





world for her eautiful smile and graceful style as Hollywood actress and

格蕾丝·凯利 Grace kelly人名作为好莱坞的女演员和xxand xx 这里你漏写了因其美丽的微笑和高雅的风格而广为人知。

Los Angeles June 14 2006 – Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah was

试题难度难度偏易 试题类型阅读理解 试题内容 Los Angeles June 14 2006 – Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah was arrested yesterday after spending two weeks sitting in a walnut tree on an uran farm a few kilometers from downtown Los Angeles She was one of 40 people including celerities from the music and movie world who were protesting at the proposed destruction of the 14 – acre farm Police officers cut away ranches from the tree and used a fire engine to reach Ms Hannah and her co – protester environmentalist John Quigley The two of them raised their fists in defiance反抗as they were removed Protesters some of whom had chained themselves to concrete –filled arrels桶said that it was essential to keep the farm operating as it provided food for hundreds of poor families in the area Aout 350 people grow produce and flowers on the farm which has een there for more than a decade and is situated in an inner –city area surrounded y warehouses and railroad tracks However the local authority recently approved plans for the area to e cleared and redeveloped for the construction of a huge new warehouse Ms Hannah 45 star of films such as Splash and Kill Bill was not thrilled aout eing arrested “But I felt it was important to show my support for the people” she said “This farm should e a model for sustainale 可持续的 uran agriculture It needs to e replicated not eradicated” The record length for a tree protest is held y a woman called Julia Hill who remained on top of a 30metrehigh redwood tree in Northern California for 738 days from Decemer 1997 to Decemer 1999 She was successful in saving the tree and those around it from destruction Ms Hill was also at the Los Angeles uran farm project this week ut her presence failed to stop the inevitale 不可避免的 No sooner had the protesters een removed than earthmoving machines moved in and egan to clear the land 246 1Daryl Hannah was involved in a protest to Asave an agricultural city farm from destruction Bsave a farm outside Los Angeles that provided jos for the poor Ccomplain to the local council aout all their development plans Dstop the police and fire department from cutting down trees 2What did the protesters do A40 of them chained themselves to trees BThey climed trees with celerities and refused to come down CThey all chained themselves to large pieces of concrete DThey fought with the police 3What did Daryl Hannah mean when she said “It needs to e replicated not eradicated” in the third paragraph AThe new warehouse much provide jos for the poor BMore farms should grow food for the cites not fewer CThe city farm was a model to e copied not destroyed DThe plans must e reconsidered and changed 4What happened after the protesters were removed AThey uilt the warehouse immediately BThey had hardly left when construction of the new uilding started CAs soon as they were gone heavy machines cut down the trees DThe farm was saved

From the headlines aout Hollywood actors performing on the


From the headlines aout Hollywood actors performing on the London stage it would e easy to conclude that the relationship was one way―in short that American film stars stream over to the West End to give its ox office a oost If truth e told the flow is two way and has een so for quite a while What has changed of late however is the pace of the exchange The recent headlines aout American stars taking over the London stage oscures a much more symiotic relationship etween Broadway and the West End that’s rooted as much in an exchange of ideas and material as in talent alone The exchange of performers etween the West End and the Great White Way is tightly controlled y Equity the separate ut similarly named actors’ unions on either side of the Atlantic The asurd rule is one American actor in the West End for one British actor on Broadway This also applies to entire productions For instance David Leveaux’s production of Tom Stoppard’s play "The Real Thing" transferred from London to Broadway in 2000 in exchange for Michael Mayer’s "Side Man" The enefits of exchanges can still e huge especially for the actors A Broadway reak for a British performer can e the start of a Hollywood career while American stars can accrue considerale kudos for their acting credentials y appearing on the London stage The West End is also considered a more amenale and less cutthroat launching pad for productions―especially those of a sensitive nature such as 2004’s surprise hit "Guantdnamo" a political docudrama aout life in Guantanamo Bay prison camp The play’s director Nicolas Kent points out that ecause Broadway is governed largely y what one particular newspaper the New York Times thinks aout a production many producers and playwrights prefer not to risk previewing a new work on Broadway Maria Ruin a coproducer of the recent West End hit "Festen" reckons that "the more a piece is nurtured in London the etter its chance of succeeding on Broadway " The play’s West End run was extended twice and will transfer to Broadway this autumn For the British the main attraction of a Broadway run is financial although the stakes are high as it costs aout three times as much to launch in New York as in London Certainly ox offices on oth sides of the Atlantic have een oosted y the increased amount of crosspollination etween the two most prolific stages in the Englishspeaking world Expect to see relations etween Broadway and the West End get even more incestuous in the year aheadWhat might e the est title for the passagearry Weissler a producer and winner of five Tony awards for revivals such as "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Chicago" elieves the relationship continues to flourish ecause of the contrasting acting traditions on either side of the Atlantic "We give London more open spontaneous and gutsy acting while the United Kingdom gives us more disciplined and artistically trained actors "Broadway and West EndSymiotic Relationship etween Broadway and West EndThe BritishAmerican Exchange of FilmsRoads to Film Production

Hollywood movies are regula

答案 小题1C 小题2F 小题3B 小题4E 小题5G 答案解析试题分析文章讲述了印度的电影业Bollywood是印度电影产业的基地并讲述了印度电影的风格浪漫幽默轻松 。所以在好莱坞电影里面充斥的暴力色情印度电影里是没有的。所以印度电影在世界舞

Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence They can e exciting films ut sometimes all you want is a little lighthearted entertainment Have you heard of Bollywood All singing all dancing and unrealistic it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies Bollywood is the Indian film industry ased in Mumai formerly known as Bomay 小题1 Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world This year the Indian Filmgare Awards Bollywoods Oscars turn 50 years old The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients a cup of romance a teaspoon of comedy a dash of international sightseeing served with a huge slice of singing and dancing There will also e one rave hero one eautiful heroine and one addie 小题2 Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries 小题3 The actors change clothes and locations within a single song But the audience dont mind To Indian movie lovers especially the poor such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troules The films tell them the impossile is possile and that true love conquers all 小题4 Behind the eautiful scenes Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values In most films if two lovers want to reak an arranged marriage they cant just run away They must win over their parents Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those overstimulating Hollywood films 小题5 They will take you to a righter cheerier and more colorful world where its still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song ABollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage BThere is never any mention of politics poverty or war CMost Chinese school kids have proaly never seen an Indian film DBollywood films are mostly comic romances with lighthearted incidental music E Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values FThe result is a funfilled musical GSo if youre tired of all that Hollywood actions check out the following Bollywood films

Audrey Hepurn is one of Hollywood’s alltime greatest actress She is

试题难度难度中档 试题类型阅读理解 试题内容Audrey Hepurn is one of Hollywood’s alltime greatest actress She is famous not only in the USA ut also in other parts of the world Hepurn was orn in Belgium on May 4 1929 She egan taking allet 芭蕾 lessons at a very young age She loved dancing and her dream was to ecome a successful allet dancer She had put most of her effort into allet training efore she entered the film industry In 1951 Hepurn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman罗马 Holiday It was a ig success and Hepurn ecame famous immediately She won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film During her life time Hepurn earned four more Oscar nominations提名 Some wellknown films that she acted in include Funny Face Breakfast at Tiffany and My Fair Lady Hepurn also devoted much of her time to charity慈善 She spent the last few years of her life working closely with UNICEF to help poor children in different parts of the world She was honoured with a numer of awards奖励 ecause of her efforts in helping them 小题1Hepurn was orn in AUSA BBelguim CItaly DEngland小题2Her dream was to ecome a successful when she was very youngAsinger Btrainer Cdancer Ddirector小题3 made Hepurn a ig successARoman Holidays BFunny Face CBreakfast at Tiffany’sDMy Fair Lady小题4Hepurn was honoured with a numer of awards ecause she Aacted in many films Bwas good at allet Cgave everything to others Ddid her est to help poor children

new Holleywood movie


这个翻译是是新好莱坞电影还是好莱坞新电影 打错了是Hollywood



James action movies

正确答案 43 doesn"t like解析由对话中“I dont like ac tion movies”可知。“doesn"t like解析由对话中"l like comedies and romances”可知James不喜欢action mov ies

James action movies

As one of Hollywood’s alltime greatest actress Audrey Hepurn is


As one of Hollywood’s alltime greatest actress Audrey Hepurn is famous all over the world When Hepurn died in 1993 the world mourned the loss of a great eauty a great actress and a great humanitarian Born in Belgium on 4th May 1929 Hepurn dreamed of ecoming a successful allet dancer She had also een a model efore she entered the film industry In 1951 while acting in Monte Carlo Bay Hepurn met the famous French writer Colette who was attracted y Hepurn’s eauty and charm She insisted that Hepurn was the perfect girl to play the lead role in Gigi a play ased on her novel That event marked the eginning of Hepurn’s successful career Shortly after Hepurn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday It was a ig success and earned her an Oscar for Best Actress She also won a Tony Award for the play Ondine During her lifetime Hepurn earned four more Oscar nominations In 1989 she made her final appearance in her last film Always and played the role of an angel Throughout her acting years she acted in only one TV series Gardens of the world with Audrey Hepurn By showing us the eauty of nature Hepurn wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment Hepurn is rememered not just as a great actress ut also as a great humanitarian She was honoured with a numer of awards ecause of her efforts in her charity work In 1992 the President of the United States presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom In 1991 Hepurn discovered that she had cancer In 1993 at the age of 63 she passed away peacefully in her sleep1Which of the following is the correct order according to the events a People mourned her death She was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom c Her successful film career egan d She earned an Oscar for Best Actress e She met the French writer ColetteAaecd Baedc Cecda Decda 2Her successful career lasted aout yearsA60 B50 C40 D30 3People rememer Hepurn not only as a great actress ut also as Aa kind lady Ba rave lady Ca wise lady Dan attractive lady