






dj lhasa remix edit20Madonna Hung Up21真爱 罗百吉22今夜的DJ23Fantasya24I Only Want To Be With You25超重低音的士高26向前冲 罗 DJ现场70Lick It71deep ET VsA英文狂嗨现场窜烧73经典慢摇 黑火74rock dj75世界DJ现场 香港d音工厂76Moonlight Shadow Dance77


一个较为抒情的moonlight shadow版本

Dana WinnerDana Winner翻唱的Moonlight Shadow是比较有代表性的。这版本充满欧陆民谣风节奏由慢而快开始的时候是很柔和舒服当渐渐步入高潮时节奏就开始轻快女歌手的声音如月光般清澈透明仿佛穿透了云层自窗外天空飘了进来轻快的节奏会让人随着节奏而翩翩起舞。D

歌词是001962The last that ever she saw him002534carried away y a moonlight shadow003015He passed on worried and warning003545carried away y a moonlight shadow004053Lost in the riddle last Saturday night004576far away on the other side005011he was caught in the middle of a desperate fight005515and she couldn39t find how to push through010083moonlight shadow oh moonlight shadow010578carried away y a moon011010aamoonlight shadow ohohoh moonlight shadow011543far away012231The trees that whisper in the evening012856carried away y a moonlight shadow013320Sing the song of sorrow and grieving013923carried away y a moonlight shadow014372All she saw was a silhouette of a gun014869far away on the other side015356he was shot six times y a man on the run015861and she couldn39t find how to push through020403moonlight shadow oh moonlight shadow020908carried away y a moon021282aamoonlight shadow ohohoh moonlight shadow021907far away022579ear was Four am in the morning023174carried away y a moonlight shadow023662I watched your vision forming024166carried away y a moonlight shadow024683Star was glowin39 in a slivery night025195far away on the other side025635will you come to talk to me this night030172ut she couldn39t find how to push through030649I stay I pray I see you in heaven far away031824I stay I pray I see you in heaven one day032934moonlight shadow oh moonlight shadow033521carried away y a moon033860aamoonlight shadow ohohoh moonlight shadow034478far away034999moonlight shadow oh moonlight shadow035492carried away y a moon035880aamoonlight shadow ohohoh moonlight shadow040520far away

光晕 音乐

我有 那几首歌等着我星期六上完课给你

光晕中进入菜单那首恢弘的背景音乐哪里可以下载到呢 据说叫真理与和谐组曲 谁有也可以发到邮箱413159369qqcom

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比利时女歌手Dana Winner的版本最好听

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估计很难找到的为 上面都不是的

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谁有Ellie Goulding Lights Bassnectar Remix版本的


注Ellie Goulding Lights Bassnectar Remix版本 需要视频址谢谢

moonlight shadow 谁唱的好听不好听

Moonlight Shadow 月影下的祈祷 据说这首1983年问世的曲子原是为纪念甲克虫乐队The Beatles被枪杀的主唱约翰列侬John Lennon而作  。 比利时的Dana Winner这首歌是她的经典曲目 。再听一遍Moonlight Shadow还是觉得无比的空灵前奏琴声有些许哀伤而之后Dana清丽的嗓