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Sound Horizon的照片

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sound horizon伊丽莎白的一张图片的大图

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New picture

答案 小题1A 小题2C 小题3D 小题4A 答案解析试题分析 小题1推理题由第一段第一行y the 18th century Dutch painter Jan van Os可以推出答案故选A。 小题2细节题。由第二段y three Spanish painters of this period—Paret Melendez and Franci

New picture The National Gallery now has a fine still life y the 18th century Dutch painter Jan van OsThis large picture 891 cm x 71cm of flowers and fruit is painted in light right colours on woodIt is one of the first pictures of this type in the GalleryThe picture is signed and dated 1777 and 1778It is not unusual for a picture to e dated two years the artist waited for particular flowers to come out in their different seasons in order to paint themThis picture was given to the Gallery y Miss Violet Churchman in memory of her sister Ida Nancy It is now on show in Room 25 Special exhiition The exhiition "Painting in Spain During the Late 18th Century" opened in the Sunley Room on 15 MarchRecently the Gallery has ought works y three Spanish painters of this period—Paret Melendez and Francisco Bayeu who are the focus of the exhiitionThese three artists are also joined y Franciscos rother Ramon y Antonio Gonzalez and two Italians who worked in Spain during these years—Corrado Giaquinto and Giovanni Battista TiepoloThe exhiition runs until 31 May Lecture news Lectures will e given along with the special exhiition every WednesdayOn 8 April Lizzie Barker will discuss the work of Melendez while on 15 April Sarah Symmons will lecture on Luis PatterOn 22 and 29 April Juliet Wilson will talk aout Francisco BayeuOn 25 April a Saturday Erika Langmuir will explain how artists often "tell a story" through their pictures 小题1What does "still life" in Paragraph 1 proaly mean AA painting of unmoving ojectsBA picture of a country scene CA drawing done in pencilDA portrait shown in a pulic place 小题2How many artists paintings are on show at the special exhiition AThreeBFiveCSevenDEight 小题3Which speaker will lecture on a general topic rather than on particular artists AJuliet Wilson BLizzie Barker CSarah SymmonsDErika Langmuir 小题4Where will this passage most proaly e found AIn the ooklet of a galleryBIn a textook CIn an academic magazineDIn a picture alum