






Ceremony 表示比较正式的典礼特别在政府宗教或者教育的方面。Celeration 总是表示人家在庆祝很高兴的事。在美国"celeration" 跟 "party" 差不多一样。有 celeration 的时候我们通常一起吃饭 吃蛋糕送礼物有时候会跳舞等等。 Celeration 不必有客人来就你家人也可以算 cele



While cultural holidays are celerated the injustices exper


While cultural holidays are celerated the injustices experienced y Asian Americans are not exposed in elementary school classrooms以下哪个选项可以作为题干的定位词A、cultural holidaysAsian AmericansC、elementary school classrooms

While cultural holidays are celerated the injustices e


36 While cultural holidays are celerated the injustices experienced y Asian Americans are not exposed in elementary school classrooms36 While cultural holidays are celerated the injustices experienced y Asian Americans are not exposed in elementary school classrooms37 Little information can e found aout Chinese immigrants in the author39s school lirary38 A middle school teacher is making a great effort to help students learn aout the contriutions made y Chinese immigrants to America39 No Asian Americans were included in the list of historical figures recommended for study in K12 classrooms40 There is an ovious lack of teachers with a multicultural perspective to meet the curriculum challenges in America41 Students of ethnic ackgrounds learn etter from a multicultural curriculum42 Now more and more high schools in America are including ethnic studies in their curriculums43 A study of some K12 textooks and teacher manuals showed that Asian Americans were inadequately and improperly represented in them44 When taking a class in college the author realized that a lot of information aout Asian Americans was left out of the textooks he studied45 An AsianAmerican studies professor placed greater emphasis on teacher training than on teachers39 ackground请选出题干中适合作定位词的内容。A、cultural holidaysB、are celeratedC 、injusticesD、experienced yAsian AmericansF、are not exposed inG、elementary school classrooms


celerating庆祝双语对照词典结果celeratingvt庆祝现在进行时 ing形式v庆祝庆贺 celerate的现在分词 主持宗教仪式尤指圣餐 颂扬 赞美以上结果来自金山词霸例句1But health officials stopped short of celerating但是健康官员停止了短暂的庆祝。

The confidence of the Chinese film makers y Avatar the


ThenspconfidencenspofnspthenspChinesenspfilmnspmakersnspynspAvatarnspthenspreleasenspofnsphasnspnotnsponlynspsetnspanspgoodnspexamplenspfornspthenspChinesenspfilmnspindustrynsputnspalsonspemarrassednspournspdirectorsnspwhonsplacknspprofessionalnspethics Ahas lown which Bhave lown that Chas een lown which Dhave een lown that

the 82nd academy ceremony honoring the est in film for 2009为什么


In the US Mother39s Day is a holiday celerated on有关celerated

被动语态啊47因为holiday 是被celerated

In the US Mother39s Day is a holiday celerated on second Sunday in May请问这句话不是一般现在时吗为什么celerate d 了


Academy of Motion Pictrue Arts and Scisences Berlin International Film Festival 柏林国际电影节 Shanghai International Film Festival 上海国际电影节 Cannes International Film Festival 戛纳国际电影节 Montreal World Film Festival 蒙特利尔国际电影节 New York Film Festival 纽约电影节 S

下面是享誉世界的几大电影节。你知道它们在哪里举办吗它们颁发的奖项叫什么 Academy of Motion Pictrue Arts and Scisences Berlin International Film Festival Shanghai International Film Festival Cannes International Film Festival Montreal World Film Festival New York Film Festival Sydney Film Festival Stockholm International Film Festival Taiwan Golden Horse Film Festival Chicago International Film Festival

The film Roman Holidays is a film AactionBroma


The film Roman Holidays is a film nspnspnspnsp Aaction Bromantic Ccartoon Dscience fiction
