





damage our confidence


damage our confidence选出单词的同义词A、hit our confidenceB、ruin our societyC、promote our cooperation

Behind the department stor

答案D 答案解析试题分析句意百货商店后有很多废品是不是 反意疑问句是英语四大问句之一它是由一个陈述句加上一个短问句而构成的。反意疑问句的基本构成形式是陈述句动词肯定或否定主语反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应

Behind the department store there used to much waste Ahave usedn’t itBeing usedn’t thereCe usedn’t itDe usedn’t there

The reason is he has no confidence in himself A which B


The reason is he has no confidence in himself Awhich Bthat Cthis Dit

好莱坞 yan zhao 完整版的求大神相助

楼主你好这是百度知道唯一的一份真实种子诚信答题。 赶快下载等下就会被屏蔽了屏蔽后可以私信我 收到请点赞过期不候拿种采纳谢谢 很抱歉回答者上传的附件已失效

Auditors have a professional duty of confidentiality under A

正确答案D Inthecaseofsituations1and4theauditorhasanoligationtodisclosedetailsoftheirclients’affairstothirdpartiesSituations2and3areoneswherevoluntarydisclosureshouldemade

Auditors have a professional duty of confidentiality under ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct voluntary disclosure of information may e necessary in certain situations For which TWO of the following situations should an auditor make VOLUNTARY disclosure 1 If an auditor knows or suspects his client is engaged in money laundering 2 Where disclosure is made to nongovernmental odies 3 Where it is in the pulic interest to disclose 4 If an auditor suspects his client has committed terrorist offences A1 and 4 B1 and 3 C2 and 4 D2 and 3 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢

the Definitive Performances 是什么电影

这个不是电影吧这个好像是一个音乐专辑的。Movie music

Final clarification and negotiation with potential candidates on XX 求翻译

您好原文并不是一句话在没有上下文的情况下意思是 与有潜力的候选人关于XXX的最终说明与协商