





moonlight shadow歌词

The last that ever she saw him 她最后一次看到他时候 Carried away y a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 He passed on worried and warning 他表现出忧虑和警告 Carried away y a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Lost in a river last saturday night 消失在上个星期六晚上 F


moonlightshadow歌词加翻译 Thelastthatevershesawhim她最后一次看到他时候 Carriedawayyamoonlightshadow因为月夜光影而悸动 Hepassedonworriedandwarning他表现出忧虑和警告 Carriedawayyamoonlightshadow因为月夜光影而悸动 Lostinariddlethatsaturdaynight消失于星期

starwereglowinginthesilverynight老是听不出是starsmoving还是starwasglowin 反正就是请教下这句到底是star什么我说的是DanaWinner版的谢谢

33Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sison39


33Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sison39s edroom skylight天窗 Sison was shaken y a clap of thunder16 he knew what was happening The storm had moved directly17 his twostory wooden house Then he heard the smoke alarm eepingSison rushed down the stairs arefoot to18 he opened the door to the asement地下室 and flames19 out Sison ran ack upstairs to call 911 from his edroom "I felt20 ecause the room had a separate outdoor stairway" he explainsBut the phone didn39t work and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway he was21 y a wall of flames Sison realized he was trapped困住Sison39s house was three kilometers22 the main road and was so well hidden y trees that he knew calling for help would e23 Up a hill neary lived Sison39s neighor Huggons He was lying in ed when something like a smoke alarm24 his ears He jumped out of ed took his25 and flashlight and headed down the hillside toward the26 That was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke Huggons dialed 911 and the operator warned him not to27 the house But Huggons said "There is no way I am going to listen to Sison28 and die in that fire""Anyone there" Huggons called out Then he heard "Help I39m trapped" coming from the secondfloor alcony阳台 He entered the house ut soon had to run ack to catch his29 After one more30 inside the house Huggons gave up and 31 around ackThe wind parted the smoke just32 for him to catch sight of Sison But there was no way to get to him He33 the flashlight into the woods and noticed a ladder He took it over to the alcony and34 Sison down just as the second floor of the house fell offSison is still35 when he tells the story "I was alone that night" he says "Then I heard the most eautiful sound in my life It was Huggons"A、ledB、putC 、droveD、shone

35Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sison39


35Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sison39s edroom skylight天窗 Sison was shaken y a clap of thunder16 he knew what was happening The storm had moved directly17 his twostory wooden house Then he heard the smoke alarm eepingSison rushed down the stairs arefoot to18 he opened the door to the asement地下室 and flames19 out Sison ran ack upstairs to call 911 from his edroom "I felt20 ecause the room had a separate outdoor stairway" he explainsBut the phone didn39t work and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway he was21 y a wall of flames Sison realized he was trapped困住Sison39s house was three kilometers22 the main road and was so well hidden y trees that he knew calling for help would e23 Up a hill neary lived Sison39s neighor Huggons He was lying in ed when something like a smoke alarm24 his ears He jumped out of ed took his25 and flashlight and headed down the hillside toward the26 That was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke Huggons dialed 911 and the operator warned him not to27 the house But Huggons said "There is no way I am going to listen to Sison28 and die in that fire""Anyone there" Huggons called out Then he heard "Help I39m trapped" coming from the secondfloor alcony阳台 He entered the house ut soon had to run ack to catch his29 After one more30 inside the house Huggons gave up and 31 around ackThe wind parted the smoke just32 for him to catch sight of Sison But there was no way to get to him He33 the flashlight into the woods and noticed a ladder He took it over to the alcony and34 Sison down just as the second floor of the house fell offSison is still35 when he tells the story "I was alone that night" he says "Then I heard the most eautiful sound in my life It was Huggons"A、nervousB、surprisedC、proudD、thankful

shoot the moon月亮哼的什么曲子

英俚夜逃 为避债乘黑夜搬家

time for the moon night

GFriend Time For The Moon Night 歌曲下载地址已发送到你的百度私信 请及时下载 若看不了私信可以追问 选择发送邮箱或者百度云盘 同求资源的请去百度提问 问题地址发我百度私信


月光之影 那是她最后一次见到他 因月之阴影而悄然离去 他消逝于忧虑和警示中 因月之阴影而悄然离去 他沉溺于上周末的河中 在遥远的那边消遁无形 他就这样死于这场决斗中 而她不知道之后该如何度过 树林在黄昏时分的低语 因月之阴影而悄然远去 唱一首悲伤的挽歌吧 因月之阴影


nightwish无人唱的曲子有两首最著名的 一首是老夜愿的 Moondance 纯金属乐 另一首是新夜愿的 Last of the Wilds 不过这首乐曲其实还有一首鲜为人知的芬兰语版 名为 Eramaan viimeinen 不过演唱者不是乐队成员 不知对楼主有没有帮助
