





英文:navigating the research university中文:通过研究大学很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果... 英文:navigating the research university中文:通过研究大学很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果... the research university中文:通过研究大学很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采...

航行 [háng xíng]基本翻译sail or fly (in air, water, or space)to navigate网络释义航行:SAILING-|Nav.Navigatingornavigation航行日志:Log book|log航行灯:navigation... 航行 [háng xíng]基本翻译sail or fly (in air, water, or space)to navigate网络释义航行:SAILING-|Nav.Navigatingornavigation航行日志:Log book|log航行灯:navigation...

The word "navigating" Para 1 most proaly means A

正确答案B 词义理解题。navigate的本意是“导航”前文的mentallyrotatinganoject…orfindingtheirwayaround都是与空间和位置相关的意思包括后文所说的GPS都是跟“导航”有关因此navigating在此处的意思与B项guiding引路相近因此正确答案是B。

The word "navigating" Para 1 most proaly means Avoyaging Bguiding Cpiloting Dmaneuvering 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析谢谢


NavigatingRisk 操作风险 请采纳






When using the radar for navigatingthe est fix is otained y using a tangent earing and a rangeand using two radar ranges for a fixthe ojects of the ranges should e close to reciprocal earingsand using rangesthe most rapidly changing range should e measured lastand crossing a radar range of one oject with the visual earing of a second ojectthe two ojects should e 80degto 110degapart


native 英ˈneɪtɪv 美ˈnetɪvadj 本国的土著的天生的天真的纯朴的n 当地人土著人当地产的动植物名词复数natives例句Even its native pearl industry was on its last legs甚至连它本地的珍珠产业也不行了。



When navigating in thick fog with the radar onyou shouldstation the lookout in the wheelhouse to keep a continuous watch on the radarsecure the sounding of fog signals until a vessel closes within five milesstation a lookout as low down and far forward as possilekeep the radar on the shortest availale range for early detection of approaching vessel

Staying Smart Advice on Navigating Your Career Millions of

正确答案A 解析细节题。题文为“环境的变化可能全导致员工事业的转折”。题干的中心是环境变化会导致什么样的后果。文中提到环境变化是在第二段。其中提到“环境改变会导致公司的战略转型。但更直接地还会给公司的员工带来事业的转折”。本段第二句的"they"指代的就是

Staying Smart Advice on Navigating Your Career Millions of career changes occur each year Some are natural ut many more occur in adverse circumstances Other forces at work today further alter the work environment The Internet tidal wave destroys existing usiness methods and creates new ones Many jos get shaken up in the process In 1998 the momentum of the Asian economies went from fastforward to reverse With their appetite for new products and services these countries had fueled economic growth all over the world The change in their fortunes has affected and untold numer of careers throughout the world Clearly environmental changes like these eget strategic inflection points for companies Even more acutely however they ring career inflection points to the employees of those companies Your Career is Your Business Every person whether he is an employee or selfemployed is like an individual usiness Your career is your usiness and you are its CEO Just like the CEO of a large corporation you must respond to market forces head off competitors and e alert to the possiility that what you are doing can e done in a different way You must protect your career from harm and position yourself to enefit from changes in the operating environment This usiness of one often encounters a defining point where an action you take will determine whether your career ounces upward or slumps into decline Let"s call it a career inflection point A career inflection point most often results from a sutle ut profound shift in the operating environment in which you work a shift that demands that you respond with action This action will not necessarily introduce an immediate discontinuity into your career ut it may unleash forces that in time will have a lasting and significant effect A strategic inflection point reflects a wrenching moment in the life of a company ut the effort of navigating through it is spread among memers of a community Career inflection points are more intense ecause everything rests on the shoulders of one individual —you Career inflection points happen to everyone Consider the ease of a usiness journalist I know This man used to e a anker He was happily and productively employed until the day he went to work and learned that his employer had een acquired y a larger ank In short order he was out of a jo He then ecame a stockroker For a while things went well and the future looked promising However a short time efore we met online rokerage firms started to appear Several of this man"s clients left him preferring to do their usiness with lowcost online firms The handwriting was on the wall This time our man decided to make his move early He had always had an interest in and aptitude for writing Building on the financial knowledge he had already acquired he found himself a jo as a usiness journalist a less lucrative position ut one less likely to e done in y technology This transition Was not as traumatic 痛苦而难忘的 as the move from hank to rokerage this time he had initiated it rather than waiting for change to e forced on him y outside forces To know whether you"re facing a career inflection point you must e alert to changes in your environment Working inside an organization you"re often sheltered from the world at large In some ways you tacitly relinquish 放弃 responsiility for your welfare to your employer But if you take your eyes off the environment in which your company operates you may e the last to know of potential changes that could have an impact on your career The Mental Fire Drill You should train yourself to look for strategic inflection points that may affect your career Simply put you need to e a little paranoid aout your career One way to do this is to go through a mental fire drill AY BN CNG

Staying Smart Advice on Navigating Your Career Millions of

正确答案A 解析细节题。题文为“环境的变化可能会导致员工事业的转折”。题干的中心是环境变化会导致什么样的后果。文中提到环境变化是在第二段。其中提到“环境改变会导致公司的战略转型。但更直接地还会给公司的员工带来事业的转折”。本段第二句的“they”指代的

Staying Smart Advice on Navigating Your Career Millions of career changes occur each year Some are natural ut many more occur in adverse circumstances Other forces at work today further alter the work environment The Internet tidal wave destroys existing usiness methods and creates new ones Many jos get shaken up in the process In 1998 the momentum of the Asian economies went from fastforward to reverse With their appetite for new products and services these countries had fueled economic growth all over the world The change in their fortunes has affected and untold numer of careers throughout the world Clearly environmental changes like these eget strategic inflection points for companies Even more acutely however they ring career inflection points to the employees of those companies Your Career is Your Business Every person whether he is an employee or selfemployed is like an individual usiness Your career is your usiness and you are its CEO Just like the CEO of a large corporation you must respond to market forces head off competitors and e alert to the possiility that what you are doing can e done in a different way You must protect your career from harm and position yourself to enefit from changes in the operating environment This usiness of one often encounters a defining point where an action you take will determine whether your career ounces upward or slumps into decline Let"s call it a career inflection point A career inflection point most often resets from a sutle ut profound shift in the operating environment in which you work a shift that demands that you respond with action This action will not necessarily introduce an immediate discontinuity into your career ut it may unleash forces that in time will have a lasting and significant effect A strategic inflection point reflects a wrenching moment in the life of a company hot the effort of navigating through it is spread among memers of a community Career inflection points are more intense ecause everything rests on the shoulders of one individual — you Career inflection points happen to everyone Consider the case of a usiness journalist I know This man used to e a anker He was happily and productively employed until the day he went to work and learned that his employer had een acquired y a larger ank In short order he was out of a jo He then ecame a stockroker For a while things went well and the future looked promising However a short time efore we met online rokerage firms started to appear Several of this man"s clients left him preferring to do their usiness with lowcost online firms The handwriting was on the wall This time our man decided to make his move early He had always had an interest in and aptitude for writing Building on the financial knowledge he had already acquired he found himself a jo as a usiness journalist a less lucrative position ut one less likely to e done in y technology This transition was not as traumatic 痛苦而难忘的 as the move from ank to rokerage this time he had initiated it rather than waiting for change to e forced on him y outside forces To know whether you"re facing a career inflection point you must e alert to changes in your environment Working inside an organization you"re often sheltered from the world at large In some ways you tacitly relinquish 放弃 responsiility for your wefare to your employer But if you take your eyes off the environment in which your company operates you may e the last to know of potential changes that could have an impact on your career The Mental Fire Drill You should train yourself to look for strategic inflection points that may affect your career Simply put you need to e a little paranoid aout your career One way to do this is to go through a mental AY BN CNG



Particular care is needed when navigating in the vicinity ofas very few of these features have een fully surveyed to modern standards to determine their correct positionfull extentor the least depth over themSW of Cocos Islandsoceanic dangers or seamountsundiscovered dangersthe continental shelf

When ship navigating in rough sea the first measure taken


When ship navigating in rough sea the first measure taken y the chief engineer to prevent the overload should ecleaning fuel oil luricating oil and seawater filterreducing fuel feeding of the main engine appropriately or reducing the pitch angle of propellerusing low sea chestclosing the skylight and the ventilation opening which doesnrsquot affect the normal work of equipment