice the function of its ideological state apparatuses, and the U.S. "ideological state apparatuses to be valid, effective and attracti... faithfully practice the function of its ideological state apparatuses, and the U.S. "ideological state apparatuses to be valid, effective and attracti...


HOLLYWOODA district of Los Angeles California Consolidated with Los Angeles in 1910 it has long een a film and entertainment center

速度ltYounggthollywood undead歌翻译成中文

我们是年轻的 我们还远远没有 出生在这个世界上因为它所有分崩离析 我们强烈 我们不属于 出生在这个世界上因为它所有分崩离析 我看到孩子们在雨中游行之前一样的痛苦。 我看到了爱我看到仇恨我看到这个世界上我们可以 我看到生活中我看到天空。它提供一切地看到你飞

We are young We are far Born in this world as it all falls apart We are strong We dont elong Born in this world as it all falls apart I see the children in the rain like the parade efore the pain I see the love I see the hate I see this world that we can make I see life I see the sky Give it all to see you fly Yes we wave this flag of hatred ut youre the ones who made it Watch the eauty of all our lies passing right efore my eyes I hear the hate in all your words all the wars to make us hurt We get so sick of so sick we never wanted all this Medication for the kids with no reason to live So we March to the drums of the dammed as we come Watch it urn in the sun we are num We are young We are far Born in this world as it all falls apart We are strong we dont elong Born in this world as it all falls apart As we walk among the shadows the streets the field of attle Take it up we wear the medal raise your hands with urning candles Hear us whisper in the dark hear in the rain u see the spark Feel the eating of our heart fleeting hope as we depart All together walk alone against all weve ever known All weve ever really wanted was a place to call our home But you take all we are the innocence of our hearts Make us kneel efore the alter as you tear us apart So we March to the drums of the dammed as we come Watch it urn in the sun we are num We are young We are far Born in this world as it all falls apart We are strong we dont elong Born in this world as it all falls apart We will fight or we will fall till the angels sing our song We will fight or we will fall till the angels sing our song We will fight or we will fall till the angels sing our song We will fight or we will fall till the angels sing our song We are young We are far Born in this world as it all falls apart We are strong we dont elong Born in this world as it all falls apart We are young We are far Born in this world as it all falls apart We are strong we dont elong Born in this world as it all falls apart Lyrics y LK Lyrics Group Kevin Boul


美国电影制作的早期多数的电影都是在纽约制作的随着电影产业的发展电影公司开始搬迁到加利福尼亚南部的好莱坞那里明媚的阳光和相对长的白昼适于全年的电影制作此外那里也是个美丽的地方。 好莱坞地区的第一个电影工作室成立于1911年。到1914年欧洲爆发第一次世界大

In the early years of American filmmakingmost films were made in New York AS the movie industry developmovie companies started moving to the Hollywood area in Southern CaliforniaThe sunny weather and longer days there were just right for making films all year roundBesidesit was a very eautiful place The first movie studio in the Hollywood area was set up in BY the time World War Istarted in Europe in 1914a numer of companies had set up studios in and around the Hollywood district of Los AngelesAfter World War Iended in 1918American movies ecame known all over the world Hollywood is also used to refer to the film and television industry in Southern California DWGriffith was the most important film director during the early years of HollywoodHe played in many films as an actor efore moving ehind the canera as a directorGriffith invented many filmmaking techniquesand they ecame standard in HollywoodHis work made more people interested in filmsLillian Gish called him "the father of film"and Charlie Chaplin called him"the teacher of us all"Though he had invented the art of modern cinemaGriffith spent the lastr fifteen years of his life unale to find work

请英语能人帮忙给一个翻译英译中参考答案Aout Hollywood

好莱坞不是一个真正的城市它是洛杉矶的一部分也代表一种思考和生活的方式。好莱坞是以一种向冬青的植物命名的这种植物生长于洛杉矶的西部也就是最早制作电影的地方。 电影事业发源于1911成长迅速到1920年时它已经是洛杉矶的主要的产业。最初的电影是很短的没有声

Hollywood isn’t really a city it’s part of Los Angeles It’s also a way of thinking and living Hollywood was named for a plant that looked like holly and covered the ground in west Los Angeles where movies were first made The movie usiness started aout 1911 and grew fast By 1920 it was a major industry in Los Angeles The first movies were short They had no sound so someone in the theater played a piano or organ during the movie The dialogue was printed on the movie screen Cecil B DeMille made the first ig epic movie The Birth of a Nation In 1928 Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse was first seen in the cartoon Steamoat Willy The first movie with sound The Jazz Singer was a success overnight In 1932 the first fullcolor cartoon was Disney’s Flowers and Trees Soon many movies were made with sound and in color The film industry continued to grow Unknown men and women ecame stars overnight People followed famous actors and actresses everywhere They ought newspapers to read aout the lives of their favorite stars … Hollywood still attracts people with its magic ut not many movies are made in Hollywood today Many of the old studios are used for television shows People still rememer the great days of Hollywood however and visit Mann’s Chinese Theater where they can step into the concrete footprints of famous stars and pretend for a while

迈克尔杰克逊的Hollywood Tonight 歌词和中文翻译是什么

歌词 Lipstick in hand Tahitian tanned In her painted on jeans She dreams of fame She changed her name To one that fits the movie screen She’s headed for the ig time that means She’s going Hollywood She’s going Hollywood tonight She’s going Hollywood She’s going

what can hollywood present you 中文啥意思


hollywood tonight 中文歌词人工翻译

Hollywood Tonight Michael Jackson Lipstick in hand 手拿口红 Tahitian tanned 塔希提人般的棕褐肤色 In her painted on jeans 着色在她的牛仔裤上 She dreams of fame 她渴望名扬四海 She changed her name To one that fits the movie screen 她为了电影屏幕改了适合的名字 She’s h